Saturday, May 28, 2022

Best Posts From "News From Barbaria" -- 12/20 Through May 28, 2022


Here Is Where Contemporary 'Conservatism' Ran Off The Rails: America's Cultural Crisis Distills To The Ascertainment Of Social, Political And Historical Truth. The Linchpin Question Is This... Will Absolutism/Authoritarianism Rule Our Epistemological Mindscape? Or Will Intellectual Rigor And Multifaceted Contextualization Prevail?"

In Aspiring To Be Like The Angels We Fall Lower Than The Beasts: The Seductive Allure Of "Too Pure Principles"

Compendium Of G.K. Chesterton Posts

Gun Violence: "If Ever More Guns Make America Safer, Why Are We Not Already The Safest Country In The World?" N.B. At The Pearly Gates, St. Peter Will Ask This Question To Everyone. Your Answer Will Be A Litmus For Admission

Gun Cartoons

"When The Cost Of Liberty Is An Occasional Massacre" by Jamelle Bouie, New York Times Columnist

"Why The Past Ten Years Of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid... And It’s Not Just A Phase." By Jonathan Haidt, Illustrations by Nicolás Ortega

My Most Frequently Visited Memes (As Of August, 2017)

Conservative Scholar-Journalist Norm Ornstein: "Let's Just Say It. The Republicans Are The Problem"

"How Piety And Devotion-To-God Distract People From The Necessary Work Of Kindness"

 Conservative Americans' Refusal To Take Care Of One Another, And The Psycho-Cultural Desensitization That Precedes Full-Blown Fascism

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

"Compendium: Trump And His Minions Lie-And-Mislead More Easily Than They Metabolize, With A Special Guest Appearance By Master Bull-Shitter, Kayleigh McEnany"

Kayleigh McEnany Has Made A Mockery Of Her Promise Not To Lie
(Her White House Press Briefings Are Parodies Of Dystopian Governance)

Kayleigh McEnany's Lies About Alleged Voter Fraud Reveal The Sludge Sucking Nature Of The Beast

Fox News Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany's Baseless Claims Of Voter Fraud

The Perfect Photo To Epitomize The Horror Of Trump: Not Only Does He Inflame The Worst Angels Of Our Nature, HeTeaches His Followers That It's Okay -- Indeed, Virtuous - To Laugh At Murderous Cruelty

Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies

How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies 

Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge

"It Has Come To This. How Do We Tell The Truth To 40% Of Americans?"

"Nothing Makes Us Stupider Than Anger"

"Stupid People Are Too Stupid To Know They're Stupid"... And That's Just The Beginning

"When The Electorate Is THIS Stupid, Is ANY Delusional Thinking Out Of Bounds?" 

"Pardon Him, Theodotus; He Is A Barbarian And Thinks That The Customs Of His Tribe And Island Are The Laws Of Nature." George Bernard Shaw On The Nature Of Personal Stupidity And Social Stupefaction

"The Decisive Distinction Between People Who Can Think And Those Who Can't"

John Stuart Mill
Sound thinking is an acquired skill Trump supporters seldom possess

Can We Talk? "Most Stupid People Are Conservative"

"A Confession: I'm Starting To Write Off Stupid People As Incorrigible"

It Has Come To This: How Do Intelligent Citizens Deal With The Irredeemably Stupid, Ignorant And Self-Pithed People Who Have Taken Over? The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Is Now Reality

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

"Compendium: Trump And His Minions Lie-And-Mislead More Easily Than They Metabolize, With A Special Guest Appearance By Master Bull-Shitter, Kayleigh McEnany"

Kayleigh McEnany Has Made A Mockery Of Her Promise Not To Lie
(Her White House Press Briefings Are Parodies Of Dystopian Governance)

Kayleigh McEnany's Lies About Alleged Voter Fraud Reveal The Sludge Sucking Nature Of The Beast

Fox News Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany's Baseless Claims Of Voter Fraud

The Perfect Photo To Epitomize The Horror Of Trump: Not Only Does He Inflame The Worst Angels Of Our Nature, HeTeaches His Followers That It's Okay -- Indeed, Virtuous - To Laugh At Murderous Cruelty

Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies

How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies 

Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge

"It Has Come To This. How Do We Tell The Truth To 40% Of Americans?"

"Nothing Makes Us Stupider Than Anger"

"Stupid People Are Too Stupid To Know They're Stupid"... And That's Just The Beginning

"When The Electorate Is THIS Stupid, Is ANY Delusional Thinking Out Of Bounds?" 

"Pardon Him, Theodotus; He Is A Barbarian And Thinks That The Customs Of His Tribe And Island Are The Laws Of Nature." George Bernard Shaw On The Nature Of Personal Stupidity And Social Stupefaction

"The Decisive Distinction Between People Who Can Think And Those Who Can't"

John Stuart Mill
Sound thinking is an acquired skill Trump supporters seldom possess

Can We Talk? "Most Stupid People Are Conservative"

"A Confession: I'm Starting To Write Off Stupid People As Incorrigible"

It Has Come To This: How Do Intelligent Citizens Deal With The Irredeemably Stupid, Ignorant And Self-Pithed People Who Have Taken Over? The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Is Now Reality

Trump Is "Just" A Spearhead And A Symptom: Basically, Stupid People Have Taken Over

In the mouths of most Christians, God's truth is indistinguishable from personal opinion

Listen up, y'all! Listen up y'all. 

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Red State - Blue State Secession

I applaud all mothers. 

Having kids was the best thing that ever happened to me.

But I am also aware that Jesus was a practicing Jew who never said a single word about abortion, and whose sacred scripture ordered men to stone to death rebellious children. It wasn't just that killing these kids was a moral option; it was a moral obligation: 

I realize you can - and will - explain it away. 

In your black and white, absolutist world, you have no ability to see Reality's shades of gray.

And you have "strength" in numbers.

Tens of millions of self-proclaimed "Christians" explain away their allegiance to Trump. 

Tens of millions of self-proclaimed "Christians" explain away his attempted autocratic coup on January 6th.

Tens of millions of self-proclaimed "Christians" explain away the cruelty of family separation. 

Tens of millions of self-proclaimed "Christians" explain away a gun culture that guarantees carte blanche to every crazed (and often racist) citizen whose reflex reaction is to kill people whenever they "feel" threatened, whether or not the threat is real.

Let's Go, Malignant Messiah!

If Dems Could Cheat Their Way To Victory
In Republican-Controlled Georgia, Why Couldn't They Cheat Their Way To Victory In Democrat-Controlled Virginia

Any church that contributed most congregants' votes to Trump's 2016 victory is "christian" in the same way that Judas was an apostle.


Stop the squeal.



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“El malvado descansa de vez en cuando;
el necio nunca” José Ortega y Gasset paraphrase

I Joined The Army Out Of Love For Israel, But I Was Just Playing The Part Of A British Soldier 
‘At first, I hated shooting school children with rubber-coated bullets … but after a few months in Hebron, we would high-five each other every time we hit one’, writes Dean Issacharoff.

New Rule: "The Slow-Moving Coup" | Bill Maher Provides Trump's Playbook For Replacing American Democracy With Plutocratic Autocracy

If you want to consider a real alternative, here's the simplest solution I see to our new cold Civil War which is about to become hot.

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Red State - Blue State Secession

Trump is baked in the cake.

And if he is not the 2024 Republican candidate - a role that's his for the asking - it will be someone who tries to out-trump Trump.

At the moment, Ron DeSantis is the odds-on favorite.

New Rule: "The Slow-Moving Coup" | Bill Maher Provides Trump's Playbook For Replacing American Democracy With Plutocratic Autocracy

I will re-post this item weekly at least until the results of the 2022 elections, and probably until we watch Trump's next coup attempt play out in January, 2024.

It is high time to start calling The Autocrat Party a clusterf*ck of power-hungry seditionists, dead-set on terminating American Democracy as a sequel to snuffing The Party of Lincoln.

Ivan Illich hyperlinked bibliography

"How To Make Lasting Political Progress"
(Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler, Teaches Us To Win It All Through Our Persistent Determination To Keep On Losing)
Add to "good ideas for the body politic"

Why Hasn't A Consortium Of Well-Informed Celebrities And Progressive Philanthropists Created A Truth-Friendly Alternative To Facebook?
Add to "good ideas for the body politic"
A final doesn't follow.

I am struck by how loveable traditional societies are, and how anonymous-unloveable non-traditional societies tend to be.

To me it is self-evident that wherever people truly celebrate their traditions, they are more buoyant, more celebratory, more prone to take flight than to keep their nose to the grindstone.

Chesterton believes in what he calls "the democracy of the dead," and if we would let all our forebears "vote," their vote would come down in favor of many of the traditions that we (presumptuously?) think we've outgrown.

This is not to say that democracy is a  trustworthy arbiter of truth.

But if we're not invested in democracy as a kind of collective wisdom, how do we take a stand that says "No" to autocracy?

The most informative component of "Trump Cult posts" is the "user comment" section.

One comes away with the clear conviction that these people do not know how to think - that they were underperforming middle schoolers whose development was arrested by witless flag-waving and adolescent sound bites.  


Discernment Of Political Truth
Requires Rich Contextualization

You are the only person I know who spreads false information every single day. 

 If you want to do some repentance you could start by promoting COVID vaccines. 

 Excerpt: The Impact Church in Jacksonville is now hosting a vaccination clinic in light of the death of six parishioners—all of whom were unvaccinated. All six church-goes died of COVID-19 within two weeks and were healthy, CNN reported.

"All were healthy, all had no preexisting conditions. Four of them were under the age of 30, and they were all unvaccinated," Pastor Joseph Cooper told News4Jax.

According to the church’s senior pastor, George Davis, the surge in cases associated with the church began in late July; in addition to the six members who died, another 15 to 20 are currently in the hospital with COVID-19 and 10 more are recovering at home.

"It's pain," Davis told News4Jax. "These are actual people that I know, that I have pastored. One 24-year-old kid, I've known him since he was a toddler.”

Despite the church requiring members to wear masks during services, the virus hit its unvaccinated members hard. 

Your mind is evidently troubled by your inability to defend Trump's full-throttle promotion of "The Root Of All Evil." 

 Your silence on this topic speaks volumes. 

 "The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives

This morning, I wrote the following letter to a group of friends. 

I now realize that this same letter is pertinent to your all-encompassing presumptuousness. 


Jesus has already told you everything you need to know, so just do what comes most easily.

Ignore it. 

The Incipient Unraveling Of The Western World As Seen By Visionary Spanish Philosopher José Ortega y Gasset (1929)

"Spot-On Truth-Teller Donald Trump: The Most Important Thing Said At The Republican Debate"

"Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman Admits Blacks & Hippies Were Convicted Of Trivial Drug Crimes For Political Gain (... And Other Right-Wing Scum, Focusing On The Felons In The Trump Administration)"

"The Threat Of Violence Now Infuses GOP Politics. We Should All Be Afraid." By Michael Gerson, Lifelong Republican, Speechwriter For U.S. Presidents, And - According To Time Magazine - The 9th Most Influential Evangelical In America

George Conway Chokes Up Explaining The Moment He Realized Trump Was A Full-Throttle Racist: "He Is Evil"

Compendium Of Best "Barbaria" Posts About Politically-Motivated Violence

"Trump And His Cultists Are Arsonists Pretending To Be Firefighters"

Thomas Merton: "Adolf Eichmann, Sanity and Normality"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: American Political Violence Is "Exclusively" Right-Wing

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Organized Religion And The Everyday Validation Of Violence

Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence And The Deadly Outcome Of His Inflammatory Rhetoric

"Vote Out Hate": Political Ad Focuses Trump's Hatred And Passion For Violence

American Conservatives Demand Violence To Keep Violence Alive. Otherwise, It Withers And Their Worldview Collapses

"Vote Out Hate": Political Ad Focuses Trump's Hatred, And His Passion For Violence /// Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence
"Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies"

"How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies" "Here Is Where Contemporary 'Conservatism' Ran Off The Rails: America's Cultural Crisis Distills To The Ascertainment Of Social, Political And Historical Truth. The Linchpin Question Is This... Will Absolutism/Authoritarianism Rule Our Epistemological Mindscape? Or Will Intellectual Rigor And Multifaceted Contextualization Prevail?"
"The Deadly Oppression Of Black People: Best Pax Posts" - Introduced By Jon Stewart

"Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence And The Deadly Outcome Of His Inflammatory Rhetoric"

Here's where American conservatives ran off the rails.

"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: 'It's a pound.' Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating." Denis de Rougemont

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

How Trump Trashes The Underpinnings Of Truth-And-Faith-In-Shared-Values So That The Resulting Chaos Creates Cultists Conditioned To Believe Falsehood Over Truth: 20th Century Intellectual Titan, Hannah Arendt, Analyzes This Corrosive Mechanism

"The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method"

Journalists Should Be In "Emergency" Mode: Journalistic Method Needs To Be Redefined To Deal With Trump's Re-Definition Of Bullshit As Normalcy 

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

"Daniel Webster Prompts A Review Of Conspiracism And Its Destructive Role In American Politics"

"Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad"

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

"Compendium: Trump And His Minions Lie-And-Mislead More Easily Than They Metabolize, With A Special Guest Appearance By Master Bull-Shitter, Kayleigh McEnany"

Kayleigh McEnany Has Made A Mockery Of Her Promise Not To Lie
(Her White House Press Briefings Are Parodies Of Dystopian Governance)

Kayleigh McEnany's Lies About Alleged Voter Fraud Reveal The Sludge Sucking Nature Of The Beast

Fox News Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany's Baseless Claims Of Voter Fraud

The Perfect Photo To Epitomize The Horror Of Trump: Not Only Does He Inflame The Worst Angels Of Our Nature, HeTeaches His Followers That It's Okay -- Indeed, Virtuous - To Laugh At Murderous Cruelty

Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies

How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies 

Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge

"It Has Come To This. How Do We Tell The Truth To 40% Of Americans?"

"Nothing Makes Us Stupider Than Anger"

"Stupid People Are Too Stupid To Know They're Stupid"... And That's Just The Beginning

"When The Electorate Is THIS Stupid, Is ANY Delusional Thinking Out Of Bounds?" 

"Pardon Him, Theodotus; He Is A Barbarian And Thinks That The Customs Of His Tribe And Island Are The Laws Of Nature." George Bernard Shaw On The Nature Of Personal Stupidity And Social Stupefaction

"The Decisive Distinction Between People Who Can Think And Those Who Can't"

John Stuart Mill
Sound thinking is an acquired skill Trump supporters seldom possess

Can We Talk? "Most Stupid People Are Conservative"

"A Confession: I'm Starting To Write Off Stupid People As Incorrigible"

It Has Come To This: How Do Intelligent Citizens Deal With The Irredeemably Stupid, Ignorant And Self-Pithed People Who Have Taken Over? The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Is Now Reality

Trump Is "Just" A Spearhead And A Symptom: Basically, Stupid People Have Taken Over

Education Or Catastrophe (With Special Emphasis On The Teaching Of History)

this is probably the best of these education or catastrophe posts

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts On The Cornerstone Necessity Of Education

Two Full Years Of American History Taught Dialectically Is The Swiftest, Surest Path To Restoration Of Social And Political Health In The American Body Politic

Trump Comments On Voter Fraud: People Can Only Be This Stupid When Their Identity Depends On Being Stupid

"When The Electorate Is THIS Stupid, Is ANY Delusional Thinking Out Of Bounds?"

The Insuperable Stupidity-Perversity-Ignorance Of Diehard Trump Supporters

Compendium Of Trump Videos That Reveal His Arrogance, Inhumanity, Stupidity And Cruelty

"If Trump Voters Listened To Reason, They Wouldn't Be Trump Voters"

Why "Absolutists" Prefer To See "Relativists" Dead... Whereas "Relativists" Prefer That "Absolutists" Just Mind Their Own Business

Hannah Arendt 

Alan: From lack of intelligence, lack of learning, lack of insight, or plain ol' malice-malevolence, Trump and his cultists do not understand that the erosion of trust in constitutionally-mandated political institutions contributes mightily to the degradation -- if not the collapse -- of Democracy itself. 

20th century intellectual titan, Hannah Arendt -- who attended the Nuremberg Trials and coined the phrase "the banality of evil" -- has a lock-tight grip on this corrosive political process.

Here's how it unfolds...

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

How Trump Trashes The Underpinnings Of Truth-And-Faith-In-Shared-Values So That The Resulting Chaos Creates Cultists Conditioned To Believe Falsehood Over Truth: 20th Century Intellectual Titan, Hannah Arendt, Analyzes This Corrosive Mechanism

Compendium Of Best Hannah Arendt Posts

Bill Maher Describes Addlepated Trumpism As It Is. Hannah Arendt Explains "How" Trumpism Came Into Being

Wherever you reside on the political spectrum, the following article will prove to YOUR satisfaction that the Republican Party's allegations of widespread voter fraud are themselves fraudulent, and that proof of GOP fraud was generated by Trump's own Voting Fraud Commission.

We Americans have short memories, but do not forget this. Mention it in all your political conversations.
"Kansas Politician Kris Kobach Is Emblematic Of The Bullshit Nonsense That Has Become The Bogus Essence Of The Republican Party"

WATCH: Anderson Cooper Details The Insanity That Unfolded When QAnon Targeted Him

Reprise: "So Banning Guns Won't Prevent Gun Violence But Banning Abortion Prevents Abortion"

Abortion, And The Indispensable Distinction Between "Pro-Life" And "Pro-Birth"

  "How Did Jesus Come To Love Guns, And Hate Sex?"  

Write post about "sinister" and trial by ordeal

Infallible pronouncement that the words which come from Jesus lips take precedence over other church teachings.

Franklin Graham's niece, Jerusha Duford, is a granddaughter of Billy Graham and a critic of the white evangelical Christian right. She wants more evangelical leaders to encourage their followers to get vaccinated.

Franklin Graham's niece, Jerusha Duford, is a granddaughter of Billy Graham and a critic of the white evangelical Christian right. She wants more evangelical leaders to encourage their followers to get vaccinated.
Jerusha Duford, is a granddaughter of Billy Graham and a critic of the white evangelical Christian right: "I want the church to fight for others more than they're fighting for themselves; that's what I have not seen over the last year," Duford said. "And that's what we're called to do."

Right-Wing Hand-Wringing About "Election Integrity" Is Like Trying To Lock A Chastity Belt On Mother Theresa

Presented by "El Túnel del Tiempo" in "La Fuente del Rock and Roll," Oaxaca, Mexico . From left to right: Alan Archibald, Oscar Castellanos Toledo, Zuriel "Zuri" Montes, Abel Bautista.

Trump Has Created A "Sick Society: Those People Hate Democracy So Much!"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Trump's Mobster Model Of Government

"Our President Is Essentially A Mob Boss": Former FBI Counterintel Chief Frank Figliuzzi

David Cay Johnston: "Trump Is Not A Loyal American... There Is A Traitor In The White House"

A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege 
By The New Yorker  January 17, 2021

Here's where American conservatives ran off the rails.

"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: 'It's a pound.' Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is "the criterion of the true" which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating." Denis de Rougemont

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

"Compendium: Trump And His Minions Lie-And-Mislead More Easily Than They Metabolize, With A Special Guest Appearance By Master Bull-Shitter, Kayleigh McEnany" 

"Truth Infuriates People Whose Lives Are Lie"

"Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge"

"Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies"

"How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies"

"Donald Trump's Identity Revealed"

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

Here's where American conservatives ran off the rails.

"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: 'It's a pound.' Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating." Denis de Rougemont

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

"Compendium: Trump And His Minions Lie-And-Mislead More Easily Than They Metabolize, With A Special Guest Appearance By Master Bull-Shitter, Kayleigh McEnany"

"Truth Infuriates People Whose Lives Are Lie"

"Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge"

"Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies"

"How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies" 

"Donald Trump's Identity Revealed"

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

Lord Of Darkness Steve Bannon Calls For "Shock Troops" To "Deconstruct" State When GOP Re-Takes Oval Office

What Steve Bannon Really Wants

Trevor Noah Uncovers America's Real President, Steve "White Supremacist/Wife Beater" Bannon

"Steve Bannon Wants To Turn The Press Into The New Hillary," The New Republic

An Insane Asylum Run By The Inmates

San Francisco Stevedore Eric Hoffer, Greatest Autodidact Of The 20th Century: Quotations

Boston College Historian Heather Cox Richardson's Daily "Letter From An American"
Alan: Boston College History Professor Heather Cox Richardson provides an insightful, comprehensive and well-informed daily review of American politics. Professor Richardson specializes in the history of The Republican Party, and how the Civil War and subsequent Westward expansion affected the basic thrust of American history. She is exceptionally clear-headed, comprehensively knowledgeable and speaks in an engaging, straightforward, highly-readable style. She is the kind of intellectual who terrifies people who dismiss "the intellectual elites" because she knows what she's talking about and the picture she paints spotlights the relentless decline of the GOP ever since Newt Gingrich laid groundwork for The Tea Party.

In the span of five minutes, Heather gives the best historically-contextualized view of what happened "yesterday" in American politics. 

And she offers this gift every day.

  You can stay abreast of Boston College History Professor Heather Cox Richardson's daily reviews of American politics at Bill  Moyers' dedicated web page:  

Heather Cox Richardson

If any Democrat - even a mentally ill one who'd stopped taking his meds - had attacked the Capitol Building (much less called for the hanging of vice-president Pence), every "conservative" in America (bleeding at the eyes, their carotid arteries pulsing purple) -- would demand that the seditionist-traitor be drawn and quartered on the National Mall, his dismembered body parts then stuffed in a gibbet to be hung over Pennsylvania Avenue until every bit of flesh had rotted away and the bones had bleached titanium white.

But when actual seditionists are Trump supporters -- not to mention Trump himself -- they are lauded as True Patriots.

Trumpistas make the original Pharisees look like Mother Theresa on steroids.

Inflammatory rhetoric and ubiquitous self-victimization are ALL the Republican Party's got left - a party comprised of liars, miscreants and malevolent lickspittles who would eagerly sell their souls to Satan for pragmatic political advantage. For all I know, they may have done so already.
It's not like Republican malice is anything new:
Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

This is not about Democrats and Republicans. This is about sentient beings and The Lizard People.

My Oaxaca band, "Túnel del Tiempo" with Abel Bautista, Oscar "Toledito" Castellano Toledo, Refujio "Cuco" Benitez, Zuriel "Zuri" Montes, Gabriel Bautista, Jesus "Chuchoche" Bautista (R.I.P.), Daniel Lopez Cruz

Trump Is Such A Gifted Liar
He Believes His Own Bullshit

"Trump And His Cultists Have Normalized Lunacy And Believe That What Used To Be Sedition Is Now Courageous Patriotism"

Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum Address

May she - and her fellow bootlickers - live in ignominy and shame.


  I Propose Creation Of A "Shadow Congress" Whose Members Are Chosen At Random  nee

Every American University Should Have A "Department Of Comparative Democracy"

"Do Republicans Do Anything But Piss, Moan, Whine, Bitch?

"The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives

Myra Waldo's 1954 Recipe For Malaysian Spicy Chicken Curry

Tom Tomorrow: "The World's Greatest Democracy" (With Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts)

Trump Has Created A "Sick Society: Those People Hate Democracy So Much!"

General H.R. McMaster: “Terrorist organizations who pose a threat to us are stronger now than they were on September 10, 2001.” 

You Will Remember This White Woman's "F_____ Nigger" Rant The Rest Of Your Life        

KKK Leader Calls Interviewer Nigger & Boasts Of Killing 6 Million Jews In Univision Interview        

Woman Fired After Racist Threat Goes Viral: We Will Kill "Every One Of You F___ing Muslims"

Caroline Giuliani called on voters to "end this nightmare" and "elect a compassionate and decent president... None of us can afford to stay silent...  Together, we can vote this toxic administration out of office.. put an end to this "reign of terror... Corruption starts with 'yes-men' and women.. We've seen this ad nauseam with Trump and his cadre of high-level sycophants (the ones who weren't convicted, anyway)."

Trump's Rallies Define A New View Of Liberty: 
The Right Not To Care About Other People

"these people would not be convinced even if you handed them Obama's original birth certificate -- with the placenta -- and a videotape of baby Barack emerging from the birth canal with Don Ho playing ukulele in the background."  

Trump's Rallies Define His Vision Of Liberty: The Right Not To Care About Other People
  For The Sake Of the Nation's Children, The Press Airbrushes All These Baseball Caps So They No Longer Say: "Make The Asshole Go Away"

It surpasses irony that conspiracists themselves are singularly unable to keep their mouths shut.

As soon as there is a new conspiratorial tidbit they are compelled to circulate the rumor in an ever larger torrent of epistemological sludge.

I am a Christian.

Nevertheless, I think "Christian" "conservatives" increasingly resemble their snake-handling kin of yesteryear, doing demonstrably stupid things to "prove their faith."

And now, the Supreme Court ratifies that stupidity, and insures that it spreads.

"I report. You decide."

Christian Ministers Have A Moral Obligation To Call Bullshit On Trump Cultists Spreading Lies

Trump And His "Conservative" "Christian" Cultists Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Anti-Christ Destructiveness

John Pavlovitz: "The Miserable People" And "The Kind Of Christian I Refuse To Be"

"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale"
Retold For The Righteous By Anne Herbert

The Age-Old Normalization Of Warfare Through Stupidity, Ego And Religion

The Mistaken Concept That Reducing Cultures To Rubble Results In Peace

Punishment Rarely Reforms But Instead Tends To Reinforce Wrongdoing

Best Pax Posts On Punishment And Torture As "Necessary" Methods For Righting Wrongs

Conservative Christians Delight In The Punishment And Pain Of Others

http: // paxonbothhouses.

America's Passion For Punishment And Torture

Christians And "Christians" Choose Mercy, Love & Forgiveness, Or Retribution & Punishment

Kansas Politician Kris Kobach Is Emblematic Of The Bullshit Nonsense That Has Become The Bogus Essence Of The Republican Party

Bad Things Happen: Punishment, Mercy And The Demise Of The Republican Party

"The Facts Are In: The Republican Party Is Terrible For Prosperity But Unparalleled At Catastrophe"

Religion, Perfectionism, Savonarola and The Pending Apocalypse of The Republican Party (This Post Was Written In 2012)

"The GOP Isn't Doomed. It's Dead." From Now On The Republican Party Is A Putrescent Corpse Whose Stench Will Only Get Worse

The GOP: An Insane Asylum Run By The Inmates

"The Facts Are In: The Republican Party Is Terrible For Prosperity But Unparalleled At Catastrophe"

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Cheating (Among American Conservatives And Inside The Republican Party) - As Prelude To The Destruction Of Democracy

Nicholas Kristof Probes The Republican Party's Opposition To Voting Rights And America's Apparent Decline Into Mediocrity... If Not Worse

Boston College Historian Heather Cox Richardson's "Letter From An American," May 17, 2021, Featuring Liz Cheney's Televised Comments Concerning Trump's "Big Lie" And The Civil War In The Republican Party

Alan: Thanks to friend Karen Kolbinsky for bringing Dr. Kory's information to my attention. Although Karen supported Trump's lame-brained hydroxychloroquine campaign and championed The Donald's bizarre Kenyan physician who became Trump's point person on the issue, it is clear that Dr. Kory is a serious scientist with high regard for intellectual rigor and The Scientic Method. Therefore, Dr. Kory's findings deserve attention.
This is not to say that we have found a non-vaccine preventive for COVID infection. However, given the existence of promising evidence, I heartily support Dr. Kory's core request that the United States government fast track well-funded investigation of Ivermectin's potential efficacy.
I will also point out that Karen's criticism of America's pharmaceutical industry -- and its shameful promotion of "the latest and the greatest" at the expense of equally good (and far less expensive) alternatives -- reveals the underbelly of what capitalist hucksterism is ALL about.
If Karen is serious about her "line of attack" on Big Pharma, she can follow through by pointing a finger at the very heart of American capitalism as it now operates. Unbridled Capitalism has become an impregnable fortress for scoundreals... and worse.
In its current manifestation, unregulated "Cowboy Capitalism" protects and advances the self-seeking greed of "profiteering opportunists," all of them cut from the same cloth as Malignant Messiah.

Excerpt: "Trumpism is about something far more serious than Trump, something that has been brewing and building for generations. Let us take (Hunter S.) Thompson's cautions seriously, then, so that this time we (trusting liberals) are not naive about what we face. Otherwise, we're all liable (like Thompson) to get stomped."  

"Hey, Christian! How Many Of Jesus' Moral Stands Do You Approve? Take The Test!"

"A Simple Test For Trump Supporters: Are You Hateful, Racist Or A White Nationalist/Supremacist?"

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Racism -- Specifically Trump's Racism -- And Two Tests To Determine If YOU Are A Racist... Or Even A Christian

A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism (Featuring "Must-See Mash-Up Of Trump's Racist Preaching")

deep fake

Trump, along with his suck-ups, achichincles and cultists are insane.

Clinically certifiable.

They live lives that automatically morph reality into an enveloping delusion in which their fundamentally fact-free world is not only portrayed (to others and themselves) as true, but as "God's Truth." 

The patients are in charge of the asylum and presume their asylum is The Promised Land.

They make this proclamation of faith with the same decerebrate certainty that "good Germans" manifested in The Third Reich.

My working hypothesis is that Trump cultists want liberals dead, whereas liberals only want Trump cultists to leave them alone - just as they left them alone when they were backwoods snake-handlers instead of snakes.
It never occurs to Trump cultists -- particularly self-righteous "Christian" "conservatives" (who are neither) -- to “live and let live.”

These folks are dominance-submission hierarchs, and nothing but total domination is even open for consideration.  

These "true believers" are absolutely certain God is on their side, and that the rest of us infidels are damned to The Lake of Unquenchable Fire.

And so since “God said it, I believe it, and that settles it,” they take it upon themselves to be dictatorial-and-cruel because that’s who their God is, and that’s what their God ordains.  

It is hard to see a way out of this muddle.  

Trump's Rallies Define His Vision Of Liberty: The Right Not To Care About Other People

"We Are The Worst" By Founders Sing - Trump And Company Tell the Truth!

The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism

The Whiskey Rebellion, George Washington And Seneca Indian Genocide... 

Trump Cult: A Study In "Folie à Plusieurs

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts Concerning The Damnation Of White, Conservative Christians (Assuming There Is A Hell, Which I Don't Believe)

Russia's Ready-For-Release COVID Vaccine: Hydroxychloroquine 2.0?

New And Improved! Trump Will Lie, Cheat Or Drop The Big One To Get Re-Elected

New And Improved! "Coronavirus Denial And Trump's Subsequent Rush To Reopen Are Bringing About A Depression"

"Rat Park": This May Be The Most Revealing Rat Study Finding Of All Time

Kamala Harris, Sarah Cooper, Carl Jung, Pat Buchanan And The Epitomization Of The Trump "Family"

Living In A Different Country Each Year Of Retirement

around the world flight plan
Turkey Ethiopia

Dialogue With Fred Maske About "Conspiracy Theories That Have Changed The Course Of History"

There Is Only One Card In Trump's Deck. Give Me A "V." Give Me An "I." Give Me A "C." Give Me A "T" ...

"More Americans Have Died From COVID-19 Than The Total Number Of GI's Killed In Combat During World War I, Vietnam And The Korean War"

Trump, Trump Cult And Reasonability

"If Trump Voters Listened To Reason, They Wouldn't Be Trump Voters"

"The GOP Deliberately Crafted An Ignorant, Prejudicial, Hateful Constituency"


"G.K. Chesterton: On Charity, Hope And Universal Salvation"

In Oregon --- With Automatic Voter Registration And 100% Mail-In Voting --- The Is "Not A Whiff Of Irregularity"

"St. Maximos, The Will And Universal Salvation"

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts Concerning The Damnation Of White, Conservative Christians (Assuming There Is A Hell, Which I Don't Believe)

Veteran Republican Operative Shames The GOP And Warns That The Party Won't Get Rid Of Trumpism "For At Least A Generation"

"Is QAnon the Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theory of the 21st Century?" Charlie Warzel, The New York Times

"The Best, Imposed As A Norm, Becomes Evil," Trappist Monk, Fr. Thomas Merton

How To Register, And How To Vote: Get In Done In Two Minutes

Trump Re-Takes The Cognition Skills Test And No Longer Recognizes The Elephant

Reprise: "God Enjoys The 10 Plagues Way Too Much" (Supplemented By "America's Best Christian," Betty Bowers)

"Lindsey Graham Video Sequence Makes The Original Pharisees Look Honorable, Even Laudable"

How Whole-Cloth Falsehoods Take Root: John Kennedy And Ronald Reagan

Donald Trump: "Now You Can Be Hateful, And Feel Good About It"

"We Are The Worst" By Founders Sing - Trump And Company Tell the Truth!

"The Party Of Neo-Necrophilia"

Trump Submits To Wearing An Insulting Dog Muzzle

Coronavirus Covid

Just How Stupid Are We?
Yet Another Study Confirms That "Fox News" Fans Are The Least Informed Of All American News "Consumers"
... And John Oliver Viewers Are The Best Informed
"Best Global Warming Posts Featuring John Oliver's Best Global Warming Debate"

Classicist-Mythologist Edith Hamilton Defines Education

St. Apollonia And A Hundred Medieval Holidays /// The Lost Art Of Catholic Drinking

"No Vacation Nation," Part II

What Happens If Trump "Wins" By An Electoral Coup?

"Follow-Up To Jim Mattis' Reference To Trump As An Ignorant Dolt Who Doesn't Read"

Deism And Founding Father Links

4 Died In Benghazi. 154,000 Died Of "Trump Virus" (And Counting)

Online Discussion With Christian Conservative Friend Concerning Meanspiritedness

"Who Gets The Political Support Of 892 Certifiable U.S. Hate Groups?"

"Antifa Has Killed One Person In 25 Years. In That Same Span, Right-Wing Extremists Have Killed 329"

"Nicholas Kristof Reports From His Family Farm In Oregon About The Deadly Corrosive Effect Of Conspiracism, Specifically As It Relates To False Antifa Arson Reports"

Nicholas Kristof Probes The Republican Party's Opposition To Voting Rights And America's Apparent Decline Into Mediocrity... If Not Worse

"Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence And The Deadly Outcome Of His Inflammatory Rhetoric"

Quora Question: "Was Joe Biden Correct When He Said Antifa Is An Idea And Not An Organization During The First Presidential Debate In September, 2020?"

How Will Trump Name The Secret Police? (A Great Steve Sack Cartoon!)

The Central Horror Of Trumpism

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Memes And Cartoons

"The Great Flood" Was "God's Plan" To Cleanse The World Of Evil. As Events Unfolded, Noah's Own Children Were At Least As Bad As The Humans Killed By The Flood

Dialogue With Fred Maske About "Conspiracy Theories That Have Changed The Course Of History"

"Do Wars Really Defend America's Freedom?" (Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)

George Carlin Describes America's Dumbf*ck Quandary

Conservatives And Liberals: "How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

"How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

QAnon Is Nucking Futs: A Clearing House For Crazy People (Which Continually Tells Them THEY Are The Sane Ones)

"Conservative" "Christians" Only Believe In God And Themselves & The Two Are Interchangeable

The Innate Hostility Of Absolutists: Relativists Are "Okay" With Absolutists; Absolutists Prefer That Relativists "Go To Hell" - Which Is Where They Belong!

The Best Diet For Diabetics: 12 Rules

A Mediterrean Diet Can Reduce The Likelihood Of Breast Cancer By 68%

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Trump-Cult Cruelty

"Cruelty Is The Point": An Update On Donald Trump And His White "Christian" Base

The Monstrous Cruelty Of Family Separation, A Heinous "Crime Against Humanity"

"Family Separation And The Satanic Cruelty Of Most Republicans"

The Perfect Photo To Epitomize The Horror Of Trump: Not Only Does He Inflame The Worst Angels Of Our Nature, HeTeaches His Followers That It's Okay -- Indeed, Virtuous - To Laugh At Murderous Cruelty

"More Of Trump's Cruelty"

Compendium Of Trump Videos That Reveal His Arrogance, Inhumanity, Stupidity And Cruelty

Why "Absolutists" Prefer To See "Relativists" Dead... Whereas "Relativists" Prefer That "Absolutists" Just Mind Their Own Business

Compendium: "The Rich Plunder The Poor, Then Pile the Blame On The Dispossessed"

Here's where American conservatives ran off the rails.

"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: 'It's a pound.' Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating." Denis de Rougemont

Best "Pax" Posts About The Criminality Of Donald Trump, His Family And "The Best People"

Trump's Sister - Federal Court Judge, Maryanne Trump Barry - Calls Trump "Cruel," A "Liar," A "Cheat" And An "Untrustworthy Phony"

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

PolitiFact: "There Have Been 317 Criminal Indictments Under Three Recent Republican Presidents And Only Three Indictments Under Three Recent Democratic Presidents"

What Is Most Remarkable Is That Trump - And His Crime Family - Are Open About Their Criminality

"New Meme Featuring Mafia Don, And A Compendium Of His Lifelong Criminality"

David Cay Johnston On Trump's Treason And Lifelong Criminality (Johnston Is A Trump Biographer, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Investigative Journalist And Syracuse University Law Professor)

"Trump Derangement Syndrome" Is Not Only Real, But Foundational

Truth, Justice, and Public Good: Simone Weil On Political Manipulation, The Dangers Of “For” And “Against,” And How To Save Thinking From Opinion

More Of Trump's Cruelty

Ronald Reagan Phoned Dick Nixon To Make This Comment About Black People: "Damn Those Monkeys. They're Still Uncomfortable Wearing Shoes." Reagan's Daughter Patti Davis Weighs In

  Trump, The Popular Vote, And The Electoral College 

A Question For Anti-Maskers Who Open-Carry Assault Rifles

Extraordinary Interactive "Mapping Corruption" In The Trump Administration Exhibit


The Thinking Housewife, A Traditionalist Catholic: "We Can Be Pretty Sure That Many Good People Are Roasting In Hell"

Cayetano Ripoll, The Last Person Executed By The Inquisition In Valencia Spain, July 26, 1826

How Reporters Can Do A Great Service By Continually Calling Trump On His Bullsh*t

"The Supermodel Who First Fell For - And Then Took Down - A Cult" - BBC Interview

"Must See" GIPHY Of Trump Partying With Jeffrey Epstein At Mar-A-Lago

What Would Anti-Christ Do? Donald Trump And Child Abuse

The Foundational "Great Compromise" That Made The United States Possible (U.S. Senate Webpage)

"Too Pure Principles" Make Things Worse, Not Better

Online Discussion After "Conservative" "Christian" Goes Postal Over Benghazi, Leading To Discussion Of Relative merits Of Trump And Biden

"You've Been Trumped": A Documentary On Devious Donald's Imperious Takeover Of "Scotland" (In My View This Is, By Far, The Best Trump Documentary)

"Un-Potty-Trained-74-Year-Old": Living Under Trump Feels Like...

Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons

Trump's Evil Twin, Roger Stone: To Grasp The Vility Of Both Men, See This Netflix Documentary

Biblical "Literalism" And The Cultivation Of Hatred

Contemporary "Conservatives" Assume They're SUPPOSED To Lie And Cheat. If You're Not Cheating, You're Not Trying Your Hardest To Win

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Cheating (Among American Conservatives And Inside The Republican Party) - As Prelude To The Destruction Of Democracy

Tom Tomorrow: "The World's Greatest Democracy" (With Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts)

Trump Has Created A "Sick Society: Those People Hate Democracy So Much!"

American Divorce: Mainstream Christians Divorce More Often Than Mainstream Atheists

Great "Religious Right" Cartoon: "Satan Himself Comes Disguised As An Angel Of Light"

Pax link   

Trump, Who Told Obama To Resign After One Ebola Death, Calls 160,000 COVID-19 Deaths "A Fantastic Job"

Kansas Politician Kris Kobach Is Emblematic Of The Bullshit Nonsense That Has Become The Bogus Essence Of The Republican Party

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Cheating (Among American Conservatives And Inside The Republican Party) - As Prelude To The Destruction Of Democracy

Compendium Of Best "Voter Fraud" And "Voter Suppression" Posts


Nicholas Kristof Probes The Republican Party's Opposition To Voting Rights And America's Apparent Decline Into Mediocrity... If Not Worse

Nicholas Kristof Explores The Atlantic Magazine Article Detailing Trump's Disparagement Of American Troops

Nicholas Kristof Follows Up On Trump's 280 Campaign Promises To See How He's Did

Nicholas Kristof Probes The Republican Party's Opposition To Voting Rights And America's Apparent Decline Into Mediocrity... If Not Worse

voter suppression
"Excuse Me, Are You Thinking About Voting For Trump?" New York Times Columnist, Nicholas Kristof

Nicholas Kristof Reports From His Family Farm In Oregon About The Deadly Corrosive Effect Of Conspiracism, Specifically As It Relates To False Antifa Arson Reports

How To Talk With People On The Other Side Of The Aisle: "Meet A Black Man Who Gets Racists To Leave The K.K.K." By Nicholas Kristof, New York Times

Nicholas Kristof On 100,000 Medical Miracles Worked By One Nepalese Surgeon: Jesus Weighs In
Ger Blindness Cataracts

Racism And Voter Suppression By Crippling The Post Office

Remind Me: How Does Trump's Trashing The Post Office Make America Great Again?

How You... And I... And Everyone... Can Create REAL Damning Evidence To Justify "Any Damn Thing" - Divorce; One's Religious Faith As "The One, True Religion"; Donald Trump As A Godsend; The Advisability Of Provoking Armageddon, Hitler's Heinous Extermination Of Jews

political essay Paranoid Style Liberalism: A Defense
late life late-life realizations

Why "Absolutists" Prefer To See "Relativists" Dead... Whereas "Relativists" Prefer That "Absolutists" Just Mind Their Own Business

Excellent Collection Of Hyperlinked "Projection" Memes Featuring The Work Of Carl Jung

Christian Anarchists

Racism And Voter Suppression By Crippling The Post Office: MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski And Donny Deutsch Bluntly Explains Why Trump Still Has Followers

During The 2016 Presidential Election, Trump Paid A $130,000.00 Bribe To Prostitute-Porn-Star Stormy Daniels To Keep Her Mouth Shut

Donald Trump Donated To Kamala Harris Campaigns - Twice. Ivanka Trump Also Donated To A Kamala Campaign

"God Enjoys The Ten Plagues Way Too Much"

"The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions" And The "Mobocratic Spirit" That Will Destroy Them: Abraham Lincoln's Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, January 27, 1838 

Lincoln's Observation On America's Suicide

Lincoln: Truth Is Everything

Two Things You Would Swear -- With God As Your Witness! -- That Abraham Lincoln Never Said. (And Neither Of These Observations By Honest Abe Are EVER "Shared" By Trump Cultists.)

Aldous Huxley Describes "The Perfect Dictatorship" (But Don't Worry... It Couldn't Happen Here.)

"It Can't Happen Here," A Novel By Sinclair Lewis (What Will Happen When America Has A Dictator?)

QAnon Thinks Donald Trump Is God And Tom Hanks Is The Devil... And Oprah Is Part Of A Vast Hollywood Conspiracy That Kills - And Eats - Children. (I Am Not Kidding)

My God, This Is Brilliant! "Trump Arrest Video." "The Mills Of The Gods Grind Slow, But Fine": "There's A Gangster In The White House"

All "Lincoln Project" Videos

"Kamala!" - A Brilliant Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Catholic Nun, Sister Joan Chittester Explains "Pro Life" In A Way That Will Surprise American Conservatives


"Fear And Anxiety Drive Conservatives Political Attitudes": How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

Elimination Of "The Fairness Doctrine" And The Onset Of Degenerate, Chaotic Governance

Armageddon Cheerleaders Are Unusually Influential In Right-Wing Politics

After A Three And A Half Year-Long Inquiry, Mitch McConnell's Republican-Led Senate Releases Damning Report On Russian Interference In 2016 Election

People Who Wear COVID Masks Are Mindless Sheep


Christian Conservatives Prefer The Damnation Of Others To Their Own Salvation

People Who Consider A Protective Mask "The New Symbol Of Tyranny" Have No Idea What Freedom Is


Above Transferred

Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness

"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale" Retold For The Righteous By Anne Herbert

A Faithful Christian Consults With Jesus... And A Pertinent Parable

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About "Christian" "Conservatism": "Fantasyland," "Jim Bakker" And "Theological Dunderheadness" Will Scare The Bejesus Out Of You... If Your Body Hasn't Already Been Snatched

Trump And His "Conservative" "Christian" Cultists Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Anti-Christ Destructiveness

Why "Conservative" "Christians" Are All Going To Hell (If There Is A Hell...Which I Don't Believe)

"The Number One Cause Of Atheism Is Christians," Catholic Theologian, Karl Rahner, SJ

The Big Lie And Conservative Christianity's Unshakeable Belief That The Bible Is Inerrantly True

"Conservative" "Christianity" Is Neither: It's A Shameless Ruse Perped By Religious Maniacs

Reprise: "God Enjoys The 10 Plagues Way Too Much" (Supplemented By "America's Best Christian," Betty Bowers)

Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong 

"How Did Jesus Come To Love Guns, And Hate Sex?"

Thomas Aquinas: "The Greatest Kindness One Can Render To Any Man Consists In Leading Him From Error To Truth"

Billy Graham's "Christianity Today" Decries QAnon As "Demonic," "A Great Threat To The American Church" Preaching "Predatory Drivel"

"The Number One Cause Of Atheism Is Christians," Catholic Theologian, Karl Rahner, SJ The Big Lie And Conservative Christianity's Unshakeable Belief That The Bible Is Inerrantly True "Conservative" "Christianity" Is Neither: It's A Shameless Ruse Perped By Religious Maniacs Reprise: "God Enjoys The 10 Plagues Way Too Much" (Supplemented By "America's Best Christian," Betty Bowers) "The Story Of Jonah And The Whale" Retold For The Righteous By Anne Herbert Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness Trump And His "Conservative" "Christian" Cultists Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Anti-Christ Destructiveness John Pavlovitz: "The Miserable People" And "The Kind Of Christian I Refuse To Be" Why "Conservative" "Christians" Are All Going To Hell (If There Is A Hell... Which I Don't Believe) "Conservative" "Christianity" Is Neither: It's A Shameless Ruse Perped By Religious Maniacs Reprise: "God Enjoys The 10 Plagues Way Too Much" (Supplemented By "America's Best Christian," Betty Bowers) "Conservative" "Christians" Only Believe In God And Themselves And The Two Are Interchangeable

"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale" Retold For The Righteous By Anne Herbert 

Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness Trump And His "Conservative" "Christian" Cultists Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Anti-Christ Destructiveness John Pavlovitz: "The Miserable People" And "The Kind Of Christian I Refuse To Be" Why "Conservative" "Christians" Are All Going To Hell (If There Is A Hell... Which I Don't Believe) "The Number One Cause Of Atheism Is Christians," Catholic Theologian, Karl Rahner, SJ The Big Lie And Conservative Christianity's Unshakeable Belief That The Bible Is Inerrantly True "Conservative" "Christianity" Is Neither: It's A Shameless Ruse Perped By Religious Maniacs Reprise: "God Enjoys The 10 Plagues Way Too Much" (Supplemented By "America's Best Christian," Betty Bowers) "Conservative" "Christians" Only Believe In God And Themselves And The Two Are Interchangeable

"The Only Card In Trump's Deck Has The Picture Of A Victim On It"

"I Am Fully Bilingual And Spend Three Months A Year In Mexico. Neither I, Nor Anyone YOU (Or I) Know Has Ever Seen, Or Interacted With, A Member Of MS-13"
Matt Gaetz

Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

"Daniel Webster Prompts A Review Of Conspiracism And Its Destructive Role In American Politics"

Billionaire Nick Hanauer's TED Talk: "Capitalism's Dirty Little Secret"

"The Rich Plunder The Poor, Then Pile The Blame On The Dispossessed"

The Original And Enduring Conspiracy: It's About Keeping The Filthy Rich, Filthy Rich

Billionaire Nick Hanauer: "The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure"

The Deep State Is Real: Plutocratic, Oligarchic, Unbridled Capitalism

Billy Graham's "Christianity Today" Decries QAnon As "Demonic," "A Great Threat To The American Church" Preaching "Predatory Drivel"

Thomas Aquinas: "The Greatest Kindness One Can Render To Any Man Consists In Leading Him From Error To Truth"

During my 1950s' childhood, any weirdo-relative living in an in-law apartment would have become a candidate for "insane asylum committal" as soon as s/he started spewing the kind of lunatic ideation that consumes Trump Cult, a coven of crazies who subscribe to QAnon, a new secular religion with its own messiah (i.e., Donald Trump) and its own resurrection (i.e., John Kennedy Jr. is not dead). 
And that's just the beginning.
Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton are members of a vast Hollywood (and Democratic Party) cabal that operates a massive sex slave trade which also kills children, cannibalizing them in Satanic blood rituals.
If you've got the stomach, you can learn more about this epochal normalization-of-insanity at:  
"The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method"
Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details "Daniel Webster Prompts A Review Of Conspiracism And Its Destructive Role In American Politics"
"Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge" "Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"
Treason "Traitor Trump: Read The Word-For-Word Legal Definition Of Treason"
"Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies"
"How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies" 
Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

Online Conversation With A White, Conservative Christian Concerning Trump's Family Separation Policy

George Conway Chokes Up Explaining The Moment He Realized Trump Was A Full-Throttle Racist

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: American Political Violence Is "Exclusively" Right-Wing

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Organized Religion And The Everyday Validation Of Violence

Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence And The Deadly Outcome Of His Inflammatory Rhetoric

"Vote Out Hate": Political Ad Focuses Trump's Hatred And Passion For Violence

A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism (Featuring "Must-See" Mash-Up Of Trump's Racist Preaching)

"The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism"

Billy Graham's Flagship Publication, "Christianity Today," Decries QAnon As "Demonic" And "A Great Threat To The American Church" Preaching "Predatory Drivel" - "A Wolf In Wolf's Clothing"

"Cruelty Is The Point": An Update On Donald Trump And His White "Christian" Base

The Monstrous Cruelty Of Family Separation, A Heinous "Crime Against Humanity"

"Family Separation And The Satanic Cruelty Of Most Republicans"

"More Of Trump's Cruelty"

Compendium Of Trump Videos That Reveal His Arrogance, Inhumanity, Stupidity And Cruelty

Here's How Trump Can Legally Steal The Election

Trump's Sister - Federal Court Judge, Maryanne Trump Barry - Calls Trump "Cruel, A "Liar," A "Cheat" And An "Untrustworthy Phony"

"Trump Promises Press Conference To Explain Melania's Apparently Illegal Immigration Process: He Needs To Be Called On This"

"In His Acceptance Speech, Trump Vowed To Fix The Country's Problems. Apparently, Whoever Is President Now Is Doing A Shitty Job"


Why I Demand That Hillary Clinton Be Indicted

Reprise: "So Banning Guns Won't Prevent Gun Violence But Banning Abortion Prevents Abortion"

Compendium Of "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Abortion, And The Indispensable Distinction Between "Pro-Life" And "Pro-Birth"

MS-13, GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz, And The All-Encompassing Embarrassment Of "Christian" "Conservatism" (Which Is Neither)

Scientific Finding: "Conservatives Scare More Easily Than Liberals"

Compendium Of "Pax On Barbaria" Posts Concerning Cops' Use Of Lethal Force In America - 17 Times Higher Than Denmark, The European Country That Used The Most Lethal Force By Far

Video Of Trump Mocking Murder Victim For Crying Out, "I Can't Breathe"

"It's Surreal In The Worst Possible Way": Kenosha Reels After Jacob Blake Shooting And A Week Of Violence

Left-Wing Baby Eaters (We Don't Just Kill 'Em Now, We Eat 'Em)

Melania Trump, Illegal Immigrant: Worked Illegally In U.S. Without Visa, Then Gamed System With Help Of Her Crime Family Husband

Trump Promises Press Conference To Explain Melania's Apparently Illegal Immigration Process: He Needs To Be Called On This

Liar. Cheat. Traitor. Thief.

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"


"Traitor Trump: Read The Word-For-Word Legal Definition Of Treason"

"In His Acceptance Speech, Trump Vowed To Fix The Country's Problems. Apparently, Whoever Is President Now Is Doing A Shitty Job"

David Cay Johnston On Trump's Treason And Lifelong Criminality (Johnston Is A Trump Biographer, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Investigative Journalist And Syracuse University Law Professor)

Thomas Aquinas: "The Greatest Kindness One Can Render To Any Man Consists In Leading Him From Error To Truth"

If People Had Taken Obama's Advice In 2009, We'd All Be Rich (And Other Reminders Of Obama's Humanity And Political Successes)

"19 Miles From Davis" Pitches A New Venue

FACT: You Would Have Made More Money During Obama-Biden's Administration Than During Trump's EVEN IF YOU SOLD ALL YOUR STOCK MARKET HOLDINGS THE DAY BEFORE THE MARKET'S COVID COLLAPSE

Billionaire Nick Hanauer's TED Talk: "Capitalism's Dirty Little Secret"

Dialogue With My Canadian Neurologist Friend (An American Ex-Pat) Concerning Recent Events In Kenosha

RNC Shows A Video Clip Of "Biden's America" Complete With Conflagration In The Streets..... Of Barcelona, Spain

"It's Been a Minute's" Sam Sanders Discusses The Milwaukee Bucks Refusal To Play An NBA Playoff Game With Clinton Yates, Columnist For "The Undefeated"

If The Louisiana Supreme Court Is Comprised Of "Civilized" People, God Forbid What America Will Be Like If Civilization Breaks Down

Umair Haque On COVID Depression, Unemployment, Loss Of Benefits, The Unfolding Depression, And Establishment Of A Hobnailed, Iron-Fisted Autocracy?

Reprise: Orwell: A Brief, Image-Rich Introduction To A Prophetic Genius

We Forget That Hitler Brought Widespread Prosperity To Economically Devastated Germans

The Bible's Two Versions Of The Decalogue Are Different. Read The 1st Commandment

To Glimpse The Reality Behind Trump's "Official Story," Check Out This Video Clip Of Melania Reacting To Ivanka At Last Night's RNC Conclusion: Turns Out Oz Has 2 Wicked Witches

Ursula Le Guin On Anger

An Enlightening Account Of What It's Like When A Poor Black Boy Tries To Reach Europe From Sub-Saharan Africa: "La Crueldad De Esta Historia Pertenece a Miles De Personas"

Online Conversation With Trumpista QAnon Supporter Who Alleges John Kennedy Jr. Is Not Dead But Waiting For A "Safe Opportunity" To Emerge From Hiding To Declare His Wholehearted Support For Donald Trump

Biden - And The Mainstream Media - Should Demand That Trump Sponsor The Press Conference About Melania's Immigration "Irregularities" - A Press Conference Trump Promised During the 2016 Campaign

Urging Republicans To Break The Law Trump Tells Supporters To Vote Twice - A Felony

Joe Biden: Trump "Legitimizes The Dark Side Of Human Nature"

"Trump And His Cultists Are Arsonists Pretending To Be Firefighters"

Thomas Merton: "Adolf Eichmann, Sanity and Normality"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: American Political Violence Is "Exclusively" Right-Wing

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Organized Religion And The Everyday Validation Of Violence

Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence And The Deadly Outcome Of His Inflammatory Rhetoric

"Vote Out Hate": Political Ad Focuses Trump's Hatred And Passion For Violence

American Conservatives Demand Violence To Keep Violence Alive. Otherwise, It Withers And Their Worldview Collapses

After Confirming That Trump Called US Servicemen "Suckers," Donald Trump Demands That Fox Reporter Jennifer Griffin Be Fired

Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies

My Criticism Of People Who Argue That It's Better To Vote For A Third Party Candidate, Or For No One At All

Compendium Of Best "Pax On Barbaria" Posts About Cheating As A Republican Compulsion And A Conservative Obsession

Multiple Fox News Reporters Confirm "Trump Treats Troops Like Trash"

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Cheating (Among American Conservatives And Inside The Republican Party) - As Prelude To The Destruction Of Democracy

Ass-Licking Suck-Up Lindsey "Gollum" Graham  

This is the one

Republican Senator And Long-Time Trump Supporter Lindsey Graham Says Trump's "Lack Of Respect" For Troops Is "A Disqualifying Characteristic"

The following two links are from Pax:

Lindsey Graham Makes Anti-Trump, Pro-Biden Campaign Ad

Lindsey Graham: "If We Nominate Trump, We Will Get Destroyed... And We Will Deserve It"

"General James Mattis Describes Trump As A Near-Nazi Turncoat-Enemy Of The American People"

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

What Mitch McConnell's Senate Report On Russian Interference In The 2016 Election:  Meticulous Research Historian Heather Cox Richardson Dives Deep Discovers Treachery If Not Treason

Is Ortega Y Gasset The Most Important Modern Philosopher? The Most Discerning Prophet?

Trump Is Not Responsible

Laura Ingraham Interviews Donald Trump: Watch The President Dive Off The Deep End Into A Pool Of Bullshit

Who Comes To Mind?

Thank God "The Good Christians" Are No Longer Blaming Hillary And Barack

Is Kerala, India, A Successful Example Of Socialism In Action?

An Australian Video Spoof Goes To The Heart Of Unregulated "Cowboy" Capitalism And It's Pre-Legalized Criminality

PERFECT Definition Of A Republican

The Philosophical Foundation Of Self-Professed Patriots: "When Serving Your Country, First Ask..."

"Thugs Wearing Dark Uniforms": "A Lot Of People Are Saying"

Online Discussion With A Trump-Supporting "Christian" "Conservative": "Final judgment for every soul belongs only to the only Perfect Son of God He chose to save and bless and heal. He never harms His Own"


Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Red State - Blue State Secession

Red State

Blue States Secede: "F*ck The South!" 

Republicans Are Talking About Red State Secession, And I Strongly Recommend Close Examination Of The Proposal: Here's Why...

Racism, The Division Of The United States Into Two Separate Polities, And The Sudden Collapse Of The Soviet Union

Red States Blue States

Updating My Proposal Concerning Possible Division Of The "United" States Into Two Separate Nations

Red States Blue States

It Is High-Time To Begin Discussion Of Dividing The United States Into Two Independent Polities

Red States Blue States

What Would Happen If, "Miraculously," Trump's Electoral Victory Were Validated By Swing States Who Suddenly Admitted That Their Vote Tallies Had Been Manipulated... And The Supreme Court Agreed?

QAnon Is A Right-Wing Device To "Re-Brand" Insanity As Sanity So That Trump's Relentless March Toward Fascism Is Not Just Considered Normal, But Godly

Avocados, BLT's, And Eschatology-Scatology

At Least Read The First Paragraph Of This "America Magazine" Story: "Reading Jame Baldwin Can Help Heal The Wounds Of Racial Division"

"An Appeal To Our Fellow Catholics Concerning Trump's Candidacy - Published By "The National Review," America's Premier Conservative Magazine

Compendium Of Best "Barbaria" Posts About Politically-Motivated Violence

"Trump And His Cultists Are Arsonists Pretending To Be Firefighters"

Thomas Merton: "Adolf Eichmann, Sanity and Normality"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: American Political Violence Is "Exclusively" Right-Wing

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Organized Religion And The Everyday Validation Of Violence

Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence And The Deadly Outcome Of His Inflammatory Rhetoric

"Vote Out Hate": Political Ad Focuses Trump's Hatred And Passion For Violence

American Conservatives Demand Violence To Keep Violence Alive. Otherwise, It Withers And Their Worldview Collapses

After Confirming That Trump Called US Servicemen "Suckers," Donald Trump Demands That Fox Reporter Jennifer Griffin Be Fired

Trump Trashes Troops: Dialogue With "Christian" "Conservative" Friend About Truth, Faith, And "Absolute Faith Corrupting As Absolutely As Absolute Power"

Nicholas Kristof Explores The Atlantic Magazine Article Detailing Trump's Disparagement Of American Troops

Nicholas Kristof Follows Up On Trump's 280 Campaign Promises To See How He's Did

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Cheating (Among American Conservatives And Inside The Republican Party) - As Prelude To The Destruction Of Democracy

Tom Tomorrow: "The World's Greatest Democracy" (With Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts)

Trump Has Created A "Sick Society: Those People Hate Democracy So Much!"

The End Of Democracy: Trump's Love For "The Poorly Educated," And Opinion-Trumping-Truth

Two Full Years Of American History Taught Dialectically Is The Swiftest, Surest Path To Restoration Of Social And Political Health In The American Body Politic

Native America: Why Don't Middle School And High School American History Texts Tell The Truth?

"I Say Unto You (On Behalf Of My Good Christian Friend, Karen): Let The Pedophiles Be Castrated In My Name"

Amanpour: "On Social Media, Lies Spread Six Times Faster Than Truth"

Cartoon: Social Media - The Run-Up To QAnon

COVID Cartoons: 200,000 Dead; Trump Didn't Want To Cause Panic

"Why Trump Supporters Can’t Admit Who He Really Is"

My No Holds Barred Criticism Of People Who Argue That It's Better To Vote For A Third Party Candidate, Or For No One At All

Cruelty And Retaliation: Who Comes To Mind?

Online Discussion With A Trump-Supporting "Christian" "Conservative": "Final judgment for every soul belongs only to the only Perfect Son of God He chose to save and bless and heal. He never harms His Own"

Joe Biden Puts Lindsey Graham On His Payroll

"Trump Backs Accused Child Molester Roy Moore For Senate"  ///  Ivanka Trump On Roy Moore: "There's A Special Place In Hell For People Who Prey On Children"

Donald Trump: Who The Hell Is Friends With Five Pedophiles?!?

"Trump Backs Accused Child Molester Roy Moore For Senate"  ///  Ivanka Trump On Roy Moore: "There's A Special Place In Hell For People Who Prey On Children"

Donald Trump's Sexual Assault Allegations

"Lest We Forget, Trump Raped His First Wife: Read Ivana's Trump's Description Of The Terrifying Act"

Hard-Hitting New Ad -- "Pedo Trump"

Here's where American conservatives ran off the rails.

"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: 'It's a pound.' Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating." Denis de Rougemont

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

How Trump Trashes The Underpinnings Of Truth-And-Faith-In-Shared-Values So That The Resulting Chaos Creates Cultists Conditioned To Believe Falsehood Over Truth: 20th Century Intellectual Titan, Hannah Arendt, Analyzes This Corrosive Mechanism

"The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method"

Journalists Should Be In "Emergency" Mode: Journalistic Method Needs To Be Redefined To Deal With Trump's Re-Definition Of Bullshit As Normalcy 

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

"Daniel Webster Prompts A Review Of Conspiracism And Its Destructive Role In American Politics"

"Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad"

"Truth Infuriates People Whose Lives Are Lie"

"Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge"

"Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies"

"How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies"

"Donald Trump's Identity Revealed"

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

"Compendium: Trump And His Minions Lie-And-Mislead More Easily Than They Metabolize, With A Special Guest Appearance By Master Bull-Shitter, Kayleigh McEnany"

Kayleigh McEnany Has Made A Mockery Of Her Promise Not To Lie
(Her White House Press Briefings Are Parodies Of Dystopian Governance)

Kayleigh McEnany's Lies About Alleged Voter Fraud Reveal The Sludge Sucking Nature Of The Beast

Fox News Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany's Baseless Claims Of Voter Fraud

"Pardon Him, Theodotus; He Is A Barbarian And Thinks That The Customs Of His Tribe And Island Are The Laws Of Nature." George Bernard Shaw On The Nature Of Personal Stupidity And Social Stupefaction

Compendium Of Trump Videos That Reveal His Arrogance, Inhumanity, Stupidity And Cruelty

Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies

How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies 

Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge

"It Has Come To This. How Do We Tell The Truth To 40% Of Americans?"

The Insuperable Stupidity-Perversity-Ignorance Of Diehard Trump Supporters

Can We Talk? "Most Stupid People Are Conservative"

Why "Absolutists" Prefer To See "Relativists" Dead... Whereas "Relativists" Prefer That "Absolutists" Just Mind Their Own Business

Hannah Arendt 

Alan: From lack of intelligence, lack of learning, lack of insight, or plain ol' malice-malevolence, Trump and his cultists do not understand that the erosion of trust in constitutionally-mandated political institutions contributes mightily to the degradation -- if not the collapse -- of Democracy itself. 

20th century intellectual titan, Hannah Arendt -- who attended the Nuremberg Trials and coined the phrase "the banality of evil" -- has a lock-tight grip on this corrosive political process.

Here's how it unfolds...

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

How Trump Trashes The Underpinnings Of Truth-And-Faith-In-Shared-Values So That The Resulting Chaos Creates Cultists Conditioned To Believe Falsehood Over Truth: 20th Century Intellectual Titan, Hannah Arendt, Analyzes This Corrosive Mechanism

Compendium Of Best Hannah Arendt Posts

Bill Maher Describes Addlepated Trumpism As It Is. Hannah Arendt Explains "How" Trumpism Came Into Being

Alan: During my 1950s' childhood, any weirdo-relative living in an in-law apartment would have become a candidate for "insane asylum committal" as soon as s/he started spewing the kind of lunatic ideation that consumes Trump Cult, a coven of crazies who subscribe to QAnon, a new secular religion with its own messiah (i.e., Donald Trump) and its own resurrection (i.e., John Kennedy Jr. is not dead). 

And that's just the beginning.

Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton are members of a vast Hollywood (and Democratic Party) cabal that operates a massive sex slave trade which also kills children, cannibalizing them in Satanic blood rituals.

If you've got the stomach, you can learn more about this epochal normalization-of-insanity at:  

QAnon Is Nucking Futs: A Clearing House For Crazy People (Which Continually Tells Them THEY Are The Sane Ones)

"Donald Trump And His Group Of Alleged Wife-Beaters Are All Cut From The Same Cloth"

Pedophile Trump And His Wife-Raping, Wife-Beating, Pedo-Friendly Swamp


Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller: What Happened After He Attempted Suicide

Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller: "The Most Idealistic Is The Realistically Most Practical"

"Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth," By Buckminster Fuller - Free Online PDF File 

"The Social Dilemma," Marshall McLuhan, And Bucky Fuller's Observation Concerning "Utopia Or Oblivion" Re: Humainologie Creative Dialogue Team Practice

Three More Trump Administration Speak Out Against Trump, Including Gen. McMaster - One Of Donald's Hand-Picked "Best People" - Says America Is In Greater Peril Now Than On 9/10/2001

Retired Four-Star General McCaffrey: “President Trump Is A Serious Threat To US National Security”

Conservative Christianity, Armageddon As Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, And Return To The Neolithic

Racism, The Division Of The United States Into Two Separate Polities (Red And Blue), And The Sudden Collapse Of The Soviet Union

"How Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Death Will Bring About The Failure Of Trump-McConnell's Plan To Rush A Successor, Simultaneously Creating A Blue Tsunami In November"

Nicholas Kristof Reports From His Family Farm In Oregon About The Deadly Corrosive Effect Of Conspiracism, Specifically As It Relates To False Antifa Arson Reports

"Filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court Seat Would Be A Disastrous Republican Move"

"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale," Brilliantly Re-Told By Anne Herbert

Multiple Fox News Reporters Confirm "Trump Treats Troops Like Trash"

Trump Trashes Troops: Trump Trashes Troops: Dialogue With "Christian" "Conservative" Friend About Truth, Faith, And "Absolute Faith Corrupting As Absolutely As Absolute Power"

"This Is A Nightmare For Republicans - But Trump's Too Dumb To Figure It Out." MSNBC's Morning Joe (A Former Republican Congressman)

Brilliant "Conservative Jesus" Video 
By Andrew Swetland

Mike Pence's Only Black Friend

Kamala Harris GIF That Will Make You Go "Wow!" Even If You Don't Like Her

Of The 20 Most Crime Ridden States, All But 6 Are Blood Red (And 2 Of Those Have Been Red Until Recently), Of The 9 Least Violent States, 7 Are Blue

Trump Picked A Fight With McCain Campaign Manager And Lincoln Project Co-Founder Steve Schmidt And Was Immediately Reduced To Cinder

"Taliban Endorses Trump" (This Is Not Parody)

"The Social Dilemma," Marshall McLuhan, And Bucky Fuller's Observation Concerning "Utopia Or Oblivion" Re: Humainologie Creative Dialogue Team Practice

The Rich Aren't Just Grabbing A Bigger Slice Of The Income Pie. They're Taking All Of It

Amy Coney Barrett: "Am I Missing Something?"

"Amy Coney Barrett: Parallels Between Biblical Literalism And Constitutional Literalism"

"Trump Can't Even Keep The White House Safe... And Amy Coney Barrett Collaborates In The Recklessness"
Trump Flunky Urges "Herd Immunity": Has Trump Joined The Deep State?

PBS' 2 Hour Documentary, "Choice 2020 - Trump Versus Biden"

A Compendium Of Pope Francis' Links With An Inter-Related Critique Of "Conservative" "Christianity" (Which Is Neither)

"Emo Philips Tells A Story About Heretic Scum. Trump Picks Up Where Emo Leaves Off"

 "Make Your Bed": Admiral McRaven Leaves His TED Audience Speechless: What American Generals Think About "The National Security" Threat Who Lives In The White House

Journalists Should Be In "Emergency" Mode
Journalistic Method Needs To Be Redefined To Deal With Trump's Re-Definition Of Bullshit As Normalcy
"On The Media"

Bolton Warned His Staff To Stay Away From Russia-Aligned Rudy Giuliani

"Compendium Of Best G.K. Chesterton Posts"

If Barack Obama Had Said Any Of Things, Every "Conservative" In America Would Have Called For His Head - But Only After Drawing And Quartering

George Conway Chokes Up Explaining The Moment He Realized Trump Was A Full-Throttle Racist: "He Is Evil"

Compendium Of Best "Barbaria" Posts About Politically-Motivated Violence

"Trump And His Cultists Are Arsonists Pretending To Be Firefighters"

Thomas Merton: "Adolf Eichmann, Sanity and Normality"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: American Political Violence Is "Exclusively" Right-Wing

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Organized Religion And The Everyday Validation Of Violence

Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence And The Deadly Outcome Of His Inflammatory Rhetoric

"Vote Out Hate": Political Ad Focuses Trump's Hatred And Passion For Violence

American Conservatives Demand Violence To Keep Violence Alive. Otherwise, It Withers And Their Worldview Collapses

"Vote Out Hate": Political Ad Focuses Trump's Hatred, And His Passion For Violence /// Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence

Lincoln Project's "Girl In The Mirror" Dives Deep Into Trump's Attitude Toward Women

Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies

How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies 

Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge

Can We Talk? "Most Stupid People Are Conservative"

Trump Said QAnon "Fights" Pedophilia. But The Group Has Made It Harder To Protect Kids  

Parents Of 545 Children Separated At U.S.-Mexico Border Still Can't Be Found

Hitler Promised, In Exactly These Words, To "Make Germany Great Again": A Chronology Of Der Führer's Lies

Bill McKibben "The Christian Paradox: How A Faithful Nation Gets Jesus Wrong"

Instruction And Education Aim At Antipodes

I Grew Up With Italian Americans: A Small-Time, Punk Mobster... And A Big-Time Pathological Liar

"The New England Journal Of Medicine" Condemns Trump As A Mass Murderer

"The President Of The United States Is A Mass Murderer: He Has Murdered For Months On End With Malice Aforethought"

Trump Is Guilty Of Negligent Homicide On A Massive Scale: Columbia University Study: "Trump Could Have Saved 130K Lives"

"Trump's COVID Plan: Negligent Homicide"

"The Statue Of Liberty Comments On Donald Trump's COVID-19 Plan: Negligent Homicide"

"Did Trump's Coronavirus Action, Inaction And Ineptitude Kill 124,175 People Needlessly? (Correcting A Blog Post Dated June 26, 2020)"

"The Lincoln Project" Takes On Trump's Laughably Nonexistent Health Care Plan

"How Sad It Must Be For Trump Supporters To Believe That Scientists, Scholars, Teachers And Journalists Have Devoted Their Entire Lives To Deceiving You, While A Reality TV Star With Decades Of Fraud And Documented Lying Is Your Only Beacon Of Truth And Honesty" 
I post this meme every time I see it

It Has Come To This. How Do We Tell The Truth To 40% Of Americans?

"The Price for Not Wearing Masks: Perhaps 130,000 Lives"

"Trump's Death Cult"

"American Death Cult," By Jonathan Chait (Why Has The Republican Response To The Pandemic Been So Mind-Bogglingly Disastrous?)

Take This Test In The Privacy Of Your Own Home And Prove To Yourself That Trump Is A Psychopathic Liar Who Has Suckered His Followers With Bullshit That Would Make Satan Blush

American Evangelicals Have Sold Their Soul To Satan

Family Separation And The Satanic Cruelty Of Most Republicans

 The Sin Of Sodom: The One You Know About And The Much More Important One Nobody Heeds

"Compendium Of Best Pax/Barbaria Posts Concerning The Coming Collapse Of Evangelicalism"

Friend Marsh Hardy Recommends 14 Minute Chris Hodges Video, "American Psychosis"

Compendium Of Donald Trump's Sexual Weirdness: "Who The Hell Is Friends With 5 Pedophiles?"

History As Bullshit - And What We Can Do About It: ""Human History Becomes More And More A Race Between Education And Catastrophe"

Trump Tells The Truth: "I Lie"

"Best Global Warming Posts Featuring John Oliver's Best Global Warming Debate"

Global Warming: Mother Earth Knows How To Cure Her Own Fever (With Follow-Up Correspondence)

How To Cultivate Pecan Trees  

Originalism: A Short Course In American History - Who We Are And Where We Came From

"Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect"

If You're A Trump Fan And Watch These Video Clips, You'll Either Renounce "His Toxicity," 
Or Understand That You're Voting For An Inept, Murderous Liar Who Moonlights As A Malignant Narcissist

"QAnon’s Creator Made the Ultimate Conspiracy Theory"
Foreign Policy Magazine

They're All Here! "The Lincoln Project" Produces The Best Take-Down Trump Ads:  The Hilarity... And The Gravity

Teddy Roosevelt On "Malefactors Of Great Wealth"

Financial Speculation, Conspiracism, "Christian" "Conservatism," Usury, The Catholic Church And Being Burned At The Stake

For Catholicism, Is "Contraception" The New "Usury?"

Thomas Jefferson Was Not A Hidebound "Originalist" - To The Contrary!

"Excuse Me, Are You Thinking About Voting For Trump?" New York Times Columnist, Nicholas Kristof

Nicholas Kristof Reports From His Family Farm In Oregon About The Deadly Corrosive Effect Of Conspiracism, Specifically As It Relates To False Antifa Arson Reports

"How can 42 percent of Americans still support the worst president in our history?" 
Lifelong Conservative Columnist Max Boot, Military Historian
"Trump Surrenders Without A Fight: Waves White Flag At Coronavirus"

Trump's Militias Make Their First Organized Attempt To Formally Terrorize Their Political Opponents: 
If Biden Supporters Had Surrounded Trump's Campaign Bus, Secret Service Agents Would Have Shot To Kill


Potpourri Of Best "News From Barbaria" Posts, October 27, 2020

Philadelphia Cops Kill Black Man With No Attempt To De-Escalate: "Conservative" "Christians" Agree "He Had It Coming" (Don't Know What De-Escalation Is)

"Philadelphia Police, Again, Are Incapable Of Treating Black Men As Anything But A Threat"
Philadelphia Inquirer

"With COVID-19 Under Control, China's Economy Surges Ahead"
New York Times

"General James Mattis Describes Trump As A Near-Nazi Turncoat-Enemy Of The American People" /// Other U.S. Generals Weigh In

"Why Trump Can't Afford To Lose," Jane Mayer

"How Can 42 Percent Of American Still Support The Worst President In Our History?" Lifelong Conservative Columnist Max Boot, Military Historian

"How Self-Taught Philosopher-Longshoreman Eric Hoffer Judges A Government, Or A Way Of Life"

"Family Separation And The Satanic Cruelty Of Most Republicans"

"How Piety And Devotion-To-God Distract People From The Necessary Work Of Kindness"

Why I Always Vote And Routinely Compromise My Principles In Order To Elect A Winnable Candidate Who Is "The Lesser Of Two Evils"

third party 3rd party

The Deep State Is Real: Plutocratic, Oligarchic, Unbridled Capitalism

My Best Memes: If You Are Squeamish About The Word "Sh*t" You May Wish To Ignore This Post. (This Is My Last Political Email On Election Day, 2020)

"Frog Hospital's" Fred Owens Reflects On His Boon Companions At St. Michael's College, University Of Toronto, Via Gleanings From His "Western Year's" 20th Reunion 

The Right Wing Confirmation Bias Bubble: "Donald Trump Lives Here... But Not For Long"

"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Information"

"The Paranoid Style In American Politics," The Definitive Essay By Richard Hofstadter

CNN's Van Jones Reacts To Joe Biden Becoming The 46th President Of The United States

CNN's Van Jones Reacts To Joe Biden's Becoming The 46th President Of The United States... And, Finally, Trump's Cruelty And Giddy Vindictiveness Come To An End

Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Masterclass: Teaches You How To Think - Learning How To Get Past "Thinking You're Right" To "Knowing When You're Wrong"

My Most Important Late-Life Findings: The Fundaments That Illuminate My Understanding Of The World, Updated
short form long form camps
late life

"Fear And Anxiety Drive Conservatives Political Attitudes": How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

"The Role Of Fear And Anxiety In Political Affiliation": How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

Republican Senator Ben Sasse Talks Politics With A Critical Constituent (And The Role Of Religion In Politics) Re: Financial Speculation, Conspiracism, "Christian" "Conservatism," Usury, The Catholic Church And Being Burned At The Stake

Trump's Rallies Define His Vision Of Liberty: The Right Not To Care About Other People

Kayleigh McEnany Has Made A Mockery Of Her Promise Not To Lie
(Her White House Press Briefings Are Parodies Of Dystopian Governance)

Kayleigh McEnany's Lies About Alleged Voter Fraud Reveal The Sludge Sucking Nature Of The Beast

Fox News Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany's Baseless Claims Of Voter Fraud

"Pardon Him, Theodotus; He Is A Barbarian And Thinks That The Customs Of His Tribe And Island Are The Laws Of Nature." George Bernard Shaw On The Nature Of Personal Stupidity And Social Stupefaction

The Insuperable Stupidity-Perversity-Ignorance Of Diehard Trump Supporters

It Has Come To This. How Do We Tell The Truth To 40% Of Americans?

Bad Religion And The Abrahamic Tradition

Nixon Aide John Erhlichman Admits Blacks And Hippies Were Convicted Of Trivial Drug Crimes For Political Gain 

Email Exchange With "Frog Hospital's" Fred Owens Concerning Trump's Fate: Exile Or Imprisonment?

"The Paranoid Style In American Politics," The Definitive Essay By Richard Hofstadter

Financial Speculation, Conspiracism, "Christian" "Conservatism," Usury, The Catholic Church And Being Burned At The Stake
Robert Louis Stevenson Encourages Donald Trump To Take Up Shell Collecting

Richard Branson Describes First Tête–à–Tête With Trump: The Man Is Obsessed With Revenge  

Online Discussion With Good Friend David Concerning The Deep State And The Remote Possibility That Trump Will Attempt A Coup

"People Of The Lie" And The Morphing Of Mainstream Republicans Into Lizard People

"People Of The Lie"
Francis X. Maier (writing in The Catholic Thing)

The Easter Exsultet: Evil Celebrated As The Necessary Prelude To The Greatest Good

The Death Of Epistemology: Update

A Former Conservative Blogger On The Failures Of Right-Wing Media - A Brilliant Matthew Sheffield Interview With "On The Media" (Likely To Be The Best Broadcast You'll Hear This Month)

On the Media

"The Case For Liberalism: A Defense Of The Future Against The Past," By George McGovern

"Dirty Trickster Lee Atwater: The GOP SOB At The Heart Of Republican Barbarism (Hidden Mic)"

"Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad"
All the above (and the last 4 or 5 screens below have been posted at just before Thanksgiving
Potpourri of Best "News From Barbaria" Posts, Updated, November 16, 2020

Reprise: "The GOP Deliberately Crafted An Ignorant, Prejudicial, Hateful Consituency"

Deliberately created

"Don't Judge"
An Oscar-Winning Short Move (4 Minutes Long)

"General James Mattis Describes Trump As A Near-Nazi Turncoat-Enemy Of The American People" /// Other U.S. Generals Weigh In

U.S. Generals' Views Of Trump

In 2020 Obama Identified "An Epistemological Crisis" As America's Central Toxin. Here's How I Identified This Toxin In 2012 (This Post Has Been Updated)

"Obama Just Identified Our Biggest Problem Of All" 
"The Death Of Epistemology": Update

What Happens When People Matter More Than Vacant Space: An Object Lesson In The Relationship Between Perspective And Meaning (A GIF)

Trump Cultists: I Understand Their Abjectly Submissive Fearfulness. I Do Not Understand Their Refusal To Get A Life - Or To Even Try

Similarities Between Hitler And Trump


Compendium Of Best Posts Concerning American Theocracy

"Aggressive Ignorance And Christianity's Failure To Champion Truth"

"Frank Zappa Prophesied A Fascist Theocracy. Barry Goldwater Agrees"


"This Phenomenon Explains What's Wrong With Trump Supporters' Brains"

Trolls... And The End Of Civilization As We Knew It
Why "Rugged Individualism" Doesn't Work

Compendium Of Posts About Socialism And Democratic Socialism: Harry Truman, Bernie Sanders And Western Europe's Democratic Socialism As Exemplified By Norway

Bill Maher Cuts To The Quick Of Birtherism/Conspiracism As An Infinite Regress "House Of Mirrors"
lizard people sentient beings
The American Right-Wing's Ersatz Theology: Ancient Gnostic Heresy Is A Key To Understanding QAnon 
(An Illuminating Interview From NPR's "On The Media")

"There Is a Real Opportunity Here That I Think Biden Is Capturing: The President-Elect Is Making The Climate A Top Priority" (David Leonhardt, The New York Times)
Nicholas Kristof On 100,000 Medical Miracles Worked By One Nepalese Surgeon: Jesus Weighs In
Ger Blindness Cataracts

"Interstellar," Myth, And "The Christian Buddhism Of St. John: New Insights Into The Fourth Gospel"

Do These People Look Real? Artificial Intelligence Proves That "Seeing Is Not Believing"

Designed To Deceive: Do These People Look Real To You

You Can Now Buy A "Fake Person" -- A Person You Would Swear-To-God Is Real

"Before There Was Trump, There Was Cleon": A Discussion About Demagoguery And Populism
My Reply To A University Of Toronto Conspiracist Friend Who Is Convinced That Alleged "Evidence" Of  Voting Machine Fraud Proves That Joe Biden Stole The Presidency

Stephen Colbert And Seth Myer Review The Ugly Death Of Trump's Embarrassing Attempt To Seize Joe Biden's Popular Votes

The Temptation Of Buddha And The Fourth Gospel

"Before There Was Trump, There Was Cleon": A Discussion About Demagoguery And Populism

"Coronavirus Rhapsody" By Raúl Irabién, Based On "Bohemian Rhapsody"

In 2020 Obama Identified "An Epistemological Crisis" As America's Central Toxin. Here's How I Identified This Toxin In 2012 (This Post Has Been Updated)

Religion, Perfectionism, Savonarola and The Pending Apocalypse of The Republican Party (This Post Was Written In 2012)

 "The Death Of Epistemology": Update

Compendium Of Best Pax-Barbaria Posts On Education (With A Failsafe Proposal For National Restoration)

What The Good Guys Are Up Against: People Who Say, "I Wouldn't Believe That Even It Was True"

"Salus populi suprema lex esto" 
"The Health Of The People Is The Highest Law"

"Health is the supreme law" Yale Law Review

History As Bullshit - And What We Can Do About It: ""Human History Becomes More And More A Race Between Education And Catastrophe"

How history would be taught if we weren't fixated on bullshit...
"Do Wars Really Defend America's Freedom?" (Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)

"How To Make Lasting Political Progress"
(Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler, Teaches Us To Win It All Through Our Persistent Determination To Keep On Losing)

"Federalists And Anti-Federalists Explained" (History As It Should Be Taught: A Mother Lode Of Superb, Dialectical Discussion At

(The above post - which illustrates how to teach history dialectically better than any other source I know - concludes with a compendium of all the links listed below... and more.) 

Originalism: A Short Course In American History - Who We Are And Where We Came From

Teaching Civics And American History: Humankind's Race Between Education And Catastrophe

"The Paranoid Style In American Politics," The Definitive Essay By Richard Hofstadter

A Majority Of Republicans Hold Negative Views About Higher Education

Reprise: Trump Is The Symptom Of A Broken Educational System. (Howard Zinn Is The Fix)

Native America: Why Don't Middle School And High School American History Texts Tell The Truth?

"Thanksgiving": One Person's Justification For Thieving Genocide Is Another Person's Rage At Being Ripped Off And Mass Murdered

  Ortiz indigennous 


That's All, Folks! A Farewell To Frank Stasio
State of Things

Remember when GOP Sen. Ted Cruz said that COVID would "magically" disappear within a week if Biden was elected.
American conservatives can not NOT lie.

"Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge"

Compendium: Trump And His Minions Lie-And-Mislead More Easily Than They Metabolize, With A Special Guest Appearance By Master Bull-Shitter, Kayleigh McEnany
Best Lies compendium

"Trump's Rallies Define His Vision Of Liberty: The Right Not To Care About Other People"

"Kayleigh McEnany Has Made A Mockery Of Her Promise Not To Lie 
(Her White House Press Briefings Are Parodies Of Dystopian Governance)"

"Kayleigh McEnany's Lies About Alleged Voter Fraud Reveal The Sludge Sucking Nature Of The Beast"

"Fox News Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany's Baseless Claims Of Voter Fraud"

Trump skips G20 pandemic event to visit golf club as virus ravages US
195,500 new US cases reported in 24-hour period as president skips event focused on ‘coordinated response’ to Covid

Trump Force Feeds Sludge To His Abject Followers: A Compendium Of Compendia

The Most Direct, Efficacious Way To Restore Integrity And Vigor To America's Sick Body Politic: 
Two Years Of American History - Taught Dialectically - Will Be A Pre-Requisite For High School Graduation
(Here's How It Works...)

"Federalists And Anti-Federalists Explained" (History As It Should Be Taught: A Mother Lode Of Superb, Dialectical Discussion At

(The above post - which illustrates how to teach history dialectically better than any other source I know - concludes with a compendium of all the links listed below... and more.)

"Good Ideas For The Body Politic" - A Distillation Of My Activist Thinking

The Difference Between Socialism And Capitalism

"What To Do When You Are So Full Of Shit..."

A Very Inconvenient Truth: I Wish I Had Better News Than This Moribund Prognosis For "Conservative" "Christianity"

"Why Is It That We Automatically Know The Political Affiliation Of These People?"
knife in nose 

Fred's "Almost Weekly": "Up Shit Creek, Memories of Robert Sund"

Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Barack Obama About His New Book --- My Experience Of Obama's Inauguration, January 20, 2009
"The Difference Between Refusing To Wear A Seat Belt And Refusing To Wear A Mask"  

What Christian Conservatives Need To Know About Trump... And About Themselves

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About "Christian" "Conservatism": "Fantasyland," "Jim Bakker" And "Theological Dunderheadness" Will Scare The Bejesus Out Of You... If Your Body Hasn't Already Been Snatched

15-Year-Old Innovator Named 'Kid Of The Year' By Time Magazine

Denmark To Phase Out Oil And Gas In Landmark Decision

LISTEN: Bill Moyers discusses what Trump will do next as Biden’s victory drives him barking mad

The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method

Journalists Should Be In "Emergency" Mode: Journalistic Method Needs To Be Redefined To Deal With Trump's Re-Definition Of Bullshit As Normalcy 

SUPERB INTERVIEW With Boston College History Professor, Heather Cox Richardson: Bill Moyers Discusses What Trump Will Do Next As Biden's Victory Drives Him "Barking Mad"

"The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions" And The "Mobocratic Spirit" That Will Destroy Them: Abraham Lincoln's Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, January 27, 1838 

Lincoln's Observation On America's Suicide

Lincoln: Truth Is Everything

"Federalists And Anti-Federalists Explained" (History As It Should Be Taught: A Mother Lode Of Superb, Dialectical Discussion At

Hunter S. Thompson: Gullible, Trusting Liberals Will Get Stomped To Shit If They Don't Realize That Most American Conservatives Will Do Any Goddamn Thing To Stomp Shit Out Of Them

My Post To Elodie's Facebook: On The Indispensable Need For Fluctuation Between Right-Wing And Left-Wing Parties Which Must Alternate Control Of Government In Order To Guarantee Democracy's Survival


Faith, Truth, Absolutism, Relativism And New Age Snake Handlers: A Summary Of Trump Cult Delusion And The God-Awful Difficulty Of Escaping The Trap They've Set For Themselves

Trump-Supporting "Christians" Have The Same Shifty, Ungrounded View Of Truth As Pontius Pilate (Except When Absolutism Suits Their Political Agenda)

QAnon as the inevitable end state of the lies needed to keep absolutism alive
Back in the 50's Back in the 50s
any weirdo-relative weirdo relative

"Just Around The Bend": Amy Coney Barrett's Adherence To Philosophical And Theological Absolutism 
Leaves The Door Wide Open To Marginalization And Oppression Of Those Who Do Not Share Her Absolutist Belief

Conservatives And Liberals: "How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

"Here Is Where Contemporary 'Conservatism' Ran Off The Rails: America's Cultural Crisis Distills To The Ascertainment Of Social, Political And Historical Truth. The Linchpin Question Is This... Will Absolutism/Authoritarianism Rule Our Epistemological Mindscape? Or Will Intellectual Rigor And Multifaceted Contextualization Prevail?"

Brigham Young: A Case Study Of The Corruption Caused By The Absolute Faith Of "True Believers"
Danny Caribou Masia Can Pares "Indonesian Room"
Sitges, Barcelona, Catalonia

Brother Gerald, 2020 ICON Award Winner: "Homeless, Addicted, Poor, And Hungry..." /// "My Family's Transformative Experience With Nuns - The Sisters Of St. Joseph, And The Mercy Sisters"

Compendium: Trump And His Minions Lie-And-Mislead More Easily Than They Metabolize, With A Special Guest Appearance By Master Bull-Shitter, Kayleigh McEnany
Best Lies compendium

Truth Infuriates People Whose Lives Are Lies
horrifying downside identity politics

Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies

How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies 

"Donald Trump's Identity Revealed"

Pax On Both Houses' Most Frequently Visited Memes: Volumes 1 & 2 (Through August 2, 2017)

Bill Maher Cuts To The Quick Of Birtherism/Conspiracism As An Infinite Regress "House Of Mirrors"


Alan: From lack of intelligence, lack of learning, lack of insight, or plain ol' malice-malevolence, Trump and his cultists do not understand that the erosion of trust in constitutionally-mandated political institutions contributes mightily to the degradation -- if not the collapse -- of Democracy itself. 

20th century intellectual titan, Hannah Arendt -- who attended the Nuremberg Trials and coined the phrase "the banality of evil" -- has a lock-tight grip on this corrosive political process.

Here's how it unfolds...

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

How Trump Trashes The Underpinnings Of Truth-And-Faith-In-Shared-Values So That The Resulting Chaos Creates Cultists Conditioned To Believe Falsehood Over Truth: 20th Century Intellectual Titan, Hannah Arendt, Analyzes This Corrosive Mechanism

Compendium Of Best Hannah Arendt Posts

Bill Maher Describes Addlepated Trumpism As It Is. Hannah Arendt Explains "How" Trumpism Came Into Being

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

Alan: During my 1950s' childhood, any weirdo-relative living in an in-law apartment would have become a candidate for "insane asylum committal" as soon as s/he started spewing the kind of lunatic ideation that consumes Trump Cult, a coven of crazies who subscribe to QAnon, a new secular religion with its own messiah (i.e., Donald Trump) and its own resurrection (i.e., John Kennedy Jr. is not dead). 

And that's just the beginning.

Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton are members of a vast Hollywood (and Democratic Party) cabal who operate a massive sex slave trade that also kills children to cannibalize them in Satanic blood rituals.

If you've got the stomach, you can learn more about this epochal normalization-of-insanity at: 

"The Fire Hose Of Falsehood" Is A Russian Propaganda Technique Used By Trump Cult (And Other Fascist-Populist Movements) To Enforce Doubt Through Torrents Of Lies, Unfounded Insinuation, And Deceptive Hypotheses

The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

The American Right-Wing's Ersatz Theology: Ancient Gnostic Heresy Is A Key To Understanding QAnon (An Illuminating Interview From NPR's "On The Media")

Carl Sagan Details The Big Bamboozle (With A Little Help From His Friends)

Why "Absolutists" Prefer To See "Relativists" Dead... Whereas "Relativists" Prefer That "Absolutists" Just Mind Their Own Business
Trump cultists see liberals dead liberals want to see trump cultists mind their own business left alone leave alone

In Their Heart Of Hearts, Trump Cultists Want Liberals Dead. On The Other Side Of The Aisle, Liberals Want Conservatives To Just Leave Them Alone (And To Leave Religion Out Of Policy- Making)

What Would Happen If, "Miraculously," Trump's Electoral Victory Were Validated By Swing States Who Suddenly Admitted That Their Vote Tallies Had Been Manipulated... And The Supreme Court Agreed?

Trump Could Begin His Speeches With The Words "Everything I'm About To Tell You Is A Lie..."

Conservatives And Liberals: "How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

"The Greatest Generation: Labor, Capital And Betrayal Of The Social Contract"

Frank Stasio's Fondest Shows: Meet Surf Philosopher And Educator Maia Dery

Let Rudy Giuliani Make Your Day (... Starting With Two Uplifting News Items)

Truth, Treason And Trump (This Is A Long Read But The Opening Meme Expresses The Essence)

Donald Trump, The Easter Vigil Service, And "The Glamor Of Satan"

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts Concerning Trump's Cruelty

Trump's Death Cult

Music Making With My Mexican And North Carolina Bands: "Túnel Del Tiempo" And "19 Miles From Davis"

Oaxaca band

My Best "Short Guide" To Oaxaca, The Mexican City Where I Live And Work Over Winter

"St. Maximos, The Will And Universal Salvation"

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts Concerning The Damnation Of White, Conservative Christians (Assuming There Is A Hell, Which I Don't Believe)

Chris Hedges: The Christian Right Is Comprised Of Christian Heretics (And Most Of The Best Known Evangelists Are Capitalist Con Men)

"Freedom To Not Wear A Mask": A Convincing Argument

Alan Archibald: 2020 Year In Review

"Biden Cabinet Nominee, Deb Haaland, Pueblo Of Laguna," By Boston College History Professor, Heather Cox Richardson (Featured By Bill Moyers)

Which Party Has 100% Support Of People Who Wave Swastikas And Confederate Flags?

In The Main, Trump-Supporting Conservatives Are Nuts

Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts Concerning Mass Murderer Trump's Management Of The Pandemic

Are We At That Point Where "The Sapiens" Are Again Separating From "The Neanderthals?

It Is High-Time To Begin Discussion Of Dividing The United States Into Two Independent Polities

Red States Blue States

Blue States Secede: "F*ck The South!"

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Trump-Cult Cruelty

Trump's Legacy Is The Normalization Of Lunacy. Hannah Arendt Provides The Details

The "Look" People Get After Selling Their Souls To Satan

"Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad": I Know 2 People Who Have Died Of COVID-19, Including A Member Of My Band. Yet Tens Of Millions Of Increasingly Unhinged American Conspiracists Consider COVID A Hoax

My Best "Short Guide" To Oaxaca, The Mexican City Where I Live And Work Over Winter

Which Party Has 100% Support Of People Who Wave Swastikas And Confederate Flags?

"The Glamor Of Satan" And The Titillating Seduction Of Conspiratorial Thinking For "Christian" "Conservatives" (Who Are Neither)

My Dad's Attack On The Discriminatory Banking Practice Called "Redlining"

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

"Automation Could Kill One Third Of All American Jobs By 2030"

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Red State - Blue State Secession

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Mass Murderer Donald Trump

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Cheating (Among American Conservatives And Inside The Republican Party) - As Prelude To The Destruction Of Democracy

Tom Tomorrow: "The World's Greatest Democracy" (With Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts)

Trump Has Created A "Sick Society: Those People Hate Democracy So Much!"

The End Of Democracy: Trump's Love For "The Poorly Educated," And Opinion-Trumping-Truth

"Why Obama Fears For Our Democracy," An Atlantic Interview With Barack Obama

  The Shocking Academic Paper That Predicted "The End of Democracy" (Written By A Harvard-Yale-Oxford Grad) 

Education and History

"A Failsafe Way To Restore Integrity And Vigor To America's Sick Body Politic: Two Years Of American History - Taught Dialectically - As A Pre-Requisite For High School Graduation"

Education, "Official Story" Deception, And Pressing Need For A New Way To Teach American History: Democracy's Survival In The Lurch

Compendium Of Best Pax-Barbaria Posts On Education (With A Failsafe Proposal For National Restoration)

Education Or Catastrophe (With Special Emphasis On The Teaching Of History)

this is probably the best of these education or catastrophe posts

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts On The Cornerstone Necessity Of Education

Two Full Years Of American History Taught Dialectically Is The Swiftest, Surest Path To Restoration Of Social And Political Health In The American Body Politic

Native America: Why Don't Middle School And High School American History Texts Tell The Truth?

"Thanksgiving": One Person's Justification For Thieving Genocide Is Another Person's Rage At Being Ripped Off And Mass Murdered

"The Rotting Of The Republican Mind"
David Brooks

Historian: There's Only One Way To Move On From Trump - And Trumpism

"Salus Populi Suprema Lex": A Revealing Investigation Of How A Little Historical Understanding Prevents A Helluva Lot Of Lunacy

When Uneducated Populists Marginalize Educated Elites, Democracy Itself Wanes

Tom Tomorrow: "The World's Greatest Democracy" (With Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts)

What The Good Guys Are Up Against: People Who Say, "I Wouldn't Believe That Even It Was True"

Historian Jon Meecham On Insurrection Week (With A Stephen Colbert "Chaser")

"Stephen Colbert's Monologue About Deadly Insurrection Day When Violent Thugs Occupied The Capitol Building"

A Woman's Simple Statement At The Capitol Insurrection - "I Think Anything Is Possible" - Is The Cornerstone Of Trump Cult's Self-Righteous Sedition

"The Seditious Uprising On Capitol Hill, And What The 14th Amendment Requires"

"A Reporter's Footage From Inside The Capitol Siege," The New Yorker, January 17, 2021

From The Beginning Of The COVID Crisis, Donald Trump Has Been A Mass Murderer. Now Shitstorm Places His "Maraschino Cherry" Inside The Capitol Building

St. Apollonia And A Hundred Medieval Holidays /// The Lost Art Of Catholic Drinking

"St. Apollonia And A Hundred Medieval Holidays" Join Forces With "The Lost Art Of Catholic Drinking" To Prove That "A Cynic Is Someone Who Knows The Price Of Everything And The Value Of Nothing"

"The Phenotypic Expression Of Religion Matters More Than Its Dogmatic Genotype

Conservatives And Liberals: "How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

"How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

Scientific Finding: "Conservatives Scare More Easily Than Liberals"

"The Role Of Fear And Anxiety In Political Affiliation": How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

Alright, I Was Wrong... Mexico Will Pay For The Wall

"Life-Long Republican Steve Schmidt - Who Served As John McCain's Campaign Manager - Has An Unusually Firm Grip On What Is At Stake"

"Cruelty Is The Point": An Update On Donald Trump And His White "Christian" Base

"The Cruelty Was The Point: The Trump Administration's Cruel Treatment Of Migrant Families Was Intentional And Calculated," Washington Post

Online Discussion With "Bluessol" Concerning The Nature Of Truth And How To Discern It

Take This Test In The Privacy Of Your Own Home And Prove To Yourself That Trump Is A Psychopathic Liar Who Has Suckered His Followers With Bullshit That Would Make Satan Blush

"The Catholic Bishops Are Already More Critical Of President Biden Than They Ever Were Of Trump." What Do You Think?

Patriot Thomas Paine Cuts Through Trump Cult Bullshit (Tom Gets By With A Little Help From His Friend, Hannah Arendt)

Pax On Both Houses' Most Frequently Visited Memes: Volumes 1 & 2 (Through August 2, 2017)

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Racism -- Specifically Trump's Racism -- And Two Tests To Determine If YOU Are A Racist... Or Even A Christian

A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism (Featuring "Must-See Mash-Up Of Trump's Racist Preaching")

St. Paul Lavished Praise On The Pagan Poet Who Said - 600 Years Before Christ - “In Him We Live And Move And Have Our Being” (Acts 17:28)

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Trump-Cult Cruelty

"Cruelty Is The Point": An Update On Donald Trump And His White "Christian" Base

Biden Takes Decisive Action On Climate Change

Ronald Reagan Phoned Dick Nixon To Make This Comment About Black People: "Damn Those Monkeys. They're Still Uncomfortable Wearing Shoes." Reagan's Daughter Patti Davis Weighs In

"The Deadly Oppression Of Black People: Best Pax Posts" - Introduced By Jon Stewart

"Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence And The Deadly Outcome Of His Inflammatory Rhetoric"

A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism (Featuring "Must-See Mash-Up Of Trump's Racist Preaching")   

"A Simple Test For Trump Supporters: Are You Hateful, Racist Or A White Nationalist/Supremacist?"

The above links have been transferred transfered to blog potpourri through January 31, 2021

Great NPR Summary Of The History & Current Status Of The GOP's "Healthcare Deprivation Act"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Trump's "Healthcare Deprivation Plan": "You're Going To Have Such Great Healthcare At A Tiny Fraction Of The Cost And It Is Going To Be So Easy"

Religion, Perfectionism, Savonarola and The Pending Apocalypse of The Republican Party (This Post Was Written In 2012)

"The GOP Isn't Doomed. It's Dead." From Now On The Republican Party Is A Putrescent Corpse Whose Stench Will Only Get Worse

The GOP: An Insane Asylum Run By The Inmates

The Trump Presidency Was A Catastrophe For American Christianity

"The Trump Presidency Was A Catastrophe For American Christianity": An Interview With "National Review" Columnist And Devout Evangelical Christian, David French

Donald Trump Damns His Own Followers As Witless, Manipulable Ass-Licks

InfoWars Alex Jones Probed By NPR's "This American Life." An Increasingly Air-Tight Case That Jones Is Not An Asshole... But An Asshole's Asshole

"The Deadly Oppression Of Black People: Best Pax Posts"

My Most Important Late-Life Findings: The Fundaments That Illuminate My Understanding Of The World
short form long form camps
late life

"Fear And Anxiety Drive Conservatives Political Attitudes": How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

"The Role Of Fear And Anxiety In Political Affiliation": How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Masterclass: Teaches You How To Think - Learning How To Get Past "Thinking You're Right" To "Knowing When You're Wrong"

Religion, Perfectionism, Savonarola and The Pending Apocalypse of The Republican Party (This Post Was Written In 2012)

"The GOP Isn't Doomed. It's Dead." From Now On The Republican Party Is A Putrescent Corpse Whose Stench Will Only Get Worse

The GOP: An Insane Asylum Run By The Inmates

"The Facts Are In: The Republican Party Is Terrible For Prosperity But Unparalleled At Catastrophe"

Religion, Perfectionism, Savonarola and The Pending Apocalypse of The Republican Party (This Post Was Written In 2012)

"The GOP Isn't Doomed. It's Dead." From Now On The Republican Party Is A Putrescent Corpse Whose Stench Will Only Get Worse

The GOP: An Insane Asylum Run By The Inmates

"The Facts Are In: The Republican Party Is Terrible For Prosperity But Unparalleled At Catastrophe"

Boston College Historian Heather Cox Richardson's "Letter From An American," May 17, 2021, Featuring Liz Cheney's Televised Comments Concerning Trump's "Big Lie" And The Civil War In The Republican Party

The Gratitude Chain: A.J. Jacobs
TED Radio Hour

Images Of Yeshua, A Nazarene Carpenter

A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism (Featuring "Must-See Mash-Up Of Trump's Racist Preaching")

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Trump-Cult Cruelty

"Cruelty Is The Point": An Update On Donald Trump And His White "Christian" Base

The Monstrous Cruelty Of Family Separation, A Heinous "Crime Against Humanity"

"Family Separation And The Satanic Cruelty Of Most Republicans"

"More Of Trump's Cruelty"

Compendium Of Trump Videos That Reveal His Arrogance, Inhumanity, Stupidity And Cruelty

"Compendium Of Best Pax-Barbaria Posts About Democracy (And The Educational Process Needed To Keep Democracy Alive And Well)"

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Cheating (Among American Conservatives And Inside The Republican Party) - As Prelude To The Destruction Of Democracy

Tom Tomorrow: "The World's Greatest Democracy" (With Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts)

Trump Has Created A "Sick Society: Those People Hate Democracy So Much!"

The End Of Democracy: Trump's Love For "The Poorly Educated," And Opinion-Trumping-Truth

"Why Obama Fears For Our Democracy," An Atlantic Interview With Barack Obama

When Uneducated Populists Marginalize Educated Elites, Democracy Itself Wanes

  The Shocking Academic Paper That Predicted "The End of Democracy" (Written By A Harvard-Yale-Oxford Grad) 

Ben Franklin On "No New Taxes" (And Other Taxation Surprises)

"Jesus Of Nazareth: Festive Tippler, Friend Of Whores, Sinners And Tax Collectors"

Check Out What Military Hard-Nose General Douglas MacArthur Had To Say About "Keeping Us In A Perpetual State Of Fear"

"The Holocaust Was Legal. Slavery Was Legal. Segregation Was Legal. Genocidal Theft Of What Became the United States Was Legal"

Obama said he supported such policies as automatic voter registration, additional polling places and early voting, making Election Day a national holiday, statehood for Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, and an end to partisan gerrymandering. "And if all this takes eliminating the filibuster – another Jim Crow relic – in order to secure the God-given rights of every American, then that’s what we should do" Obama said. 

The history of the filibuster as 'Jim Crow relic'

The Filibuster Must Be Eliminated In Order To Pass H.R. 1 --- "For The People Act" -- On Which The Survival Of American Democracy Depends

Plowshares Compendium

Plowshares Resistance: Friend Patrick O'Neill's Prison Diary - Entry #4

Why Hasn't A Consortium Of Well-Informed Celebrities And "Woke" Philanthropists Not Created A Truth-Friendly Alternative To Facebook?

Compendium Of "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Abortion, And The Indispensable Distinction Between "Pro-Life" And "Pro-Birth"

Reprise: "So Banning Guns Won't Prevent Gun Violence But Banning Abortion Prevents Abortion"


Abortion, And The Indispensable Distinction Between "Pro-Life" And "Pro-Birth"

Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Abortion: Christians Ignore Jesus' Direct "Commandments" But Are Punctilious About Things He Never Said

  "How Did Jesus Come To Love Guns, And Hate Sex?"  

Televangelist Jim Bakker And The End State Of "Conservative Christianity" (Which Is Neither)

Compendium of Christian Posts

TIME Magazine Article Shows Why Complaining About Welfare Cheats Is ALWAYS Misdirected Political Energy. Follow The Money! "The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure"

Abraham Lincoln: "Capitalists Generally Act Harmoniously And In Concert To Fleece The People"

Watch Joe Biden's Superb Explanation Of His New Jobs-Infrastructure Renewal Plan: "Damn It … I’m Sick And Tired Of Ordinary People Being Fleeced!"

Tom Tomorrow: "The World's Greatest Democracy" (With Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts)

Howard Stern Slams Trump Supporters: "The People Trump Despises Most, Love Him The Most"

The United States Of America: "We're #1!!!" - 40 Shameful Categories In Which America Leads The World

"Oh, Canada!" (The Many Wonders Of "Our Neighbor To The North," And The Relative Horror Of Gringolandia)

"Is Wall Street Full Of Sociopaths?"

Faulty Risk Assessment: "Self-Terrorization Is The National Pastime"

Netflix Documentary "The Great Hack" Reveals The Inner Workings Of "1984" Today  

Ted Nugent Reveals The Essential Piggishness Of The Good Christians' "Party Of Family Values"

A Very Inconvenient Truth: I Wish I Had Better News Than This Moribund Prognosis For "Conservative" "Christianity"

"Donald Trump, Felon"

A Lesson From Europe: How American Police Should Handle "Pullovers"

Spain pull overs moving traffic violations

"National Catholic Reporter's" Movie Reviewer, Sister Rose Pacatte, Discusses The 2021 Oscar Nominees: She Considers "Sound Of Metal" This Year's Best Movie

"How About An Oscar For 'Most Prophetic Film?'" (An Updated Reprise First Posted March 3, 2014)

Full Videos Of Obama's White House Correspondents' Dinner "Routines"

Remember "The Legion Of Decency?": My Correspondence With Good Friend Mary W Concerning Movie-Reviewing As A Potential Cottage Industry For Catholic Nuns

"He's Just 23 Chromosomes": Update On Anya Steinberg And Son Danny's Submission To NPR's "Student Podcast Challenge"

"The Vultures And The Sycamore," A Colorado College Theater Piece, Written, Directed And Performed By Daniel Archibald

Maria Archibald, Grand Canyon Trust Biography

"The Vulture," A Colorado College "Storytelling Through Sound" Production, Written, Directed By Danny Archibald

Know Whom You're Sleeping With: Here Are The People Who Put Trump In The WHITE House

General William Tecumseh Sherman Advocated The "Extermination" Of Native Americans: "The Only Good Indian Is A Dead Indian..." "How The Civil War Became The Indian Wars"

Making Music With My Oaxaca Band, "Túnel Del Tiempo"

"Jumping Jack Flash" (terminated by rain-induced power outage)

More Disagreements and Contradictions In The New Testament

Biblical "Literalism" And The Cultivation Of Hatred

"Amy Coney Barrett: Parallels Between Biblical Literalism And Constitutional Literalism"

"Trump's Presidency Builds On The Reality TV Shtick He Launched With Professional Wrestling"

"We Wildly Overestimate The Power Of Free Will And Will Power"

More Contradictions And Disagreements In The Gospels: When The Bible Gets The Bible Wrong

"Since God Doesn't Heal Amputees, Humankind Will. The Future Of Christian Theology"

Truth, Justice, and Public Good: Simone Weil On Political Manipulation, The Dangers Of “For” And “Against,” And How To Save Thinking From Opinion

evil when we are in its grasp

Nicholas Kristof Follows Up On Trump's 280 Campaign Promises To See How He's Did

Compendium Of Best Posts About Trump's "Healthcare Deprivation Plan": "You're Going To Have Such Great Healthcare At A Tiny Fraction Of The Cost And It Is Going To Be So Easy"

The Linchpin Work Of Duke History Professor Nancy MacLean Who Stumbled On Prima Facie Evidence That The Koch Brothers And Their Ideological Associates Despise Their Inferiors, Seeing Society Stratified Between "The Riders And The Ridden"
Tom Magnuson

My Correspondence With A Christian Fundamentalist: "The Best... Becomes Evil"

"The Fire Hose Of Falsehood" Is A Russian Propaganda Technique Used By Trump Cult (And Other Fascist-Populist Movements) To Enforce Doubt Through Torrents Of Lies, Unfounded Insinuation, And Deceptive Hypotheses

What does Jesus mean when he says '"Be perfect..."?

Chesterton: "Fairy Tales Are More Than True" (With Follow-Up Commentary By Rev. J. Edgar Bruns, My Most Notable Professor)

"G.K. Chesterton: On Charity, Hope And Universal Salvation"

"When The Electorate Is THIS Stupid, Is ANY Delusional Thinking Out Of Bounds?"

Trump Is The Most Gifted Criminal Genius In The History Of The World - A Houdini Who Can Make Personal Responsibility Disappear. "Malignant Messiah" Can Shoot Someone On 5th Avenue -- In Broad Daylight -- And Not Lose Any Voters. But "Getting Away With Murder" Is The Least Of It. "Lingering Orange Fart" Attempted A Coup D' Etat And Then Persuaded Half The Nation That He Deserves A Mulligan

"The Threat Of Violence Now Infuses GOP Politics. We Should All Be Afraid." By Michael Gerson, Lifelong Republican, Speechwriter For U.S. Presidents, And - According To Time Magazine - The 9th Most Influential Evangelical In America

George Conway Chokes Up Explaining The Moment He Realized Trump Was A Full-Throttle Racist: "He Is Evil"

Compendium Of Best "Barbaria" Posts About Politically-Motivated Violence

"Trump And His Cultists Are Arsonists Pretending To Be Firefighters"

Thomas Merton: "Adolf Eichmann, Sanity and Normality"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: American Political Violence Is "Exclusively" Right-Wing

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Organized Religion And The Everyday Validation Of Violence

Compendium Of Best "Barbaria" Posts About Incendiary Incitation And Politically-Motivated Violence


"Vote Out Hate": Political Ad Focuses Trump's Hatred And Passion For Violence

American Conservatives Demand Violence To Keep Violence Alive. Otherwise, It Withers And Their Worldview Collapses

"Vote Out Hate": Political Ad Focuses Trump's Hatred, And His Passion For Violence /// Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence

"Here Is Where Contemporary 'Conservatism' Ran Off The Rails: America's Cultural Crisis Distills To The Ascertainment Of Social, Political And Historical Truth. The Linchpin Question Is This... Will Absolutism/Authoritarianism Rule Our Epistemological Mindscape? Or Will Intellectual Rigor And Multifaceted Contextualization Prevail?"

Trump Is The Most Gifted Criminal Genius In The History Of The World - A Houdini Who Can Make Personal Responsibility Disappear. "Malignant Messiah" Can Shoot Someone On 5th Avenue -- In Broad Daylight -- And Not Lose Any Voters. But "Getting Away With Murder" Is The Least Of It. "Lingering Orange Fart" Attempted A Coup D' Etat And Then Persuaded Half The Nation That He Deserves A Mulligan

"The Threat Of Violence Now Infuses GOP Politics. We Should All Be Afraid." By Michael Gerson, Lifelong Republican, Speechwriter For U.S. Presidents, And - According To Time Magazine - The 9th Most Influential Evangelical In America

NPR's "1A" "Teaching Race And History In America’s Schools"

(Patriotic American History Teaching)
Critical Race Theory

A History Of American Policing (With Wide-Eyed Attention To The "Slave Patrol Roots" Of Mass Incarceration)

Trump's Unrelenting Fog Of Fecal Flecks: For Malignant Messiah, Lying Is Easier Than Metabolism

NPR's "1A" "Teaching Race And History In America’s Schools"

Rev. Pierre Teilhard De Chardin SJ: "Research Is Adoration"

Ivan Illich On Gender

A Compendium Of Pope Francis' Links With An Inter-Related Critique Of "Conservative" "Christianity" (Which Is Neither)

"Emo Philips Tells A Story About Heretic Scum. Trump Picks Up Where Emo Leaves Off"

To Proclaim That God Is On Your "Side" Is A Unique Blend Of Hubris And Self-Apotheosis  (What Do Jesus' Prostitute Ancestors Have To Do With This?)

"Bad Religion: A Compendium"

1 John 4:18, "There Is No Fear In Love." But Fear Is Fundamental To Every "Conservative" "Christian" Church

"Everything Jesus (And The Apostles) Had To Say About Rich People And Poor People"

"Caribou": Audio Files From The Hour-Long Concert Danny And I Gave Last Night On The Lawn At El Restaurante Ixtapa, Hillsborough, North Carolina

"Winnemucca: The Search For Caribou," Son Danny's "Oregon Desert Trail" Trek Video

Bad Religion: "Men Never Do Evil So Completely And Cheerfully As When They Do It From Religious Conviction" (Devout Christian Blaise Pascal)

"Men Never Do Evil So Completely And Cheerfully As When They Do It From Religious Conviction." Blaise Pascal, Devout Christian | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Compendium Of "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About "Conservatives" And "Conservatism"

"Spit, Mud,Miracle"

"19 Miles From Davis" Plays At Margaret and Harold's 50th Anniversary Celebration, "The Crossings" Golf Club, Durham, North Carolina, June 26, 2021 (plus six rehearsal recordings)

"I Created ‘The X-Files.’ Here’s Why I’m Skeptical of the New U.F.O. Report," New York Times

Garry Wills: "The Bishops Are Wrong About Biden — and Abortion"

Trump, Truth And The Calculated Replacement Of Citizens With Assholes: Here's Where American Conservatives Ran Off The Rails

How To Talk With People On The Other Side Of The Aisle: "Meet A Black Man Who Gets Racists To Leave The K.K.K." By Nicholas Kristof, New York Times
Nicholas Kristof On 100,000 Medical Miracles Worked By One Nepalese Surgeon: Jesus Weighs In
Ger Blindness Cataracts

Watch Joint Chief Of Staff General Mark Milley Explain To Congress How Good Citizens And Educated People Study The World

Nicholas Kristof Probes The Republican Party's Opposition To Voting Rights And America's Apparent Decline Into Mediocrity... If Not Worse

voter suppression

Cancel Culture; The Origin Of COVID 19; "Title IX's" Seismic Gender Shift; And The Southern Baptist Convention Wrestles With Truth And Trumpism

Best Pax-Barbaria Posts On Mercy, Forgiveness, Retribution, Punishment

"The Pharisees Are Always With Us. They Are The People Who..."

The above posts were uploaded to News from Barbaria on July 2, 2021

Umair Haque On COVID Depression, Unemployment, Loss Of Benefits, The Unfolding Depression, And Establishment Of A Hobnailed, Iron-Fisted Autocracy?

"We Don’t Know How to Warn You Any Harder. America is Dying": Umair Haque

Umair Haque On COVID Depression, Unemployment, Loss Of Benefits, The Unfolding Depression, And Establishment Of A Hobnailed, Iron-Fisted Autocracy? 

Umair Haque: "This Isn't A Heatwave - It's A Dying Planet: Our Civilization Is Boiling Alive In The Fumes Of Its Own Waste"

"Why the Working Class Is Turning To Fascism The Working Class Is Choosing Regress Over Progress, Around The World," Umair Haque

"2020 Is The Year Climate Change Is Becoming Terrifyingly Real," Umair Haque

"Why America Is an Ultra Violent Society," Umair Haque

"We Don’t Know How to Warn You Any Harder. America is Dying": Umair Haque

Umair Haque On COVID Depression, Unemployment, Loss Of Benefits, The Unfolding Depression, And Establishment Of A Hobnailed, Iron-Fisted Autocracy?

"Winnemucca: The Search For Caribou," Son Danny's "Oregon Desert Trail" Trek Video

"American Insurrection," A New Documentary By PBS-Frontline (Streams Freely Online)

January 6

"Conservative" "Christianity" Is A Decerebrate Death Cult Led By Armageddon Cheerleaders

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump, Toxic Christianity And Cruelty As A Moral Obligation"

Lies As The Newly-Fabricated Gold Standard For "Truth"

"The Thing About Propaganda And Disinformation Is That It Works," Jamelle Bouie, The New York Times

Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Abortion: Christians Ignore Jesus' Direct "Commandments" But Are Punctilious About Things He Never Said

Friend Tom Magnuson's Post, And My Reply: Anti-Maskers And The Collapse Of Civilization

Catholic School In Lansing, Michigan Argues Against COVID Mask-Wearing Because Masks Cover Up "The Image And Likeness Of God"

"Why Isn't Joe Biden Doing All He Can To Protect American Democracy?" Robert Reich Writing In "The Guardian"

Vaccine Reluctance And Risk Assessment: The Relationship Between The Quest For Unachievable Safety And Fascism

Chronic Incivility: Is It Time To Divide The United States Into Two Separate Nations - One For Red States, And One For Blue States?

Trump Cult: A Study In "Folie à Plusieurs"

Exhumed Bone Polishing On The "Day Of The Dead": See If This Explanation Of "Religion" Makes Sense To You

NPR Report On "Indian Residential Schools" Not Only Points To The Importance Of "Critical Race Theory" But To Its Indispensability... If We Would Understand American History Beyond The Misleading Simplification Of Platitudinous Chauvinism)

Boston College Professor Heather Cox Richardson On The Recent Supreme Court Case That Gives States The Right To Prejudiciously Limit Voting By Dark-Skinned People

The Mystery Will Never Be Solved, And This Inability To Know -- With Absolute Certainty -- Is Cause For Celebration

"Billionaires Make America A Poor Country" By Umair Haque

Capitol Police Officers' Stunning Testimony Before The House Select Committee's Investigation Of The January 6th Insurrection Whivh Was Fueled By Donald Trump. (All 3 hours 32 minutes)

The Mystery Will Never Be Solved, And This Inability To Know -- With Absolute Certainty -- Is Cause For Celebration

"When The Success Of Your Party Depends On As Few People Voting As Possible, Spare me Your Flag-Waving, Anthem-Standing Bullshit!"

"Billionaires Make America A Poor Country" By Umair Haque

CNN's Erin Burnett: Superb Video Documentary Of Trump's Month-Long Lead Up To The January 6th Insurrection - And Its Immediate Aftermath (Eleven Minutes Combined Run Time)

This Is How Q-Crazies (And Other Self-Terrorized "Conservatives") Promote Falsehood, Representing It As "God's Truth"

A Friend's Mis-Attribution Of A Plato Quotation Led Me To This Fine Article On "Plato, Music And Misquotes"

The Greatest Political Corruption Scandal In U.S. history, And America Is Outraged For Half A Day?

All the above posts were transferred to News From Barbaria on August 6, 2021

"You Have NO Choice," A New Frame For George Carlin's Classic Shtick "The American Dream"

"Barbra Streisand Says One Thing Should Be Shown On TV Every Day To Debunk Trump's Big Lie"

The Pillow Guy's Election Fraud Delusions: Wherever You Are On The Political Spectrum, This Post Will Prove To YOUR Satisfaction That There Was No Meaningful Voter Fraud In Either Of Trump's Presidential Elections

The Walls Are Closing In On Trump: How Will A Red Tie Go With An Orange Jumpt Suit?

At The Individual Level, "Sustainable Pension Funds Are 27 (Twenty Seven) Times More Impactful Than Not Flying And Veganism Combined"

Boston College Historian Heather Cox Richardson's Daily "Letter From An American," August 11, 2021: How Fascism Has Taken Root In America Since The Murderous "Unite The Right" Rally In Charlottesville, Virgina, August 11, 2017

"Magnificent Storyteller Soldier Reveals What He Saw In Vietnam" (This YouTube Video Has Had More Than Thirteen Million Hits)

The Incipient Unraveling Of The Western World As Seen By Visionary Spanish Philosopher José Ortega y Gasset (1929)

 How Right-Wingers Became Murderously Enraged Over Face Masks: "The Authoritarian Radicalization of Trumpist America" By Umair Haque

American Conservatives And Oppositional-Defiant Disorder (Edited And Re-Posted From My 2013 Original)

Danny "Caribou" Archibald At Masía Can Parès, Sitges - Barcelona - Catalonia, Spain

Lifetime Amtrak Passes For Seniors (An Update Of My 2012 Proposal)

My Favorite Books

A Faithful Christian Consults With Jesus... And A Pertinent Parable

Flood I sent a boat

Living As If God Is Love - Pope Francis And The Inviolable Wholeness Of Love... And Nothing Else. This Postulate May Not Be Objectively True, But If It Is Not True, What Other Bedrock Value-Choice Offers More Greater Goodness?

Trump Cult's January 6th Insurrection And Lincoln's Prophecy Concerning The Seditious Treachery Of The "Mobocratic Spirit": A Compendium

"Former President Bush Likens U.S. Extremists To Foreign Terrorists," CNBC /// "Top Law Enforcement Officials - Merrick Garland And The Head Of Homeland Security - Say The Biggest Domestic Terror Threat Comes From White Supremacists," New York Times

"3 Videos To Help De-Program Trump Cult Christians"

What Really Matters At The End Of Life, A TED Talk By BJ Miller M.D.

"Most Stupid People Are Conservative"
John Stuart Mill

Mercy And Compassion Trump Judgment And Punishment: Another Attempt To Save A "Christian" "Conservative"  Freind From Losing Her Soul

Deism And "Founding Fathers" Links

4 Videos To Help De-Program Trump Cult Christians

Wendell Berry: American Prophet

New York Times Essay Featuring The Prophetic Role Of Pope Leo XIII (N.B.: With Astonishing Regularity, Leftists Make Common Cause With Right-Wingers To Ensure The Universal Oppression Of Everyone)

John Ford, John Wayne, Aquinas and Theosis (Christian Divinization)

The Republican Party Is Determined To Destroy Democracy And Replace It With Flag-Waving Autocracy

Frank Zappa Prophesied A Fascist Theocracy. Barry Goldwater Agrees

"60 Minutes": "Facebook's Whistleblower Moment"

Lord Of Darkness Steve Bannon Calls For "Shock Troops" To "Deconstruct" State When GOP Re-Takes Oval Office

In A Videotape Made September 8, 2006, Bin Laden Described His Plan To Topple America: Osama's Plan Is Still Moving Toward Its Goal - And May Even Be Ahead Of Schedule

It is high time to start calling The Autocrat Party a clusterf*ck of power-hungry seditionists, dead-set on terminating American Democracy as a sequel to snuffing The Party of Lincoln.

New Rule: "The Slow-Moving Coup" | Bill Maher Provides Trump's Playbook For Replacing American Democracy With Plutocratic Autocracy

Eisenhower Reveals THE DEEP STATE: Ike's Farewell Address Televised From The Oval Office Sounds The Alarm That The "Military-Industrial Complex" Comprises The Greatest Threat To American Democracy By Making Us A Murderous Corporatocracy

Facebook Thread About Big Pharma Malfeasance, And The First Ever Woman Editor Of "The New England Journal Of Medicine," Maria Angell's Spot-On Criticism Of The Pharmaceutical Industry

Put The Infrastructure Bill On "The Back Burner" In Order To Get An Unadulterated "Win" On The Voting Rights Bill First. (THEN, Return To The Infrastructure Bill)

"This Is Why We Need to Spend $4 Trillion," David Brooks, Conservative Columnist For The New York Times. What Does Indifference Have To Do With Infrastructure?

Correspondence With Plowshares Prisoner-of-Conscience Patrick O'Neill Concerning Deitrich Bonhoeffer's Call For "Religionless Christianity"

"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness, Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness

Boston College Historian Heather Cox Richardson's Daily "Letter From An American", October 26, 2021, Probes The Replacement Of Substantive Democracy With Zomboid "Showcase" Democracy


On The Jungian Personality Profile Known As "The Myers-Briggs Test", "Do You Prefer Justice Or Mercy?" Is The One Question (Of 93 Questions) That Most People Have The Greatest Difficulty Answering

Karen Kolbinsky letter

The Netflix Series, "Midnight Mass" And The Emergence Of Zombies As A New Archetype

Is Hitler In Hell? - An Attempt To Rescue "Christian" "Conservative" Friends From Their Delusional Support For Donald Trump And The Big Lie

"The Solution To Just About Everything: Working Less"

How Carl Sagan Predicted Today’s USA 26 Years Ago: "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark"

"In The Coming Second American Civil War, Which Side Are You On?"

"How Far Will America's Fascists Go?"
Umair Haque

Compendium Of Best "News From Barbaria" Posts About Trump's January 6th Insurrection

Boston College Historian Heather Cox Richardson's Daily "Letter From An American" October 31, 2021, Distills Meaning From The Most Detailed Account Yet Of Trump's January 6th Insurrection

Why The Bible Belt Is Not Only Lawless, But Bloodthirsty

A BRILLIANT Animation About German Lutheran Pastor Deitrich Bonhoeffer (Hung For His Role In A Plot Against Hitler) Who Concluded That 'Stupidity Is More Difficult To Remedy Than Malice'

John F. Kennedy, Education And The End Of War
First Four Songs Of Yesterday's Ixtapa Concert (with instrumental intro)
19 Miles From Davis

The Last Song Of Yesterday's Concert, "Evil Ways"

"Si Vendes ‘Oaxaca En Una Botella’, ¿Qué Pasa Con Oaxaca?"

"Deceased French Philosopher Explains Trump's Political Success: The Role Of Wrestling"

"The F Word": Dr. David Stoltze's Acceptance Speech For New Mexico's "Family Physician of the Year" Award

"The Vultures And The Sycamore," A Colorado College Theater Piece, Written, Directed And Performed By Daniel Archibald

Maria Archibald, Grand Canyon Trust Biography

What Donald Trump Has Said About People Who "Take The 5th" (And How The "Conservative" "Christians" Who Put A Cruel, Vengeful Autocrat In The White House Now Suck His Sludge As If It Were Sacramental Wine)

The following essay introduces my legacy website, "Apokatastasis." 

Medical Spanish Immersion

What Is Success?

Even God Can't Save You From Hatred, Resentment And Carrying A Grudge

Truth, Treason And Trump (This Is A Long Read But The Opening Meme Expresses The Essence)

"Too Pure Principles" Make Things Worse, Not Better

What Dolphins Reveal About The Evolution Of The Clitoris: Bottlenose Dolphins Appear To Have Clitorises That Evolved For Pleasure, And They Enjoy Clitoral (and Penile) Pleasure Year-Round, Whether Or Not They're "In Heat"

Dolphins Celebrating A Theological Insight

TIME Magazine Article Shows Why Complaining About Welfare Cheats Is ALWAYS Misdirected Political Energy. Follow The Money! "The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure" (Nick Hanauer)

Ursula K. Le Guin on “Spare Time": Being Busy With Doing... And Being Occupied With Living

"A Lioness Of The Mind," Martha Ullman West's Insightful Obituary In Praise Of Ursula Le Guin

"Tolkien, Lewis, Rowling and The Redemption Of The Modern World"

Biblical Literalism And Bibliolatry Are Open Invitations To Self-Righteousness, Wrath And Hatred

The Mystery Will Never Be Solved, And This Inability To Know -- With Absolute Certainty -- Is Cause For Celebration

C.S. Lewis' "Puddleglum" Proclaims My Favorite Declaration Of Faith

My Best "Short Guide" To Oaxaca, The Mexican City Where I Live And Work Over Winter

The History Of Corporations: The Founding Fathers, Ronald Reagan And Elizabeth Warren Converge On Stakeholder Capitalism - "Get Back To Where You Once Belonged, America!"


White Christian Despair Disguised As Fervent Supplication That Jesus Return - And Armageddon As A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy



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"Earlier Today, After Insurrectionist Occupation Hoodlum Trump Cultists, Shots Were Fired Inside
The Capitol Building,  A Woman Seriously Injured With Gunshot Wound To The Neck"                 

Southern Slave Patrols And The Development Of American Police Forces 

The History Of Policing In The United States, Part 1
Eastern Kentucky University, Department Of Police Studies

A Brief History of Slavery and the Origins of American Policing
Eastern Kentucky University, Department Of Police Studies 

How The U.S. Got Its Police Force
Time Magazine

The Problem With Claiming That Policing Began With Slave Patrols
American Enterprise Institute

A Superficial But Comprehensive Quick Look At The History Of Policing From A "Patriotic" Point Of View

The Racist Roots Of American Policing: From Slave Patrols To Traffic Stops 
Left-Leaning "The Conversation"

My Music In Oaxaca

Music Making With My Mexican And North Carolina Bands: "Túnel Del Tiempo" And "19 Miles From Davis"

My Best "Short Guide" To Oaxaca, The Mexican City Where I Live And Work Over Winter

Sex? No, Thanks. Millions Of Americans Are Indifferent To Sex, Not Obsessed By It

Here's where American conservatives ran off the rails.
"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: 'It's a pound.' Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating." Denis de Rougemont Earlier 

Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

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