Tuesday, July 20, 2021

NPR Report On "Indian Residential Schools" Not Only Points To The Importance Of "Critical Race Theory" But To Its Indispensability... If We Would Understand American History Beyond The Misleading Simplification Of Platitudinous Chauvinism)

Alan: Here is why richly-contextualized learning (which conservatives often slag as "Critical Race Theory") is not only important, but indispensable.

If theft, genocide, slavery and "ripping children from their mothers' arms" "made American great," I want no part of it.
No matter where you are on the political spectrum the chances are very good that if you were a Native American whose grandmother, mother or child was trafficked by the federal government's "residential school program," you would be leading the charge on behalf of aggrieved native peoples.

Nevada Indian Commission Head On Residential School Deaths In U.S.: 'Shocking' But 'Known All Along'

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