Tuesday, June 8, 2021

"Is Aaron Burr Really The Father Of The Filibuster?"

Artist's View Of Aaron Burr Killing Alexander Hamilton

Is Aaron Burr Really The Father Of The Filibuster https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/is-aaron-burr-really-the-father-of-the-filibuster

The "modern filibuster" is incompatible with any democratic process based on the principle of "one person, one vote.'

The article above spotlights the modern filibuster's guarantee that a political minority's legislative desires overpower the legislative intention of a Senate majority by resorting to an old racist mindset -- and corresponding template -- that empowers the minority over the majority. If you value the survival of Democracy in these United States, you will support abolition of the modern filibuster, a political milestone that could be achieved by the simple expedient of restoring the filibuster's "original intent" as displayed in the movie, "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" - i.e., a filibuster lasts only as long as those senators "holding the floor" continue talking.
The Filibuster Must Be Eliminated In Order To Pass H.R. 1 --- "For The People Act" -- On Which The Survival Of American Democracy Depends
Heather Cox Richardson

"Life-Long Republican Steve Schmidt - Who Served As John McCain's Campaign Manager - Has An Unusually Firm Grip On What Is At Stake"

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