"Compendium Of G.K. Chesterton Posts"
Chesterton is one of my half dozen favorite thinkers - along with Thomas Merton, Hannah Arendt, Neil Postman, Ivan Illich and, more recently added to the list, Bertrand Russell
One of the reasons I like Chesterton so much is that he had the good sense to say:
Alan: The biblical patriarch Abraham -- the common founder of Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- is revered by all three religions chiefly for his willingness to kill his son because Yahweh/God told him to.
I -- like my devout Catholic mother -- believe that God would never command a parent to murder an innocent child and that the patriarch Abraham was "hearing voices" as the result of a psychotic breakdown.
The implications of this willingness to mistake psychosis for religious experience -- an error that lies at the heart of all three Abrahamic religions -- are explored below.
Alan: The biblical patriarch Abraham -- the common founder of Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- is revered by all three religions chiefly for his willingness to kill his son because Yahweh/God told him to.
I -- like my devout Catholic mother -- believe that God would never command a parent to murder an innocent child and that the patriarch Abraham was "hearing voices" as the result of a psychotic breakdown.
The implications of this willingness to mistake psychosis for religious experience -- an error that lies at the heart of all three Abrahamic religions -- are explored below.
Obama’s 2006 Speech on Faith and Politics: Abraham Prepares To Kill And Immolate His Son
Bad Religion: A Definition
"Any Religion That Needs Fear To Thrive Is Bad Religion"
Bad Religion And The Abrahamic Traditionhttp://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2016/06/bad-religion-and-abrahamic-tradition.html
Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" - And Current Worship Of The Wrongness
Bad Religion And The Abrahamic Tradition
Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" - And Current Worship Of The Wrongness
Good Religion And Bad Religion
http://paxonbothhouses. blogspot.com/2015/02/bad- religion-and-good-religion. html
Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong
Compendium Of Christianity Posts: Why "Conservative" "Christians" Are All Going To Hell (If There Is A Hell...Which I Don't Believe)
"Terrorism And The Other Religions"
"Terrorism And The Other Religions"
Christianity's Bedrock Commitment To Torture: Remaking "The Faithful" In God's Image
Best Pax Posts On Torture
Bush's Torture Team: Legal Counselor John Yoo Justifies Crushing Children's Testicles
http://paxonbothhouses. blogspot.com/2014/12/dubyahs- torture-team-legal-counselor. html
America's Passion For Punishment And Torture
All 3 Abrahamic Religions Should Be As Ashamed Of Themselves As They Are Now Self-Certain
Conservative Christians Delight In The Punishment And Pain Of Others
Conservative Christians Delight In The Punishment And Pain Of Others
Abrahamic Religions Must Deal With Their Own Bronze Age Atavism And Not Just Window Dress
What's Wrong With The Abrahamic Religions: Absolutism, Scriptural Inerrancy, Bloodlust
What's Wrong With The Abrahamic Religions: Absolutism, Scriptural Inerrancy, Bloodlust
Pastor John Piper "discusses the vexing problem of God ordering the mass killing of every Canaanite man, woman, and child."
Mistakes In Scripture: When The Bible Gets The Bible Wrong
Pastor John Piper "discusses the vexing problem of God ordering the mass killing of every Canaanite man, woman, and child."
"Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?"
Biblical Literalism And The Cultivation Of Hatred
Biblical Literalism And The Cultivation Of Hatred
"What ISIS Really Wants" And How The Patriarch Abraham Appears To Be The Instigator
Are Highly Religious People Less Compassionate?
Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness
Trump And His "Conservative" "Christian" Cultists Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Anti-Christ Destructiveness
John Pavlovitz: "The Miserable People" And "The Kind Of Christian I Refuse To Be"
"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale"
Retold For The Righteous By Anne Herbert
Why "Conservative" "Christians" Are All Going To Hell (If There Is A Hell... Which I Don't Believe)
"The Number One Cause Of Atheism Is Christians," Catholic Theologian, Karl Rahner, SJ
The Big Lie And Conservative Christianity's Unshakeable Belief That The Bible Is Inerrantly True
"Conservative" "Christianity" Is Neither: It's A Shameless Ruse Perped By Religious Maniacs
Reprise: "God Enjoys The 10 Plagues Way Too Much" (Supplemented By "America's Best Christian," Betty Bowers)
"Conservative" "Christians" Only Believe In God And Themselves The Two Are Inter-changeable
Are Highly Religious People Less Compassionate?
Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness
Trump And His "Conservative" "Christian" Cultists Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Anti-Christ Destructiveness
John Pavlovitz: "The Miserable People" And "The Kind Of Christian I Refuse To Be"
"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale"
Retold For The Righteous By Anne Herbert
Why "Conservative" "Christians" Are All Going To Hell (If There Is A Hell... Which I Don't Believe)
"The Number One Cause Of Atheism Is Christians," Catholic Theologian, Karl Rahner, SJ
The Big Lie And Conservative Christianity's Unshakeable Belief That The Bible Is Inerrantly True
"Conservative" "Christianity" Is Neither: It's A Shameless Ruse Perped By Religious Maniacs
Reprise: "God Enjoys The 10 Plagues Way Too Much" (Supplemented By "America's Best Christian," Betty Bowers)
"Conservative" "Christians" Only Believe In God And Themselves The Two Are Inter-changeable
"We Know To The Extent That We Love": St. Augustine Goes To The Heart Of Epistemology
Thomas Merton: "Adolf Eichmann, Sanity and Normality"
American Conservatives Demand Violence To Keep Violence Alive. Otherwise, It Withers And Their Worldview Collapses
At The Heart Of "Christian" "Conservatism's" Catastrophe
Christian Ministers Have A Moral Obligation To Call Bullshit On Trump Cultists Spreading Lies
Christian Ministers Have A Moral Obligation To Call Bullshit On Trump Cultists Spreading Lies
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