Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Compendium Of "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About "Conservatives" And "Conservatism"


Conservatives And Liberals: "How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

Conservative Psychopathology: A Clinician's Guide

"How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies" 

"The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism"

American Conservatism: A Case Study In Folie à Several

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts Concerning The Damnation Of White, Conservative Christians (Assuming There Is A Hell, Which I Don't Believe)

Conservatives And Liberals: "How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

"How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

Scientific Finding: "Conservatives Scare More Easily Than Liberals"

"The Role Of Fear And Anxiety In Political Affiliation": How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

QAnon Is Nucking Futs: A Clearing House For Crazy People (Which Continually Tells Them THEY Are The Sane Ones)

"Conservative" "Christians" Only Believe In God And Themselves & The Two Are Interchangeable

The Innate Hostility Of Absolutists: Relativists Are "Okay" With Absolutists; Absolutists Prefer That Relativists "Go To Hell" - Which Is Where They Belong!

Online Discussion After "Conservative" "Christian" Goes Postal Over Benghazi, Leading To Discussion Of Relative merits Of Trump And Biden

Contemporary "Conservatives" Assume They're SUPPOSED To Lie And Cheat. If You're Not Cheating, You're Not Trying Your Hardest To Win

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Cheating (Among American Conservatives And Inside The Republican Party) - As Prelude To The Destruction Of Democracy

"Fear And Anxiety Drive Conservatives Political Attitudes": How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

Elimination Of "The Fairness Doctrine" And The Onset Of Degenerate, Chaotic Governance

Christian Conservatives Prefer The Damnation Of Others To Their Own Salvation

Trump And His "Conservative" "Christian" Cultists Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Anti-Christ Destructiveness

Why "Conservative" "Christians" Are All Going To Hell (If There Is A Hell...Which I Don't Believe)

"The Number One Cause Of Atheism Is Christians," Catholic Theologian, Karl Rahner, SJ

The Big Lie And Conservative Christianity's Unshakeable Belief That The Bible Is Inerrantly True

"Conservative" "Christianity" Is Neither: It's A Shameless Ruse Perped By Religious Maniacs

Reprise: "God Enjoys The 10 Plagues Way Too Much" (Supplemented By "America's Best Christian," Betty Bowers)


Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

Online Conversation With A White, Conservative Christian Concerning Trump's Family Separation Policy

MS-13, GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz, And The All-Encompassing Embarrassment Of "Christian" "Conservatism" (Which Is Neither)

American Conservatives Demand Violence To Keep Violence Alive. Otherwise, It Withers And Their Worldview Collapses

Trump Trashes Troops: Trump Trashes Troops: Dialogue With "Christian" "Conservative" Friend About Truth, Faith, And "Absolute Faith Corrupting As Absolutely As Absolute Power"

American Conservatives Demand Violence To Keep Violence Alive. Otherwise, It Withers And Their Worldview Collapses

Compendium Of Best "Pax On Barbaria" Posts About Cheating As A Republican Compulsion And A Conservative Obsession

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Cheating (Among American Conservatives And Inside The Republican Party) - As Prelude To The Destruction Of Democracy

A Compendium Of Pope Francis' Links With An Inter-Related Critique Of "Conservative" "Christianity" (Which Is Neither)

"Emo Philips Tells A Story About Heretic Scum. Trump Picks Up Where Emo Leaves Off"

1 John 4:18, "There Is No Fear In Love." But Fear Is Fundamental To Every "Conservative" "Christian" Church

"Everything Jesus (And The Apostles) Had To Say About Rich People And Poor People"

If Barack Obama Had Said Any Of Things, Every "Conservative" In America Would Have Called For His Head - But Only After Drawing And Quartering

Financial Speculation, Conspiracism, "Christian" "Conservatism," Usury, The Catholic Church And Being Burned At The Stake

"How can 42 percent of Americans still support the worst president in our history?" 
Lifelong Conservative Columnist Max Boot, Military Historian

Philadelphia Cops Kill Black Man With No Attempt To De-Escalate: "Conservative" "Christians" Agree "He Had It Coming" (Don't Know What De-Escalation Is)

My Most Important Late-Life Findings: The Fundaments That Illuminate My Understanding Of The World

"Fear And Anxiety Drive Conservatives Political Attitudes": How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

A Former Conservative Blogger On The Failures Of Right-Wing Media - A Brilliant Matthew Sheffield Interview With "On The Media" (Likely To Be The Best Broadcast You'll Hear This Month)

"Here Is Where Contemporary 'Conservatism' Ran Off The Rails: America's Cultural Crisis Distills To The Ascertainment Of Social, Political And Historical Truth. The Linchpin Question Is This... Will Absolutistism/Authoritarianism Rule Our Epistemological Mindscape? Or Will Intellectual Rigor And Multifaceted Contextualization Prevail?"


"The Case For Liberalism: A Defense Of The Future Against The Past," By George McGovern

A Very Inconvenient Truth: I Wish I Had Better News Than This Moribund Prognosis For "Conservative" "Christianity"

"Why Is It That We Automatically Know The Political Affiliation Of These People?"

What Christian Conservatives Need To Know About Trump... And About Themselves

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About "Christian" "Conservatism": "Fantasyland," "Jim Bakker" And "Theological Dunderheadness" Will Scare The Bejesus Out Of You... If Your Body Hasn't Already Been Snatched

Televangelist Jim Bakker And The End State Of "Conservative Christianity" (Which Is Neither)

"Federalists And Anti-Federalists Explained" (History As It Should Be Taught: A Mother Lode Of Superb, Dialectical Discussion At FactMyth.com)

Hunter S. Thompson: Gullible, Trusting Liberals Will Get Stomped To Shit If They Don't Realize That Most American Conservatives Will Do Any Goddamn Thing To Stomp Shit Out Of Them

My Post To Elodie's Facebook: On The Indispensable Need For Fluctuation Between Right-Wing And Left-Wing Parties Which Must Alternate Control Of Government In Order To Guarantee Democracy's Survival

"The Glamor Of Satan" And The Titillating Seduction Of Conspiratorial Thinking For "Christian" "Conservatives" (Who Are Neither)

In Their Heart Of Hearts, Trump Cultists Want Liberals Dead. On The Other Side Of The Aisle, Liberals Want Conservatives To Just Leave Them Alone (And To Leave Religion Out Of Policy- Making)

In The Main, Trump-Supporting Conservatives Are Nuts

Trump-Supporting "Christians" Have The Same Shifty, Ungrounded View Of Truth As Pontius Pilate (Except When Absolutism Suits Their Political Agenda)

"The Role Of Fear And Anxiety In Political Affiliation": How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

Republican Senator Ben Sasse Talks Politics With A Critical Constituent (And The Role Of Religion In Politics) Re: Financial Speculation, Conspiracism, "Christian" "Conservatism," Usury, The Catholic Church And Being Burned At The Stake

Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge

Can We Talk? "Most Stupid People Are Conservative"

Online Discussion With A Trump-Supporting "Christian" "Conservative": "Final judgment for every soul belongs only to the only Perfect Son of God He chose to save and bless and heal. He never harms His Own"

"An Appeal To Our Fellow Catholics Concerning Trump's Candidacy - Published By "The National Review," America's Premier Conservative Magazine

Trump Trashes Troops: Dialogue With "Christian" "Conservative" Friend About Truth, Faith, And "Absolute Faith Corrupting As Absolutely As Absolute Power"

Online Discussion With Christian Conservative Friend Concerning Meanspiritedness


McArthur Wheeler: Patron Saint Of American "Conservatism"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On "Too Pure Principles" And The Collapse Of Conservatism

"Republicans For Hitler," By Conservative Talk Show Host And Columnist Erick Erickson


Conservative Icon P.J. O'Rourke Will Vote For Hillary. Why?


Like Most Alarmist Conservatives, Trump's First Instinct Is Fascist Clamp-Down On Civil Rights


If Hillary Had Encouraged Putin To Spy, 

EVERY Conservative In America Would Be Apoplectic

Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, Beck And O'Reilly Spearhead Conservatism's Shameless Mendacity

Joe Biden's Seeming Absurdity Reveals What American Conservatives Don't Understand

Do American "Conservatives" Only Celebrate Paranoid Fantasies And Armageddon Wet Dreams?

Christian Conservatives' "Messianic" Enthusiasm For Trump Is A Travesty Verging Devil Worship

Given Conservative Fondness For "The End Justifies The Means," Note That Legal Abortion...

Abortion, Donald Trump, Conservative Christians And Marley's Chains


What's Wrong With Conservatives?


The Partisan Divide: Do We Want Good Healthcare? Or Do We Want Political Chest-Thumping?
(It Goes Without Saying That American Conservatives Want Poor People To Die From Lack Of Care. And If They Want Care They Need To Pay For It.)


NPR: When Conservative Christians Lose Their Religion, They Turn To White Supremacy

Highway Fatalities And Why The Conservative Promise To End Terrorism Is A Brazen Lie

"Frog Hospital" And "Pax" Discuss Rednecks, Ignorance And Conservative Christianity


"To Kill A Mockingbird's" Harper Lee On The Bible As An Obstacle To Living

The Bible's Apparent Promise Of Armageddon Is Conservative Xtianity's Excuse To Do Nothing

A Strong Argument Can Be Made That Christian Conservatives Are Pimping For Trump

Where Conservative Christians Go Wrong


Conservative Christians Delight In The Punishment And Pain Of Others

Christian Conservatism: The Saved, The Damned, The Rich, The Poor

Pope Francis' Jesuit Confidant Probes Evangelical Fundamentalism And Angry Catholic Conservatism

The Principled Viciousness Of American Conservatives: "Robbing Peter To Pay" Paul (Ryan)


Conservative Icon Krauthammer Faults GOP Scaredy Cats; Talks Sense About LGBT Hate Laws


Hannah Arendt And The Paranoid Decline Of American Conservatism

"Waste, Fraud And Abuse" Is A Magic Spell Chanted By "Conservatives." To What End?


The American Conservative: "Obama Is A Republican"

"What Defines Conservatism Today?", Great Essay By Damon Linker


"How Pope Francis Is Stealthily Reforming The Most Conservative Institution On Earth"

Cartoon: A "Free Lunch" Is American Conservatism's Unrelenting Nightmare

Conservative Christianity, Armageddon As Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, And Return To The Neolithic

Long-Time Conservative Think Tanker Norm Ornstein Puts Full Blame On Republicans

Conservative Norm Ornstein: The Media Ignore Republican Lunacy

Here's where American conservatives ran off the rails. Part I

"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: 'It's a pound.' Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating."
Denis de Rougemont

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

"Compendium: Trump And His Minions Lie-And-Mislead More Easily Than They Metabolize, With A Special Guest Appearance By Master Bull-Shitter, Kayleigh McEnany"

"Truth Infuriates People Whose Lives Are Lie"

"Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge"

"Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies"

"How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies" 

"Donald Trump's Identity Revealed"

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

Here's where American conservatives ran off the rails, Part II
If any Democrat - even a mentally ill one who'd stopped taking his meds - had attacked the Capitol Building (much less called for the hanging of vice-president Pence), every "conservative" in America (bleeding at the eyes, their carotid arteries pulsing purple) -- would demand that the seditionist-traitor be drawn and quartered on the National Mall, his dismembered body parts then stuffed in a gibbet to be hung over Pennsylvania Avenue until every bit of flesh had rotted away and the bones had bleached titanium white.

But when actual seditionists are Trump supporters -- not to mention Trump himself -- they are lauded as True Patriots.

Trumpistas make the original Pharisees look like Mother Theresa on steroids.

Inflammatory rhetoric and ubiquitous self-victimization are ALL the Republican Party's got left - a party comprised of liars, miscreants and malevolent lickspittles who would eagerly sell their souls to Satan for pragmatic political advantage. For all I know, they may have done so already.
It's not like Republican malice is anything new:
Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

This is not about Democrats and Republicans. This is about sentient beings and The Lizard People.

Here's where American conservatives ran off the rails, Part III

Trump, along with his suck-ups, achichincles and cultists are insane.

Clinically certifiable.

They live lives that automatically morph reality into an enveloping delusion in which their fundamentally fact-free world is not only portrayed (to others and themselves) as true, but as "God's Truth." 

The patients are in charge of the asylum and presume their asylum is The Promised Land.

They make this proclamation of faith with the same decerebrate certainty that "good Germans" manifested in The Third Reich.

My working hypothesis is that Trump cultists want liberals dead, whereas liberals only want Trump cultists to leave them alone - just as they left them alone when they were backwoods snake-handlers instead of snakes.
It never occurs to Trump cultists -- particularly self-righteous "Christian" "conservatives" (who are neither) -- to “live and let live.”

These folks are dominance-submission hierarchs, and nothing but total domination is even open for consideration.  

These "true believers" are absolutely certain God is on their side, and that the rest of us infidels are damned to The Lake of Unquenchable Fire.

And so since “God said it, I believe it, and that settles it,” they take it upon themselves to be dictatorial-and-cruel because that’s who their God is, and that’s what their God ordains.  

It is hard to see a way out of this muddle.  

Trump's Rallies Define His Vision Of Liberty: The Right Not To Care About Other People


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