Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Online Conversation With A White, Conservative Christian Concerning Trump's Family Separation Policy

Pax on both houses: Cartoon: Family Separation
Millions of black believers are walking away from the Liberal plantation. They refuse to bow a knee to godless leaders on either side. Whether Rinos or jackasses none of us are fooled by fools who openly deny Jesus Christ is Lord and and defy the Law of our Father in Heaven. Once our eyes are open to Truth all the lies are evident to any of us who are able to see and hear for ourselves. His sheep hear His Voice and we simply trust and obey the One Who proves His Love to us by His Life. No greater love has any man than to lay down his life to save a friend.

about an hour ago

The monstrous reality of trafficking children for sex under the guise of charity is worse. God sees and knows Truth. I refuse to buy lies from people who.promote slavery and slaughtering of innocent children

You sent
about an hour ago

Once you have to deal in comparative evils to prove your virtuousness -- saying "the evils I point to are even worse than the evils you point to,", you reveal your lostness. Yes, God see and knows the truth. And one of those of those truths is that Family Separation (which you support) is a heinous crime, even if it's less heinous than the crimes you point to.
Tell me, what has Trump done to redress the crimes you mention, while, at the same time, we know he has perpetrated similar crimes himself? Also, I am still waiting for you to accept my open invitation. "The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives Why do I feel so certain you will not address Paul's comment about "the root of ALL evil" and how Donald Trump remains passionately committed to that overarching evil. You can try to put lipstick on the pig, but if Paul speaks the truth, then the sin of greed is worse than sins of the flesh - even worse than the sin of abortion. Tell me. What am I missing?

about an hour ago

So true. Too bad people who love money more than God Himself are runnimg the world while shedding blood of innocents to cover their own evil

about an hour ago

Like popes and princes and fake priests and pastors and false prophets who take His Name in vain while replacing the Living Jesus with graven images and lies. They who kill prophets and saints dont know Truth or Reality. He lives. We who hear His Voice and follow Him are not deceived by false shepherds or wolves in sheep's clothing.

You sent
about an hour ago

Are you taking a stand against Trump who champions "the root of all evil?" Or at minimum, have you resolved to vote for neither the Republican nor the Democratic candidate and to advise others to refrain from voting as well?
Or will will you privately preach one thing, and then do another? If so, how do you distinguish yourself from the Pharisees?

You sent
about an hour ago

Routinely, you point to "the other" "bad guys" as if this automatically justifies your own position. It doesn't.
This is not how genuine discussion and authentic debate take place. Right now we are talking about Donald Trump and his ongoing crimes against humanity (which, to be clear, are egregiously manifest in his family separation policy).
The evils of popes and princes and fake priests and other false prophets are completely impertinent relative to the focal point of our discussion.
You are dodging the core truth of the matter, and if you do not realize your dodge, it is time to repent.
Jesus is not happy. If you don't actively oppose Trump, or at least advise people to refain from voting for either Trump or Biden, you too (in my view) are a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness

43 minutes ago

I know the Lord and recognize His Voice. I know the difference between Truth and lies. I have been freed from the grip of His enemy and a team of wild horses could not drag me back into the dungeon I was freed from. I will choose death over real liberty any day as my ancestors had when they left everything behind to follow Jesus. No turning back for me. Goats go where they please according to their own way. His sheep follow only the Voice of the One we know loves us and will never lead us into chains.
Seen by Karen Kolbinsky at 9:18 AM

You sent
a few seconds ago

It has been my observation that white "Christian" "conservatives" beleive Jesus doesn't want them to think critically, especially when careful thought and deep contextualization reveal chinks in their ideological armor. "Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power."
You have absolute faith in Donald Trump.
Go ahead.
Vote for the guy whose Family Separation Policy is an abominble crime. Go ahead.
Vote for the guy who champions "the root of all evil" - along with all the other Seven Deadly Sins.
But know this. From now on, you will know you are cheating. You are cheating Truth - the very thing you talk about most... because it is the very thing you most lack. As you know, Jesus is "the way, The Truth and the light." If you continue to support Trump, overlooking the cruelty of his Family Separation policy and his zealous advocacy in support of "the root of all evil," you are ready to drink the Jonestown Kool-Aid, only this time flavored with hydroxychloroquine.
Those folks in Guyana also told themselves they were "true believers."
Notably, those folks willingly died for their faith. I am not impressed by people who are willing to die for their faith as much as I am impressed by those who are willing to live for it.
In a nutshell, here is what "living for one's faith" means.
Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

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