It doesn’t matter to conservatives when their own dimwitted representatives contradict what used to be central dogmas.
It’s like FDR's comment on Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza: “He may be a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch.”
Truth obliges me to say - with unusual regularity - that Trump cultists are cruel, uncharitable, punitive people whose pretense to be Christian is full of shit.
  • David Kolbinsky Alan, isn't this post "mean spirited"?

    Alan Archibald: It is not meanspirited to proclaim strident warning in an attempt to get the attention of people who have "gone beyond the pale," turning their back on Science, Reason, compassion and open-handed, non-discriminatory generosity, particularly self-professed Christians who idolize Trump in the theological sense of idolization.
    Conservative pundit P.J. O'Rourke cut to the quick when he explained why he was voting for Hillary in 2016 even though she was "wrong about absolutely everything."
    "Conservative Icon P.J. O'Rourke Explains Why He Voted For Hillary Despite Her Being Abominable"
    eyond the pale, David.
    Outside minimally civilized norms.
    I could go on. But to focus one crime against humanity, "family separation" is among the very worst forms of child abuse.
    From my vantage, white "conservative" "Christians" are neither.
    They worship (or at least adulate) a false God in whom cruelty, vengeance and demeaning belittlement of "others" are not anomalies but settled features.
    Making Trump president -- and therefore a role model for young people -- is another form of child abuse.
    Egregious child abuse.
    Spend some time with the following post and get back to me with something that does not distill to "liberals and progressives are baby killers" and so you guys (white Christian conservatives), are, by default, the unimpeachable good people, "The Saved!"
    "There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness, Nor Uplift In Trump's America"
    I realize that you've deluded yourselves into thinking that Trump is a born-again Christian and that he deserves a mulligan.
    I say to you David that "giving Trump a mulligan is like giving Larry Nassar a weekend pass to an all-girls Gymnastics camp."
    And to consider Malignant Messiah a Christian is a reminder that "even Satan himself can come disguised as an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14
    Here's where you went wrong.
    "5 Pro-Life Votes: The Supreme Court Can Overturn Roe Now"