Tuesday, December 15, 2020

My Post To Elodie's Facebook: On The Indispensable Need For Fluctuation Between Right-Wing And Left-Wing Parties Who Must Alternate Control Of Governmen In Order To Guarantee Democracy's Survival

Image result for pax on both houses, o'rourke

Alan: Rather than say something controversial and give your conservative readers an “easy way out,” I’ll let lifelong Republican columnist Max Boot epitomize our quandary. https://mobile.twitter.com/maxboot/status/704274158088224768?lang=en   

I see real need for fluctuation between authentically conservative and authentically liberal political parties because, inevitably, too much power over too long a period of time results in untenable corruption and it then becomes that the necessary that “the other guys” - whoever they may be - come in and clean house. 

Or at least that’s the way I used to see it. 

Now, most American conservatives are aware they cannot win any well-informed, fact-based political debate conducted on an even playing field. 

And so, rather than lose power forever — or, God forbid!, start believing in hopeful futures rather than the theocratic inviolability of the supposedly “sacrosanct past” -  they have now concocted a new foundational belief based on the primacy of falsehood.: “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying your hardest to win.”

SUPERB INTERVIEW With Boston College History Professor, Heather Cox Richardson: Bill Moyers Discusses What Trump Will Do Next As Biden's Victory Drives Him "Barking Man"

They have exhausted my compassion - a virtue they ENTIRELY lack. 

For decades, the Republican party has been crafting a winning constituency (in the electoral college) by cultivating ignorant, cruel, racist lickspittles. 

And now their dream has come true,  and the resulting reality is exactly what plutocrats and oligarchs intended.

If these “conservative” leaders are not shown the door - and if Trump, does not agree to enter life-long exile as the only alternative to confronting the full force of prosecutorial law, then we deserve the loss of our democracy and “sign off” on a beyond-Orwellian future.

Image result for "pax on both houses" cruelty

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