Tuesday, December 15, 2020

In 2013, Hillary Clinton Was The Most Popular Politician In America. Then The Republican Noise Machine Pulled Out The Stops

Alan: In the spring of 2015, Hillary Clinton polled as the most popular American politician in America – male or female.

The. Most. Popular. Politician. In. America.


Two years later, Hillary lost decisively to Donald J. Trump. (At least in The Electoral College)

Whatever else this about-face may mean, it certainly means that the Republican noise machine can manipulate public opinion into thinking that truth is falsehood, falsehood truth; heaven hell, and hell heaven. 

In his newly-published  book, “A Promised Land,” Obama points out correctly that America’s bedrock threat is an epistemological crisis.

Obama‘s new book follows  as night the day, on Al Gore’s book from nearly 20 years ago: “The Assault On Reason.” 

 I have a long held that although Trump may be a traitor for a number of reasons, he is certainly a traitor for representing falsehood as truth, truth as falsehood, and teaching Americans to do the same.

Without truth as our guiding light,  no polity can survive.

What is more, every society overshadowed by  and unrelenting epistemological shit storm is destined to come undone. 

Every previous empire has fallen.

And, lest we forget, the Soviet Union collapsed within a matter of weeks.

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