Saturday, April 24, 2021

Remember "The Legion Of Decency?": My Correspondence With Good Friend Mary W Concerning Movie-Reviewing As A Potential Cottage Industry For Catholic Nuns


Dear Mary,

Thanks for humoring me!

Great photo, great caption!

I'm glad you liked Sister Rose Pacatte's review of this year's Oscar nominees. 

"National Catholic Reporter's" Movie Reviewer, Sister Rose Pacatte, Discusses The 2021 Oscar Nominees: She Considers "Sound Of Metal" This Year's Best Movie

Although I have only seen excerpts of "Nomadland," I thought her contrarian view was brilliantly argued. 

We are a nation that will do anything to rationalize the marginalization of poor people, damaged people, rejects, castaways and hardscrabble "infidels." Yet we tend to praise and hard-luck fellow who "successfully" engages her difficult existence rather than make systematic changes to remedy their plight. Sometimes -- maybe often -- this praise is appropriate, but it should not becomoe a pretext for political inaction. 

"Martin Sheen And Sister Rose Pacatte: Activist Catholics

I do not recall that you've read Umair Haque's commentaries. (He is the only columnist whose articles I always read.)

Umair's most recent column is (I think) very good, albeit beset by his persistent inclination to bumble certain phrasings. (I would be a "perfect" editor for Umair. I immediately understand what he is saying; very often agree with his penetrating insights; and "somehow" just know how to reformulate his infelicitous near-gaffs.)



Umair Haque: Compendium Of Writing By The Only Columnist I Always Read

Umair Haque: "2020 is Such a Terrible Year Because Our Civilization is Beginning to Collapse"

PS Concerning your observation that more nuns should write movie reviews... I wonder if you could motivate the creation of an "artistic cooperative" whose members would sell their reviews -- or links to their reviews -- which could be published in parish bulletins. I remember that "The Legion Of Decency" ratings were the only part of the bulletin that interested me. Thirty five years ago when I was a parishioner at St. Frances de Salles Cathedral in Oakland, I could have "put the bug in the ear" of Bishop John Cummings, Pastor Bill Keeley, associate pastor (and music director), Fr. Don Osuna, and Franciscan Father Bill Ceislak with whom we lectors met in the cathedral rectory one night a week to jam around the coming Sunday's readings. Do you have palanca with any hierarchs?

The Art Of Greg Tricker (Of Whose Work, Art-Guide Sister Wendy Beckett Was Very Fond)

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