Tuesday, April 20, 2021

"Why America’s an Ultra Violent Society," Umair Haque


"How Did Jesus Come To Love Guns, And Hate Sex?"

"Why the Working Class Is Turning To Fascism The Working Class Is Choosing Regress Over Progress, Around The World," Umair Haque

"We Don’t Know How to Warn You Any Harder. America is Dying": Umair Haque


Umair Haque: "2020 is Such a Terrible Year Because Our Civilization is Beginning to Collapse"

Umair Haque: Compendium Of Writing By The Only Columnist I Always Read

Why America’s an Ultra Violent Society

umair haqueUmair Haque

Compendium Of Trump Videos That Reveal His Arrogance, Inhumanity, Stupidity And Cruelty

"More Of Trump's Cruelty"

The Monstrous Cruelty Of Family Separation, A Heinous "Crime Against Humanity"


Trump's Cruelty Is Not A Marginal Aberration. Trump's Cruelty Is The Point

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Systematic American Cruelty

Behind The Mask, The GOP's True Face: Ayn Rand's Ideological Acolyte Paul Ryan Promotes Her Central Belief That Altruism Is Evil


Eudaimonia and Co

Eudaimonia & Co

    umair haque


umair haque


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