Friday, December 11, 2020

Danny "Caribou" Archibald At Masía Can Parès, Sitges - Barcelona - Catalonia, Spain


Alan: My son, Danny "Caribou" Archibald, leaning into "The Indonesian Room" at Masía Can Parès, Sitges, Catalonia, Spain, fifty klicks south of Barcelona.

Masía Can Parès, Near Sitges, Barcelona

Brother Gerald, in front of La Catedral De La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

Gerald is the most generous man I know - always kind, helpful, illuminating.

Danny, I just discovered this photo online.
Did you know it had been posted"
What's the story behind it?
Thanks for your message Keira. Danny graduated from Colorado College in June (with a major in Theater and a minor in Environmental Science), and is now walking the Continental Divide Trail. As it happens, Danny is currently trekking in southern Colorado, not far from Colorado Springs where he lived while at college.
When he comes off trail, he will move to Salt Lake City to live close to sister Maria who is finishing a Masters degree in environmental science focusing on the confluence of environmental education, political activism and how to persuade impoverished human communities to make difficult decisions to preserve their local environments, often at the expense of sacrificing the "only" decent-paying jobs available to them. Both Maria and Danny are very fond of Salt Lake, but if Danny does not have rewarding theater work (in stage-management, set design, lighting and sound) when Maria graduates next year, I think he will join a newly-established collective of kindred Colorado College spirits in New York City, all of whom have decided to support one another as they try to get a foothold in NYC theater and dance. Here are a few links that will inform and -- hopefully - entertain you. (The last four links include three songs that Danny and I performed on the Restaurante Ixtapa lawn, Danny's first live music performance. The final link is the most recent song I performed with my North Carolina band, "19 Miles From Davis.")
"Winnemucca: The Search For Caribou," Son Danny's "Oregon Desert Trail" Trek Video
"He's Just 23 Chromosomes": Update On Anya Steinberg And Son Danny's Submission To NPR's "Student Podcast Challenge"
"The Vulture," A Colorado College "Storytelling Through Sound" Production, Written And Directed By Danny Archibald


"I'm So Tired"

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