Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Compendium Of Best Pax-Barbaria Posts About Democracy (And The Educational Process Needed To Keep Democracy Alive And Well)

Image result for pax on both houses too stupid 

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts On Cheating (Among American Conservatives And Inside The Republican Party) - As Prelude To The Destruction Of Democracy

Who Said "Republicans Have Never Approved Democracy?" (And Why Don't We Admit It?) 

The End Of US Democracy: Trump Is "Just" A Symptom Of Staggering -- And Staggeringly Misguided -- Cultural, Economic And Political Forces

"Aldous Huxley On The Disappearance Of Democracy Behind The Trappings Of Patriotism"

Republican Autocrats Block "One-Person-One-Vote" Democratic Governance

Updated Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Democracy

What I Found While Exploring The Topic "American Democracy"

The End Of US Democracy: Trump Is "Just" A Symptom Of Staggering -- And Staggeringly Misguided -- Cultural, Economic And Political Forces

A Surprising Facebook Exchange Re: Democracy, Plutocracy And The Need For Faith In A Value System

"When Uneducated Populists Marginalize Educated Elites, Democracy Itself Wanes"

"If You Don't Know The General Definition Of Liberal Democracy As A Historical Phenomenon, You're Too Ill-Informed To Be A Responsible Citizen"

They Call It "Liberal Democracy" Because "Democracy" Is Essentially "Liberal"

"The Day Democracy Died" Sung By "Founders Sing" To The Tune "Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie"

"Can Democracy Survive Uneducated Yahooism And The Clamor For Purchasable Stupefaction?"

The Corrosion Of American Democracy And The Ascendancy Of A Police State

When Uneducated Populists Marginalize Educated Elites, Democracy Itself Wanes

Tom Tomorrow: "The World's Greatest Democracy" (With Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts)

"I Used To Assume That The GOP's Assault On Democracy Would Fail. I No Longer Do."

The Pharisee Party And The Devolution Of GOP Leaders Into Oligarchs Who Despise Democracy

Paul Krugman: "American Democracy May Be Dying," Authoritarian Rule Just Around The Corner?

The End Of Democracy: Trump's Love For "The Poorly Educated," And Opinion-Trumping-Truth

"Why Obama Fears For Our Democracy," An Atlantic Interview With Barack Obama

  The Shocking Academic Paper That Predicted "The End of Democracy" (Written By A Harvard-Yale-Oxford Grad)  

"A Failsafe Way To Restore Integrity And Vigor To America's Sick Body Politic: Two Years Of American History - Taught Dialectically - As A Pre-Requisite For High School Graduation"

Education, "Official Story" Deception, And Pressing Need For A New Way To Teach American History: Democracy's Survival In The Lurch

"Salus Populi Suprema Lex": A Revealing Investigation Of How A Little Historical Understanding Prevents A Helluva Lot Of Lunacy

Compendium Of Best Pax-Barbaria Posts On Education (With A Failsafe Proposal For National Restoration)

Image result for pax on both houses non fake news

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