Sunday, September 12, 2021

Trump Cult's January 6th Insurrection And Lincoln's Prophecy Concerning The Seditious Treachery Of The "Mobocratic Spirit": A Compendium


"The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions" And The "Mobocratic Spirit" That Will Destroy Them: Abraham Lincoln's Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, January 27, 1838 

Abraham Lincoln's Prophetic Lyceum Address, 1838: More Prescient Than Any Biblical Prophecy

"American Insurrection," A New Documentary By PBS-Frontline (Streams Freely Online)

Capitol Police Officers' Stunning Testimony Before The House Select Committee's Investigation Of The January 6th Insurrection Whivh Was Fueled By Donald Trump. (All 3 hours 32 minutes)

CNN's Erin Burnett: Superb Video Documentary Of Trump's Month-Long Lead Up To The January 6th Insurrection - And Its Immediate Aftermath (Eleven Minutes Combined Run Time)

"Who Gets The Political Support Of 892 Certifiable U.S. Hate Groups?"

"Antifa Has Killed One Person In 25 Years. In That Same Span, Right-Wing Extremists Have Killed 329"

"Nicholas Kristof Reports From His Family Farm In Oregon About The Deadly Corrosive Effect Of Conspiracism, Specifically As It Relates To False Antifa Arson Reports"

"Trump's Long History Of Inciting Violence And The Deadly Outcome Of His Inflammatory Rhetoric"

Quora Question: "Was Joe Biden Correct When He Said Antifa Is An Idea And Not An Organization During The First Presidential Debate In September, 2020?"

What The Good Guys Are Up Against: People Who Say, "I Wouldn't Believe That Even It Was True"

Historian Jon Meecham On Insurrection Week (With A Stephen Colbert "Chaser")

Two Things You Would Swear -- With God As Your Witness! -- That Abraham Lincoln Never Said. (And Neither Of These Observations By Honest Abe Are EVER "Shared" By Trump Cultists.)

"Stephen Colbert's Monologue About Deadly Insurrection Day When Violent Thugs Occupied The Capitol Building"

A Woman's Simple Statement At The Capitol Insurrection - "I Think Anything Is Possible" - Is The Cornerstone Of Trump Cult's Self-Righteous Sedition

"The Seditious Uprising On Capitol Hill, And What The 14th Amendment Requires"

"A Reporter's Footage From Inside The Capitol Siege," The New Yorker, January 17, 2021

"American Insurrection," A New Documentary By PBS-Frontline (Streams Freely Online)

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