Thursday, December 31, 2020

Which Party Has 100% Support Of People Who Wave Swastikas And Confederate Flags?

 Hey, Karen! Another Democratic Household | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

The History Of "How Democrats And Republicans Switched Beliefs"
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It Is Time To Make Contingency Plans For Blue States' Secession

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Why The European Union Is More Stable Than USA (And Is It Time For Blue States To Secede?)

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Why White People Think They Are The Real Victims Of Racism

Why Do We Know -- With Absolute Certainty -- The Political Orientation Of The People Who Live Here? | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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Stephen Colbert's Monologue About Trump's Racism Is His Best Work Ever

Pope Francis Warns Against Nationalism, Says Recent Speeches Sound Like "Hitler In 1934"

Ronald Reagan Phoned Dick Nixon To Make This Comment About Black People: "Damn Those Monkeys. They're Still Uncomfortable Wearing Shoes." Reagan's Daughter Patti Davis Weighs In

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Lifelong Republican Ana Navarro: "Trump. Is. A. Racist."

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Der Spiegel Trump Cover: Was Trump's Father Arrested At A KKK Rally?

Facebook Dialogue With Christian Fundamentalist Friend About Trump's Affiliation With The Klan

"It's Time To Give Up On Mueller: Racism Is The Most Glaring Reason To Impeach Trump"

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Even The Big Wigs At Fox News Know Trump's A Racist
(Chis Wallace Reads The Riot Act To Trump Advisor Stephen Miller)

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Facebook Exchange With Xtian Fundie Friend Who Insists That The Democratic Party Is The Epicenter Of Racism In Today's America

Lifelong Republican Ana Navarro Describes The GOP's Destruction Under Trump

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In The End, We Choose Between Cruelty And Kindness

"Cruelty Is The Point," An Update On Trump's Policies And His White Christian Base

Christian Conservatives, The Republican Party, And Deliberate Cruelty As A Source Of Laughter

Tennessee Williams' Critique Of Cruelty Should Be Included In The World's Sacred Scripture

Family Separation And The Deportation Of Parents Constitute Kidnapping And Human Trafficking
New England Journal Of Medicine Determines The Lethality Of Trump's Family Separation Policy
Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Explains Why Republicans Are Qualitatively Worse Than Scrooge
Best Pax Posts About Trump's Cruelty, Mendacity And Seduction Of "Conservative" "Christians"
The History Of "How Democrats And Republicans Switched Beliefs"
Ted Nugent Reveals The Essential Piggishness Of The Good Christians' "Party Of Family Values"
Millions Of Deplorables Voted For Trump B/C He Was The Only Candidate As Crazy As They

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