Thursday, January 7, 2021

From The Beginning Of The COVID Crisis, Donald Trump Has Been A Mass Murderer. Now Shitstorm Places His "Maraschino Cherry" Inside The Capitol Building

Alan: I just posted the following comment on a Trump Cult, Christian fascist's Facebook:
Watch the opening minute of this Colbert "Late Night" show - a video collage of yesterday's insurrection.
Then watch the rest of Stephen's 15 minute long monologue.
I dare you.
If you have ANY of the courage and passion-for-truth that you proclaim, you will not only watch Colbert but you will reply with a critique, telling me (and your readers) where Colbert is mistaken.

Stephen Colbert's Monologue
January 6, 2021

"The New England Journal Of Medicine" Condemns Trump As A Mass Murderer The President Of The United States Is A Mass Murderer: He Has Murdered For Months On End With Malice Aforethought Trump Is Guilty Of Negligent Homicide On A Massive Scale: Columbia University Study: "Trump Could Have Saved 130K Lives"  Trump's COVID Plan: Negligent Homicide  The Statue Of Liberty Comments On Donald Trump's COVID-19 Plan: Negligent Homicide Did Trump's Coronavirus Action, Inaction And Ineptitude Kill 124,175 People Needlessly? (Correcting A Blog Post Dated June 26, 2020)  "The Lincoln Project" Takes On Trump's Laughably Nonexistent Health Care Plan "How Sad It Must Be For Trump Supporters To Believe That Scientists, Scholars, Teachers And Journalists Have Devoted Their Entire Lives To Deceiving You, While A Reality TV Star With Decades Of Fraud And Documented Lying Is Your Only Beacon Of Truth And Honesty" "The Price for Not Wearing Masks: Perhaps 130,000 Lives" Trump's Death Cult

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