Monday, November 9, 2020

Email Exchange With "Frog Hospital's" Fred Owens Concerning Trump's Fate: Exile Or Imprisonment?

My God, This Is Brilliant! "Trump Arrest Video." "The Mills Of The Gods Grind Slow, But Fine": "There's A Gangster In The White House"

Fred Owens: For Trump I see exile in the manner of Napoleon, to a remote Rancho in Argentina. He can put in a putting green.

Alan: I also woke up this morning thinking about Trump’s punishment.

The trouble with exile is that too many politicians make comebacks from exile.


As things stand, nothing prevents Trump from running for the presidency in 2024.

That said, I see exile playing a role.

I suggest Biden not stand in the way of the Federal Court of New York's Southern District pursuing the indictment for which they’ve already laid the groundwork when they named Trump “Individual #1” in Michael Cohen‘s conviction on a felony charge for doing what Trump ordered him to do.

If Biden must "address the situation," he can “hint” that he will grant clemency.

Better yet would be a hint of clemency contingent Trump’s agreeing to go into Russian exile.

Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr. and Eric should also be indicted and when/if convicted they will be offered similar deals concerning clemency-exile.

All these people are existentially dangerous to the survival of democracy – at least in these “United” States.

Generally, I admire Liberalism's penchant for forgiveness and indulgence.

And, I suppose it is possible that the fascist tendencies which have taken deep root in the ”United” States will "pass like a fever.” 

But I think the new and highly toxic Trumpista religion is likely to remain a major force for a very long time, especially with QAnon morphing into a secular religion, and its misinformation “drops” now being treated like Sacred Scripture.

"QAnon Anon"

I am reluctant to bring up the following topic, especially the day after Joe Biden, blessedly, was declared "president elect."

However, my reading of the economy is that a depression has already begun and is only obscured from view by the ”irrational exuberance” of Wall Street.

There are just too many factors that tell me this depression will soon become undeniable and that its existence will become fully apparent during Biden’s presidency.

Because Joe can do little to "bring back prosperity" until the many structural toxins already “baked into America’s economic cake” slowly work their way out of the body politic, I see persistent hard times ahead.

If my analysis is even close to right, by 2024 Americans — especially in their dumb-f*ck hyper-partisan state — will elect a Republican.

Although this is not the moment to probe what I believe is the deepest revelation of  last week's elections, it is the case that we are dealing with a serious psychosocial and political derangement, at least as ominous as that which occurred in 1930s Germany. (Germans were well educated and revered Science.)

To be brief, nearly half our population is so stupefacted (and determined to remain that way) that, in effect, these addlepates are eager to proclaim: “I wouldn’t believe that even if it was true.” 

Such brazen denial is intrinsic to a feedback loop that confirms and deepens their twisted "religiosity." 

Even before Trump I realized that America’s “culture war” is fundamentally epistemological.

To remedy the damage Trump and his "conservative" "Christian" cult have done to Truth-Epistemology will take at least a decade - and possibly two or three.

Until then, the fascists will (I believe) comprise America’s most united political movement. 

At the moment America's brown shirts are not a majoritarian force, but they are only seven or eight percentage points from becoming an irresistible, dominant power.

Image result for "pax on both houses" i wouldn't believe that if it were true

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