Friday, July 2, 2021

"The Pharisees Are Always With Us. They Are The People Who..."

American Conservatives Are The Apotheosis Of Pharisaism. (Conservatives, Please Weigh In)

The Pharisee Party And The Devolution Of GOP Leaders Into Oligarchs Who Despise Democracy

The Pharisees Are Always With Us: A Field Guide

"Senate Republicans Say They Won’t Hold a Fair Impeachment Trial," Seth Meyers' A Closer Look

How We Know GOP Politicians Are Evil Liars Who Would Sell Their Country, Mother And Soul In A Heartbeat

Aided And Abetted By The GOP, American Conservatives Have Become Satanically Mendacious

In The Main, American "Conservatives" Believe Any Damn Thing

Nicholas Kristof: This Impeachment Is Different (An Entire Party Is Dedicated To Falsehood)

"Fox News" Calls Mr. Rogers An "Evil, Evil Man" And They Meant It! (Yes, This Fact-Checks)

 Lindsey Graham Video Sequence Makes The Original Pharisees Look Honorable, Even Laudable  


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