Sunday, February 7, 2021

Lord Of Darkness Steve Bannon Calls For "Shock Troops" To "Deconstruct" State As GOP Re-Takes Oval Office

Alan: Bannon has always been forthright about his desire to "deconstruct" the state.
What white Christian Trump cultists don't realize is that "deconstruction" is a euphemism for "destruction."
Right-wingers know that Liberalism finally won the ideological contest between left and right, and so - in a last ditch effort to win back power (aided and abetted by Putin's massive propaganda machine decried by Mitch McConnell) -- Trump and Bannon used every resource at their disposal to win the presidency in 2016, and when they did, they set about their project of deconstructing (aka destroying) democracy which was the political vehicle that led to Liberalism's victory.
Given Bannon and Trump's goals, no other approach - with any hope of success - was possible.

Steve Bannon Calls For 'Shock Troops' To 'Deconstruct' State As GOP Takes Oval Office

What Steve Bannon Really Wants

Trevor Noah Uncovers America's Real President, Steve "White Supremacist/Wife Beater" Bannon

"Steve Bannon Wants To Turn The Press Into The New Hillary," The New Republic

Steve Bannon

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