Saturday, January 30, 2021

"The GOP Isn't Doomed. It's Dead." From Now On, The Republican Party Is A Putrescent Corpse Whose Stench Will Only Get Worse

 "The GOP Isn’t Doomed. It’s Dead"
The Washington Post 

Alan: The incrementalists who form America's political "center" (situated considerably to the right of Attila the Hun) are unable to state the obvious - that the GOP is now committed to the primacy-and-propagation of falsehood.


Because deception, misconception, innuendo, rumor and in-your-face brazen lying are the only tools they have to retain a cadre of supporters powerful enough to elect a critical mass number of representatives to "keep them in the game."

Longer term, "Republicans" realize (as Lindsay Graham did in 2012) that "The demographics of race we're losing badly... We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

As white, "Christian" "conservatives" die off, it is not just apparent - but obvious - that Republicans will soon become as marginalized (and moribund) as 19th century Whigs.

Consequently, the carcass of The Republican Party is more accurately called "The Autocrat Party."

Lifelong Republican Steve Schmidt observes that if "The Autocrat Party" ever again wins the presidency, it will immediately consolidate power around a fascist core, transforming democratic process into chauvinistic, jingoistic, platitudinous, xenophobic, flag-waving "showcase democracy."

"Life-Long Republican Steve Schmidt - Who Served As John McCain's Campaign Manager - Has An Unusually Firm Grip On What Is At Stake"

Aldous Huxley Describes "The Perfect Dictatorship" (But Don't Worry... It Couldn't Happen Here.)

Tom Tomorrow: "The World's Greatest Democracy" (With Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts)

Pax on both houses: Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan ...

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"                    

"The GOP Deliberately Crafted An Ignorant, Prejudicial, Hateful Constituency"            

Contemporary "Conservatives" Assume They're SUPPOSED To Lie And Cheat. If You're Not Cheating, You're Not Trying Your Hardest To Win

"Republicans Can't Win The Oval Office Without Cheating"

Alan: During my 1950s' childhood, any weirdo-relative living in an in-law apartment would have become a candidate for "insane asylum committal" as soon as s/he started spewing the kind of lunatic ideation that consumes Trump Cult, a coven of crazies who subscribe to QAnon, a new secular religion with its own messiah (i.e., Donald Trump) and its own resurrection (i.e., John Kennedy Jr. is not dead). 

And that's just the beginning.

Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton are members of a vast Hollywood (and Democratic Party) cabal who operate a massive sex slave trade that also kills children to cannibalize them in Satanic blood rituals.

If you've got the stomach, you can learn more about this epochal normalization-of-insanity at:  

             "QAnon Anon"         

"Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad"

Compendium Of Trump Videos That Reveal His Arrogance, Inhumanity, Stupidity And Cruelty

Best "Pax" Posts About The Criminality Of Donald Trump, His Family And "The Best People"

Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons

Trump's Sister - Federal Court Judge, Maryanne Trump Barry - Calls Trump "Cruel, A "Liar," A "Cheat" And An "Untrustworthy Phony"

"You've Been Trumped" (made in 2011, 4 years before Trump's presidential campaign) is the most revealing Trump documentary.
It was produced, directed, filmed and financed in Scotland where Malignant Messiah presumed he could push around an entire native community whose ancestors lived in that place for hundreds if not thousands of years.
This film reveals "The Asshole" at his most loathesome.

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