Saturday, January 30, 2021

"The GameStop Saga Is Part Of The Elites vs. Populists War" Was Brought To My Attention By "The Moderated Media: Because There Always Two Points Of View," An Admirable Webpage With A Professedly Dialectical Orientation


The GameStop Saga Is Part Of The Elites vs. Populists War | The Federalist

Retail investors don’t move markets. Until they do. Which, in the case of the Redditors bidding up GameStop stock, they did. And that cannot be tolerated.

For those who haven’t heard, there’s a bit of a brouhaha brewing with the video game retailer GameStop, which is publicly traded. Much of Wall Street soured on the company, believing it to be the next Blockbuster or Radio Shack: a dinosaur from a bygone era that has no hope of succeeding in the increasingly internet-run future. As a result, a major Wall Street hedge fund worth billions decided to make a bet that the company’s already low stock price would just keep going lower.

Read more: The GameStop Saga Is Part Of The Elites vs. Populists War

"The Moderated Media: Because There Is Always One Point Of View":

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