Saturday, December 5, 2020

Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Barack Obama About His New Book --- My Experience Of Obama's Inauguration, January 20, 2009


Dear Jenny,

That was THE BEST!

Thank you for sending me the link.

I'm going to share it with everybody.

I am a big Barack fan, so thrilled by his victory that I damn near froze my patutie attending his inauguration, January 20, 2009.

What a day -- a FRIGIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDD day! 

I think the high temperature was 17 Fahrenheit.

Remember, I am someone who HATES cold. 

In the summertime, when I take a nap in my living room hammock, if the indoor temperature is below 84, I put on a long sleeve shirt over my tee before suspending my animation.

So there I am, with Maria and Daniel, and after waiting several hours, and being prevented from falling over and freezing to death by the crush of people forcing me to remain upright, and moving --- literally at a snail's-pace toward the the Seventh Avenue security check point in search of Pennsylvania Avenue Promised  Land --- I finally got to a point in my pursuit of a decent photo of Barack where, miraculously, the crowd completely opened up and there he was, about 30 feet in front of me, looking right at me with that SMILE all over his joyful face.
Dear Jenny,

That was THE BEST!

Thank you for sending me the link.

I'm going to share it with everybody.

I am a big Barack fan, so thrilled by his victory that I damn near froze my patutie attending his inauguration, January 20, 2009.

What a day -- a FRIGIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDD day! 

I think the high temperature was 17 Fahrenheit.

Remember, I am someone who HATES cold. 

In the summertime, when I take a nap in my living room hammock, if the indoor temperature is below 84, I put on a long sleeve shirt over my tee before suspending my animation.

So there I am, with Maria and Daniel, and after waiting several hours, and being prevented from falling over and freezing to death by the crush of people forcing me to remain upright, and moving --- literally at a snail's-pace toward the the Seventh Avenue security check point in search of Pennsylvania Avenue Promised  Land --- I finally got to a point in my pursuit of a decent photo of Barack where, miraculously, the crowd completely opened up and there he was, about 30 feet in front of me, looking right at me with that SMILE all over his joyful face.

It was such an exquisite moment, I didn't even try to take a photo -- just basked in The Nowness.

Thank you again my dear!



PS I should track down the photos of Barack, Michelle, Joe and Jill that I did take that day!

On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 10:06 PM JB wrote:
Dear Alan: 
With Obama promoting his new book, he has been doing many interviews and you many have seen some.

In case you did not see the one with Jimmy Kimmel, here's a link.


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