Saturday, December 5, 2020

Flat Earthers, Conspiracists, And The Glue That Keeps The Insanity Together

Dear Byron,

Thanks for forwarding this Quora insight.

"Flat Earthers'" relentless Turd Torrent is based on their belief in a shadowy cabal (most often called "The Deep State") which ultimately rules everything right now to the most minute detail of "alleged" "truth." 

And since maintenance of their alternative belief system requires a "sangha" (Buddhism's "community of like-minded believers") in order to confirm their replacement of "supposed truth" with conspiratorial truth or alternative truth, they will not stray from the society which gives them support, validation (largely through "confirmation bias") and -- being social creatures -- socialization. 

Even if "flat earthers" are removed from their remote island, how can they possibly swim back to the mainland?

Just this morning, I revisited an old blog post titled:

"The GOP Deliberately Crafted An Ignorant, Prejudicial, Hateful Constituency"

(I was in process of including "Hateful Constituency" in a new post called "Republican F*ck-Nuttery":

Paz contigo


On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 10:52 AM BH wrote:

Here's an interesting perspective from Quora:

-- If Trump conceded the election like a normal person, said he trusted
the results, said there was no fraud, it's all legit, and he lost fair
and square, would his base accept it?

Jacob Stai
November 8
There’s a very poignant scene in the documentary about the Flat Earth
community, “Behind the Curve”.

The documentarians at one point ask the Flat Earthers what they would do
if it turned out that the earth wasn’t flat, or if they came to believe
that the Earth wasn’t flat. I can’t remember which, but either way,
their responses are extremely telling, because they don’t simply dismiss
the notion out of hand. They don’t laugh and say “yeah, right, as if”.

What they do is, they mention how they would lose all their friends.

This happens in the film with two different individuals independently.

This is particularly poignant because earlier in the documentary, the
Flat Earthers mention how a lot of them lost all their friends when they
became involved in the Flat Earth community. (They then made new Flat
Earth friends.)

Why did they lose their first set of friends? What was it about their
beliefs that was incompatible with maintaining friendships?

Well, it’s not actually about the shape of the earth. Just look at what
the Flat Earth community actually believes. The core tenet of the Flat
Earth worldview is that people are not just wrong about the shape of the
earth, but that there is in fact a malicious cabal attempting to
suppress the truth.

Without that belief in a shadowy malicious cabal, the whole worldview
falls apart.

Vast chunks of Donald Trump’s base are exactly the same way. Their
worldview is founded on the belief in a shadowy malicious cabal, whom
they expect to oppose them. The belief in the cabal comes first, and
everything else, the Trump support, etc., comes second.

There is no person who could, from the top down, tell Trump’s base to
stop believing in this malicious cabal of shadow-people, because any
attempt to do so would only confirm their belief that the cabal is
trying to stop them from believing in it, so that it can stay in the
shadows and do its dirty work.

If Donald Trump conceded the election like a normal person, said he
trusted the results, said there was no fraud, it's all legit, and he
lost fair and square, his base would treat this as a sign that Donald
Trump has been swayed by the malicious shadow-cabal. That would, in
their view, be a tragedy.

But they would not take it as a sign that their whole worldview has
always been wrong.

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