PolitiFact: "There Have Been 317 Criminal Indictments Under Three Recent Republican Presidents And Only Three Indictments Under Three Recent Democratic Presidents"
Dear Tom,
I have long agreed with your bill of particulars.
Not only do you enumerate all Obama's "mortal sins," you do so eloquently.
The only other issue I would still like Obama to explain is why he told Americans that the Affordable Care Act would allow everyone "to keep their doctors."
I understand why people make mistaken judgments when people are philosophically misguided.
"As night follows day..."
But lying about this particular matter-of-fact seems out of character.
Perhaps he had an advisor who steered him as erroneously as he was steered by the other smiley-faced Ivy Leaguers.
Although speculation is necessarily speculative, I think we "must" take into account that if Bernie had won the nomination this August, he would have gotten trounced, and the collapse of The American Experiment would be as much of a fait accompli as the collapse of the Arrecibo telescope is.
As you know, I'm a big Bernie fan.
But throughout the recent campaign season, friend Frances insisted -- largely based on the views of her 1960s high school friends (most of whom voted for Hillary in 2016) -- that very few of them would have voted for Bernie.
Among mainstream, not very well-educated liberals, the epithet "socialist" remains as much of a "hot button shout-out" as "baby killers" is to mainstream conservatives.
The situation is analogous to Obama's refusal to jam "single payer" down America's throat when he controlled both houses of Congress
If he had done so, Romney would have won 2012 and single payer would have been summarily nullified.
Incrementalist politics is an ugly beast (as ugly as sausage making).
But it's what we've got.
And the fact that incrementalists have always prevailed in socio-politics indicates that any categorical change will result from some kind of apocalypse (literally "lifting of the veil")... or as usually contemplate apocalyse, Toto pulling back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz.
With Biden destined (by choice) to be a single term president and therefore liberated to do what he wants -- and with Kamala Harris rated "the most liberal U.S. senator" -- our prospects (in the inevitable context of plodding incrementalism) are as good as they get!
On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 3:27 PM Tom Magnuson <odologist@gmail.com> wrote:
I understand that a President is only as good as his advisers, but BO must have had some absolutely horrible advisers. He ramped up drone strikes until there were so many MSM quit reporting them. He started separation at the border. He kowtowed to the Israeili lobby, played footsie with the real national power brokers from Wall Street and basically governed in their interest. He is a perfect example of the very best corporatist Democrat; a humane, empathetic, gracious tool for oligarchs and now he is one himself. When you interview candidates for high office at parties in the Hamptons when you should be doing that in Detroit where the money would be well spent and the candidates given a dose of reality in America, you get Ivy League assholes with charming smiles. I quit the Party because of him, him and disdainful rejection of Sanders.t_________________
Tom Magnuson
103 E Tryon St
Hillsborough, NC 27278
919-644-0600"No more dynasties, no more celebrities, and no more damned oligarchs in public office."On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 11:29 AM Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:Dear TomThanks for your email.Obama is a fellow for whom "The System" always worked well.And so, he (mistakenly) assumed that "The System" could work for anyone.And therein lies the essence of BO's incrementalism.In a polity ultimately designed for oligarchs and plutocrats to rule, I often marvel that someone as good as Barack rose to the top.Yes, relative to The Great Promise, his administration was disappointing.But he amply fulfilled the requirements of my prime political directive.My Criticism Of People Who Argue That It's Better To Vote For A Third Party Candidate, Or For No One At All
blogspot.com/2020/09/my- criticism-of-people-who-argue- that.html And!Barack is such a sweet, witty, fundamentally loving man.Obama's Last White House Correspondents' Dinner: Another Display Of Comedic Genius
The Bonus Round!"You Can't Always Get What You Want"(with my Caribou)Paz contigo
AlanOn Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 10:51 AM Tom Magnuson <odologist@gmail.com> wrote:Words cannot express how disappointed I was with his performance after getting my hopes up by his great potential._________________
Tom Magnuson
103 E Tryon St
Hillsborough, NC 27278
919-644-0600"No more dynasties, no more celebrities, and no more damned oligarchs in public office."On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 1:58 AM Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:Dear Jenny,That was THE BEST!Thank you for sending me the link.I'm going to share it with everybody. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= qUed6Ug4Cgo I am a big Barack fan, so thrilled by his victory that I damn near froze my patutie attending his inauguration, January 20, 2009.What a day -- a FRIGIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDD day!I think the high temperature was 17 Fahrenheit.Remember, I am someone who HATES cold.In the summertime, when I take a nap in my living room hammock, if the indoor temperature is below 84, I put on a long sleeve shirt over my tee before suspending my animation.So there I am, with Maria and Daniel, and after waiting several hours, and being prevented from falling over and freezing to death by the crush of people forcing me to remain upright, and moving --- literally at a snail's-pace toward the the Seventh Avenue security check point in search of Pennsylvania Avenue Promised Land --- I finally got to a point in my pursuit of a decent photo of Barack where, miraculously, the crowd completely opened up and there he was, about 30 feet in front of me, looking right at me with that SMILE all over his joyful face.It was such an exquisite moment, I didn't even try to take a photo -- just basked in The Nowness.Thank you again my dear!LoveAlanPS I should track down the photos of Barack, Michelle, Joe and Jill that I did take that day!On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 10:06 PM JB wrote:Dear Alan:With Obama promoting his new book, he has been doing many interviews and you many have seen some.In case you did not see the one with Jimmy Kimmel, here's a link.Love,Jenny
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