Sunday, July 25, 2021

Friend Tom Magnuson's Post, And My Reply: Anti-Maskers And The Collapse Of Civilization


Alan: I seriously wonder if these people want to restart society. 

Rather, their hearts’ desire may be to destroy society, provoking another dark age, from which, presumably, Jesus will save them.

After all, are they not The Saved?

Will The Rapture not swoop them to paradise?

 A strong argument can be made that the unraveling began with Newt Gingrich and The Tea Party.

Get real: Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.

And those bastards decided that they weren’t going to pay enough tax to keep civilization alive.

Well, here we are.

Their “dream” come true.

... and everyone else's nightmare.

Next stop - Autocracy

During the entire Civil War, the traitorous confederate flag did not enter the Capitol once.

"Life-Long Republican Steve Schmidt - Who Served As John McCain's Campaign Manager - Has An Unusually Firm Grip On What Is At Stake"

"Cruelty Is The Point": An Update On Donald Trump And His White "Christian" Base

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