Friday, September 24, 2021

Mercy And Compassion Trump Judgment And Punishment: Another Attempt To Save A "Christian" "Conservative" Friend From Losing Her Soul


In The Big Scheme, They May Be The Only Ones Who Do...

"How You And I And Everyone Can Create REAL Damning Evidence To Justify Any Damn Thing - Divorce; One's Religious Faith As "The One, True Religion"; Donald Trump As A Godsend; The Advisability Of Provoking Armageddon, Hitler's Heinous Extermination Of Jews"


Robert Malone M.D. is one of hundreds of people who contributed to mRNA technology.

And ALL the other hundreds of contributors stick by the massive benefits that have accrued -- and will continue to accrue -- from this technology.

Here, read about Malone in context - which is the ONLY place the fullness of truth is found.

You cannot take an "exception to the rule" and immediately assume you're justified in transforming the exception into a New Rule - into God's Truth.

It doesn't work that way.

Our political and spiritual lives are not "shouting matches" in which "the team that cheers loudest" determines what's true and what's false.


A Parable

The rains came and did not relent.
Finally, the waters flooded the first floor of a good Christian’s home.
Then, when a rescue boat came by, inviting the good Christian to get on board, he said he was waiting for Jesus to save him.
The next day, the rising flood waters forced the good Christian to the second floor of his home.
And again, the rescue boat approached, inviting the good Christian to get on board.
But the Christian declined, saying he was waiting for Jesus to save him.
The next day, the good Christian was forced to take refuge on the roof of his home.
And again the boat invited the fellow to get on board.
But he said there was no need because he was a faithful Christian and would wait for Jesus to save him.
The next day, the good Christian stood at The Pearly Gates where he remonstrated with Jesus, saying: “Lord, why did you forsake me? I faithfully awaited your saving hand, and you never extended it to me!”
Jesus replied: “What are you talking about?!? I sent a boat three times!!!"


You employ bogus epistemology, Karen. 

Look it up.

Peace be with you,



"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump, Toxic Christianity And Cruelty As A Moral Obligation"

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