Sunday, September 27, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett: Parallels Between Biblical Literalism And Constitutional Literalism

Christian Sharia Law?

Alan: Not many people are familiar with the concept of bibliolatry, but it is a real phenomenon.
And (at least functionally) biblical literalism and constitutional literalism (or the ever illusory doctrine of “original intent”) are both forms of idolatry.
Yes, meaningful approximations of what the authors of the Bible and authors of the constitution meant are possible.
But the whole point is that they are approximations, not verifiable certainties as literalists contend.
And just like "Bible-bangers," Amy Coney Barrett is a "constitution-banger."
What... I wonder... would have been the intent of the founding fathers if they knew "then" what we know "now"?
Everything I have read about these freethinking deists, men who were fundamentally committed to the development of science and technology which was then flowering forth from the philosophical and intellectual roots of the European Enlightenment, tells me -- beyond shadow of doubt -- that their remarkable flexibility, curiosity and desire for revolutionary change would have resulted in flexible, curious and revolutionary interpretations of the constitution.
Sadly, there is a widespread mindset which is the widespread equivalent of a set mind.
I have also found it to be true that most conservatives - including the conservative "in myself" - don’t want to change, in large part because change (even intelligent, beneficial and necessary change) is threatening on a deep level, whereas the stability of stasis is comforting.
I have always found it difficult to fault John Stuart Mill’s observation: “Although all conservatives are not stupid people, most stupid people are conservatives.”
Such conservative stupidity is consistently coincident with "not wanting to change," but rather wanting to freeze the past like an insect in amber.
And not coming back to life.

Biblical Literalism And The Cultivation Of Hatred

Biblical Literalism: Not Only Impossible But Destructive Of Meaning And Souls

UNC-CH Professor Bart D. Ehrman:
Biblical Exegete And Former Christian Evangelical
The Bible and Textual Analysis

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