Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Trump Is "Just" A Spearhead And A Symptom: Basically, Stupid People Have Taken Over

 Pax on both houses: "Revenge Of The Underperforming Middle Schoolers"

"The Exquisite Stupidity Of Trump Supporters"

"A Simple Test For Trump Supporters: Are You Hateful, Racist Or A White Nationalist/Supremacist?"

"The Divinity Of Donald Trump"
The Daily Show
Dear F,

Thanks for your email.

Lest we forget... 

Half of everyone has double digit intelligence

Although I have addressed the problem of "decisive stupidity" (or what has been called "Tyranny of the majority") much better elsewhere, the following link also addresses it - and is, I think, a very good probe of a crucial socio-econo-political transformation in American society.

"The Greatest Generation: Labor, Capital And Betrayal Of The Social Contract"

I am unable to locate my other writing that cuts more directly to the quick. 

Basically, my argument is this...

When we were growing up, white collar workers like my Dad -- and blue collar workers like my maternal grandfather -- understood that they had different skill sets. 


Dad relied completely on Gramp's building skills for the many remodeling and fixit projects around our house. 

At the same time, Gramp was smart enough to realize that his lack of formal education meant that he should listen respectfully to people who had more "book learning" than he did. 

And, most important of all, they both knew they were "in it together" and that their fate depended on their political cooperation -- not that they always agreed on politics, but they knew that politics required mutual respect and cooperation. 

Enter an "insoluble" problem...

We've gotten to the point where one of our major political parties is not respectable; indeed, as I argue, the GOP behind Trump's lead is demonstrably traitorous. 

And we got to this point by way of the Republican Party's "Southern Strategy" which decided to cobble together the only majority it could by appealing to hateful racism, bad religion and "backwoods" ignorance. 

And when the GOP's "Southern Strategy" was finally a success, the Republican "Old Guard" found itself riding the back of a tiger that would devour them if they ever let go of stupidity, hatred and ignorance.

As Illinois senator Dick Durbin pointed out by way of summarizing the quandary in which we now find ourselves: "The motto of the Republican Party has become, 'We are all in this... alone.'"

Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same

Just this morning I recalled the crucial importance of a years-old blog post about Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gassett (who was very influential in Bob Dylan's intellectual development).

Is Ortega y Gasset The World's Most Important Modern Philosopher? (Most Discerning Prophet?)



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