Monday, October 12, 2020

Trump Flunky Urges "Herd Immunity": Has Trump Joined The Deep State?



Thanks for bringing the following video to my attention.

Scott Atlas is neither an infectious disease specialist, nor an epidemiologist.

He is a radiologist and a supporter of herd immunity.

Yes, it is true that without any public health interventions/measures, herd immunity would eventually "kick in."

But it would kick in after exacting the tremendous cost of deliberately "opening the door" to untold millions of COVID cases.

Yes, eventually there comes a tipping point. 

Notably, Trump himself says that his administration's public health interventions prevented millions of Americans from dying.

You can't have it both ways Karen.

Do you believe Trump is deliberately lying about the efficacy of public health measures?

Trump's own White House staff wears masks, gets tested daily and, since Trump himself was hospitalized for the better part of a week (getting back on his feet with $100,000.00 worth of cutting edge treatments (but without hydroxychloroquine) White House staff has "socially distanced" itself from West Wing contagion by working remotely. 

Like many Christian conservatives, you are proud of your willingness to die.

Not surprisingly, you project your willingness to die onto others who are not willing to die as recklessly as you claim to be.

Rev. Randy Carter urges "prudence."

And prudence advises us to use masks; to maintain social distance (or, in the case of older people, to self-isolate); and to wash hands frequently. 

If these measures had been enacted universally (as in China); the disease would already be contained (as it is already contained in China); the economy would have been fully re-opened by now (as in China); and in less than a year from the pandemic's onset, we seem to have a vaccine (as well as more effective treatment measures) so that everyone can re-engage the fullness of life.

On the other hand, issuing an open invitation to COVID infection in order to accelerate herd immunity would not - and will not - prevent the reasonable half of the population from taking measures to protect itself (completely independent of any government mandate), and the self-isolation of that massive demographic would have caused the economy to slow down even without government taking any measure that would slow the economy.

I will note that "Christian" "conservatives" are always on the lookout for "perfect solutions" that don't cost anything --- or, like hydroxychloroquine, don't cost much. 

The classic example of this "wishful thinking" is "the invisible hand of the marketplace" -- the cornerstone of conservative economics -- whereby y'all insist that there is no need to do anything... no need to cultivate goodness and virtue or even sanity... just "get out of the way" so "the invisible hand" can work it's magic.

On the right side of the aisle, there is continual chatter about "hoax" because perpetrating, creating and encouraging hoax is your daily bread. Another classic projection.

To cite just one example, think back two months ago to the way conservatives - including Trump - promoted the bogus claims of the Kenyan physician who "swore before God" that hydroxychloroquine was a CURE. 

Why was Trump not treated at Walter Reade with hydroxychloroquine rather than $100,000.00 drug regimen. (I marvel at the interminable number of unanswerable questions I put to you...)

Pardon my French Karen, but the Kenyan physician -- and all of you who cherished her as a soothsayer going up against The Deep State -- were full of shit. 

NOBODY - not even Trump, and probably not even you - believes that hydroxychloroquine was a cure. (To test this hypothesis, would you swear before God that hydroxychloroquine cures COVID?) 

But it is the nature of the conservative Noise Machine to throw turd after turd "at the wall" to see what will stick.... if only for a single news cycle. 

And then, it's on to "sacrificing the next virgin." 

And so it goes, one bullshit news cycle, after another, after another, after another.

But in the end, it's ALL bullshit.

For all your protestations to the contrary, you are not interested in Truth.

You are interested in protecting your rigid, absolutist - and ultimately fragile - belief system so that Reality doesn't impinge upon the imagined credibility of your misplaced faith.

If the three reasonable measures outlined above had been adopted by everyone back in March, the economy - and the rest of society - would have safely reopened within "a year" with none of the herd immunity carnage you would deliberately invoke, thus causing the preventable deaths (and here I quote Trump himself) of "millions."

Anyone who refuses to wear a mask in public is announcing their willingness to put people at real, measurable risk of "negligent homicide."

And you call yourselves Christians.

Jesus Christ!

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