Tuesday, July 13, 2021

"Conservative" "Christianity" Is A Decerebrate Death Cult Led By Armageddon Cheerleaders

Don't worry!

Jesus can save you.

Dear F,

Thanks for your email.

Conservative Christians "sense" that science is about to disprove fundamental tenets of their aggressively ignorant belief systems, and -- astonishingly for those who do not rub shoulders with these people -- these self-professed "Christians" would rather die than see that happen.

"The Problem" is that The Essential Selfishness of the quest for "personal salvation" means that many conservative Christians assume they should "take humankind down with them" if it means they'll get The Big Prize.

I call these "fire and brimstone" folk, "Armageddon Cheerleaders."

Their vision of Apocalypse as a purifying terrestrial conflagration is the represents the swiftest, surest way to escape the pervasive evils of earth, while exchanging this "valley of tears" with a sudden, resounding entrance into "heaven."

Salvation Guaranteed!

No doubt whatsoever.

But beyond "Christian" cultists' single functioning synapse, here's what I discern...

If these people were bitter, enraged, hateful, retaliatory and cheerfully damning people to The Unquenchable Lake Of Fire while they were still resident on earth, what the hell makes them think (if they took the trouble to think) that the underlying frame-of-mind they've assiduously cultivated "as earthlings" will be any different "on the other shore"?


My "daily communication" with Christian QAnoners (cultists who bizarrely believe Trump can do NO wrong) has made me understand that these folks consider their very "short list of Christian beliefs" ALL that matters.

Among these jejune beliefs, it is most discouraging to realize that they consider themselves under moral obligation -- by virtue of St. Paul's observation that "the wisdom of the world is folly before God" -- to trash all deeply-contextualized learning (such as Critical Race Theory, climate science and COVID vaccine technology) as just other diabolical temptations to snatch their souls from the parapets of Heaven.

Image result for simone weil "when we are in its power"

Virtually all fundamentalists -- and many Evangelical "Christians" -- belong to an apocalyptic Death Cult (cheek-by-jowl with Jim Jones' cult in Guyana) that arises from their bizarre understanding of "Salvation by the Cross," their cloyingly devout proclamation that "Jesus Christ is MY personal Lord and Savior," and their conviction of everlasting atonement by "being washed in the blood of Jesus" - none of which requires them to do ANYTHING virtuous, just cling to sola fides.

"Trump's Death Cult"

"American Death Cult," By Jonathan Chait (Why Has The Republican Response To The Pandemic Been So Mind-Bogglingly Disastrous?)

The Tragedy Of "Modern Medicine" And The Seduction Of "Faith Alone" ("Sola Fide")


How Piety And Devotion-To-God Distract People From The Necessary Work Of Kindness

"Family Separation And The Satanic Cruelty Of Most Republicans"

A Compendium Of Pope Francis' Links With An Inter-Related Critique Of "Conservative" "Christianity" (Which Is Neither)

Televangelist Jim Bakker And The End State Of "Conservative Christianity" (Which Is Neither)

A Very Inconvenient Truth: I Wish I Had Better News Than This Moribund Prognosis For "Conservative" "Christianity"

Why "Absolutists" Prefer To See "Relativists" Dead... Whereas "Relativists" Prefer That "Absolutists" Just Mind Their Own Business

"The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism"

"The Fire Hose Of Falsehood" Is A Russian Propaganda Technique Used By Trump Cult (And Other Fascist-Populist Movements) To Enforce Doubt Through Torrents Of Lies, Unfounded Insinuation, And Deceptive Hypotheses

Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong



On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 1:41 PM FV wrote:

We'll have impromptu clinical trials that could save time in this struggle.

We're still struggling with unvacc'd kids being maskless in school.

CPAC gave applause to a speaker who mocked this Administration for wanting, trying and failing  to vaccinate 90% of America.

Hurray were all going to die.

On Mon, Jul 12, 2021, 12:59 PM Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:


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