Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Collapse Of Christianity Generally - And American Christianity Specifically - Is Attributable To Christians, Particularly Trump-Cult Christians


Karl Rahner

Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Abortion: Christians Ignore Jesus' Direct "Commandments" But Are Punctilious About Things He Never Said

"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale" Retold For The Righteous By Anne Herbert

A Faithful Christian Consults With Jesus... And A Pertinent Parable

Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About "Christian" "Conservatism": "Fantasyland," "Jim Bakker" And "Theological Dunderheadness" Will Scare The Bejesus Out Of You... If Your Body Hasn't Already Been Snatched

Trump And His "Conservative" "Christian" Cultists Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Anti-Christ Destructiveness

Why "Conservative" "Christians" Are All Going To Hell (If There Is A Hell...Which I Don't Believe)

"The Number One Cause Of Atheism Is Christians," Catholic Theologian, Karl Rahner, SJ

The Big Lie And Conservative Christianity's Unshakeable Belief That The Bible Is Inerrantly True

"Conservative" "Christianity" Is Neither: It's A Shameless Ruse Perped By Religious Maniacs

Reprise: "God Enjoys The 10 Plagues Way Too Much" (Supplemented By "America's Best Christian," Betty Bowers)

"How Did Jesus Come To Love Guns, And Hate Sex?"

Thomas Aquinas: "The Greatest Kindness One Can Render To Any Man Consists In Leading Him From Error To Truth"

Billy Graham's "Christianity Today" Decries QAnon As "Demonic," "A Great Threat To The American Church" Preaching "Predatory Drivel"

A Compendium Of Pope Francis' Links With An Inter-Related Critique Of "Conservative" "Christianity" (Which Is Neither)

"Emo Philips Tells A Story About Heretic Scum. Trump Picks Up Where Emo Leaves Off"

Financial Speculation, Conspiracism, "Christian" "Conservatism," Usury, The Catholic Church And Being Burned At The Stake

John Pavlovitz: "The Miserable People" And "The Kind Of Christian I Refuse To Be"

"Conservative" "Christians" Only Believe In God And Themselves And The Two Are Interchangeable

Ivan Illich, Catholic Priest, Revolutionary And 20th Century Intellectual Titan

Chris Hedges: The Christian Right Is Comprised Of Christian Heretics (And Most Of The Best Known Evangelists Are Capitalist Con Men)

"Since God Doesn't Heal Amputees, Humankind Will. The Future Of Christian Theology"

"Cruelty Is The Point": An Update On Donald Trump And His White "Christian" Base

Do Trump cultists not realize the contempt he has for them.
He speaks openly of their gullibility and manipulability.

Donald Trump's Christian Conservative Cult And Democracy's Death Knell? An Email Reply To Publisher Friend Elaine In South Texas

Replying To A White "Christian" "Conservative" Friend Who Wants Me To Know That "If Anyone At All Has Convinced Me to Support Donald Trump, It's You"

A Short History Of Hell

Religion, Eternal Punishment, And Hell-Gehenna (With A Special Guest Appearance By Bertrand Russell)

How To Save "Conservative" "Christians" From Themselves: An Experiment In Reading About Notable Human Beings

"The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives

Christian Ministers Have A Moral Obligation To Call Bullshit On Trump Cultists Spreading Lies

Trump And His "Conservative" "Christian" Cultists Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Anti-Christ Destructiveness

Conservative Christians Delight In The Punishment And Pain Of Others

America's Passion For Punishment And Torture

Christians And "Christians" Choose Mercy, Love & Forgiveness, Or Retribution & Punishment

Conservative Christians Delight In The Punishment And Pain Of Others

America's Passion For Punishment And Torture

Christians And "Christians" Choose Mercy, Love & Forgiveness, Or Retribution & Punishment

Trump's Handpicked Kansas Politician, Kris Kobach, Is Emblematic Of The Bullsh*t Nonsense That Has Become The Bogus Essence Of The Republican Party

"Hey, Christian! How Many Of Jesus' Moral Stands Do You Approve? Take The Test!"

"A Simple Test For Trump Supporters: Are You Hateful, Racist Or A White Nationalist/Supremacist?"

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Racism -- Specifically Trump's Racism -- And Two Tests To Determine If YOU Are A Racist... Or Even A Christian

"The GOP Deliberately Crafted An Ignorant, Prejudicial, Hateful Constituency"

(And Conservative Christians Proclaimed Themselves The Embodiment of Love)

Online Discussion With Christian Conservative Friend Concerning Meanspiritedness

What Would Anti-Christ Do? Donald Trump And Child Abuse

American Divorce: Mainstream Christians Divorce More Often Than Mainstream Atheists

Christian Conservatives Prefer The Damnation Of Others To Their Own Salvation

Online Conversation With A White, Conservative Christian Concerning Trump's Family Separation Policy

MS-13, GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz, And The All-Encompassing Embarrassment Of "Christian" "Conservatism" (Which Is Neither)

Thank God "The Good Christians" Are No Longer Blaming Hillary And Barack

Online Discussion With A Trump-Supporting "Christian" "Conservative": "Final judgment for every soul belongs only to the only Perfect Son of God He chose to save and bless and heal. He never harms His Own"

Conservative Christianity, Armageddon As Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, And Return To The Neolithic

Bill McKibben "The Christian Paradox: How A Faithful Nation Gets Jesus Wrong"

Philadelphia Cops Kill Black Man With No Attempt To De-Escalate: "Conservative" "Christians" Agree "He Had It Coming" (Don't Know What De-Escalation Is)

"Aggressive Ignorance And Christianity's Failure To Champion Truth"

"Frank Zappa Prophesied A Fascist Theocracy. Barry Goldwater Agrees"

"Interstellar," Myth, And "The Christian Buddhism Of St. John: New Insights Into The Fourth Gospel"

A Very Inconvenient Truth: I Wish I Had Better News Than This Moribund Prognosis For "Conservative" "Christianity"

What Christian Conservatives Need To Know About Trump... And About Themselves

Trump-Supporting "Christians" Have The Same Shifty, Ungrounded View Of Truth As Pontius Pilate (Except When Absolutism Suits Their Political Agenda)

"The Glamor Of Satan" And The Titillating Seduction Of Conspiratorial Thinking For "Christian" "Conservatives" (Who Are Neither)

St. Paul Lavished Praise On The Pagan Poet Who Said - 600 Years Before Christ - “In Him We Live And Move And Have Our Being” (Acts 17:28)

"The Trump Presidency Was A Catastrophe For American Christianity": An Interview With "National Review" Columnist And Devout Evangelical Christian, David French 

"The Trump Presidency Was A Catastrophe For American Christianity": An Interview With "National Review" Columnist And Devout Evangelical Christian, David French  

Donald Trump Damns His Own Followers As Witless, Manipulable Ass-Licks

Ted Nugent Reveals The Essential Piggishness Of The Good Christians' "Party Of Family Values"

My Correspondence With A Christian Fundamentalist: "The Best... Becomes Evil"

To Proclaim That God Is On Your "Side" Is A Unique Blend Of Hubris And Self-Apotheosis  (What Do Jesus' Prostitute Ancestors Have To Do With This?)

"Bad Religion: A Compendium"

1 John 4:18, "There Is No Fear In Love." But Fear Is Fundamental To Every "Conservative" "Christian" Church


Bad Religion: "Men Never Do Evil So Completely And Cheerfully As When They Do It From Religious Conviction" (Devout Christian Blaise Pascal)

"Men Never Do Evil So Completely And Cheerfully As When They Do It From Religious Conviction." Blaise Pascal, Devout Christian | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

"Conservative" "Christianity" Is A Decerebrate Death Cult Led By Armageddon Cheerleaders

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump, Toxic Christianity And Cruelty As A Moral Obligation"

Mercy And Compassion Trump Judgment And Punishment: Another Attempt To Save A "Christian" "Conservative"  Freind From Losing Her Soul

Deism And "Founding Fathers" Links

John Ford, John Wayne, Aquinas and Theosis (Christian Divinization)

Correspondence With Plowshares Prisoner-of-Conscience Patrick O'Neill Concerning Deitrich Bonhoeffer's Call For "Religionless Christianity"

Is Hitler In Hell? - An Attempt To Rescue "Christian" "Conservative" Friends From Their Delusional Support For Donald Trump And The Big Lie

What Donald Trump Has Said About People Who "Take The 5th" (And How The "Conservative" "Christians" Who Put A Cruel, Vengeful Autocrat In The White House Now Suck His Sludge As If It Were Sacramental Wine)

White Christian Despair Disguised As Fervent Supplication That Jesus Return - And Armageddon As A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

And lest we forget the racism at the very heart of the Republican Party:

Ronald Reagan Phoned Dick Nixon To Make This Comment About Black People: "Damn Those Monkeys. They're Still Uncomfortable Wearing Shoes." Reagan's Daughter Patti Davis Weighs In

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