Thursday, October 26, 2023

Cowboy Capitalism Dependably Degrades -- And Often Ruins -- The Lives Of The People It Marginalizes, While Persistently -- Eagerly, Even Giddily -- Trashing The Biosphere: An Updated Compendium.


This fact-checked analysis by Warren Buffett - arguably America's most successful investment capitalist - bears continual repetition.

If you watched the clip once, watch it again.

It makes other economic analyses moot. 

Virtually all other economic views are distractions from the cornerstone of Capitalism's self-centered, self-seeking nefariousness - a selfishness culminating in Trump's solipsism. 

Watch the following clip as many times as it takes to make you forward it to all people in your email directory.

(And if you don't, why are you self-censoring?)

Fact Checked By Snopes: Warren Buffett Says If Just 800 Other American Companies Paid The Same 21% Tax Rate That His Company "Berkshire Hathaway" Pays, There Would Be No Need For Any Individual American To Pay Any Federal Income Tax Or Any Social Security Tax

Cowboy Capitalism Dependably Degrades -- And Often Ruins -- The Lives Of The People It Marginalizes, While Persistently -- Eagerly -- Trashing The Biosphere: An Updated Compendium

We Are Re-Made In The Image Of Our God (Or Gods). This Bedrock Fact Makes Me Increasingly Critical Of America As A Judeo-Christian Culture That Worships A God Who Is Wrathful And Punitive. Trump And His Cultists Comprise Incontrovertible Proof That The United States Of America - Which Has Always Been A Punitive, Retributive Society - Now Genuflects At The Altar Of Cruelty. Cruelty Is Not An Aberration. It Is The Central Point Of Unbridled, "Christian" "Conservative" Capitalism. Let's Make Up Our Minds. John The Apostle Says "God Is Love." Is "He?" Or Is God Punitive And Hellishly Cruel? Do Not Look Away. Do Not Sweep This Under The Rug. Be Whatever You Want To Be. But Do Have The Courage And Integrity To Own Up To The God You Worship, And In Whose Image YOU Continually Re-Make Yourself

Capitalism Is Coming To The Crunch: Will People "Just Say No," Or Will Capitalism Say "We're Going To F*ck Over The Biosphere In The Name Of Profits Over People."  (A Great "Media Matters" Podcast From NPR)

Capitalism Is America's Invisible Propellant Of Moral Degradation

Capitalism Is That Hand In Your Pants, Seducing You, Caressing You To Near-Climax... While Going About The Machine's Abiding Purpose Of Picking Your Pocket, Leaving You Raped, Ravaged And Degraded

I've Been Meaning To Write This Cut-To-The-Chase Analysis For Several Years: Democracy, Theocracy And The Transformation Of American Politics In My Lifetime

Billionaire Nick Hanauer's TED Talk: "Capitalism's Dirty Little Secret"

"The Rich Plunder The Poor, Then Pile The Blame On The Dispossessed"

The Original And Enduring Conspiracy: It's About Keeping The Filthy Rich, Filthy Rich

Billionaire Nick Hanauer: "The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure"

"The Hidden History Of Corporations" --- And Ronald Reagan's "Stakeholder Capitalism" (Which Elizabeth Warren Is "High On" Too)

A&W Hamburgers... And The End Of The World As We Knew It

Unbridled Capitalism has become an impregnable fortress for scoundrels... and worse.
In its current manifestation, unregulated "Cowboy Capitalism" protects and advances 
the self-seeking greed of "profiteering opportunists," all of them cut from the same cloth as Malignant Messiah.

Is Kerala, India, A Successful Example Of Socialism In Action?

Facebook Thread About Big Pharma Malfeasance, And The First Ever Woman Editor Of "The New England Journal Of Medicine," Maria Angell's Spot-On Criticism Of The Pharmaceutical Industry

Angell MD points a finger at the very heart of American capitalism as it now operates. Unbridled Capitalism has become an impregnable fortress for scoundrels... and worse.
In its current manifestation, unregulated "Cowboy Capitalism" protects and advances the self-seeking greed of "profiteering opportunists," all of them cut from the same cloth as Malignant Messiah.

Put NO Monstrosity Beyond These MOFOs

The Original And Enduring Conspiracy: It's About Keeping The Filthy Rich, Filthy Rich

 The Deep State Is Comprised Of The Filthy Rich 
Who Delude "The Little Guy" Into Thinking 
"It's Anyone But Us" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

The Original And Enduring Conspiracy: It's About Keeping The Filthy Rich, Filthy Rich

 The Deep State
And Its Trump Cult Enablers | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

The Rich Aren't Just Grabbing A Bigger Slice Of The Income Pie. They're Taking All Of It

Image result for "pax on both houses" teddy roosevelt hidden government
Teddy Roosevelt epitomizes what Republicans were like the year my Dad was born.

Roosevelt was the spearhead of "The Progressive Movement."

Teddy Roosevelt: "Malefactors Of Great Wealth... Are Curses To The Country"

Heather Cox Richardson's "Letters From An American" Probes The Motivation Behind Republican President Teddy Roosevelt's Full-Throttle Commitment To Progressivism

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