Sunday, May 19, 2024

Fact Checked By Snopes: Warren Buffett Says If Just 800 Other American Companies Paid The Same 21% Tax Rate That His Company "Berkshire Hathaway" Pays, There Would Be No Need For Any Individual American To Pay Any Federal Income Tax Or Any Social Security Tax


Snopes Fact-checks Warren Buffett's comment about 800 companies paying the same tax rate his company (Berkshire Hathaway pays would obviate the need for every American citizen to pay any federal tax, and social security tax, and a host of others.

Our country really could be #1 again if we taxed the rich and corporations like we did back when we were #1. (1950s & 1960s)

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Alan Archibald
Ben Franklin On "No New Taxes" (And Other Taxation Surprises)
Ben Franklin On "No New Taxes" (And Other Taxation Surprises)
Ben Franklin On "No New Taxes" (And Other Taxation Surprises)
Ben Franklin On "No New Taxes" (And Other Taxation Surprises)
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Alan Archibald
1910 Income Tax Promised To Never Shift Burden From Richest 1 - 4%
Original 1910 Income Tax Legislation Promised To Never Shift Burden From Richest 1% - 4%
Original 1910 Income Tax Legislation Promised To Never Shift Burden From Richest 1% - 4%
Original 1910 Income Tax Legislation Promised To Never Shift Burden From Richest 1% - 4%
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