Monday, June 12, 2023

We Are Re-Made In The Image Of Our God (Or Gods). This Bedrock Fact Makes Me Increasingly Critical Of America As A Judeo-Christian Culture That Worships A God Who Is Wrathful And Punitive. Trump And His Cultists Provide Incontrovertible Proof That The United States Of America - Which Has Always Been A Punitive, Retributive Society - Now Genuflects At The Altar Of Cruelty. Cruelty Is Not An Aberration. It Is The Central Point Of Unbridled, "Christian" "Conservative" Capitalism. Let's Make Up Our Minds. John The Apostle Says "God Is Love." Is "He?" Or Is God Punitive And Hellishly Cruel? Do Not Look Away. Do Not Sweep This Under The Rug. Be Whatever You Want To Be. But Do Have The Courage And Integrity To Own Up To The God You Worship, And In Whose Image You Continually Re-Make Yourself


We Are Re-Made In The Image Of Our God (Or Gods). This Bedrock Fact Makes Me Increasingly Critical Of America As A Judeo-Christian Culture That Worships A God Who Is Wrathful And Punitive. Trump And His Cultists Comprise Incontrovertible Proof That The United States Of America - Which Has Always Been A Punitive, Retributive Society - Now Genuflects At The Altar Of Cruelty. Cruelty Is Not An Aberration. It Is The Central Point Of Unbridled, "Christian" "Conservative" Capitalism. Let's Make Up Our Minds. John The Apostle Says "God Is Love." Is "He?" Or Is God Punitive And Hellishly Cruel? Do Not Look Away. Do Not Sweep This Under The Rug. Be Whatever You Want To Be. But Do Have The Courage And Integrity To Own Up To The God You Worship, And In Whose Image You Continually Re-Make Yourself

Religion, Eternal Punishment, And Hell-Gehenna (With A Special Guest Appearance By Bertrand Russell)

The Age-Old Normalization Of Warfare Through Stupidity, Ego And Religion

The Mistaken Concept That Reducing Cultures To Rubble Results In Peace

Punishment Rarely Reforms But Instead Tends To Reinforce Wrongdoing

Best Pax Posts On Punishment And Torture As "Necessary" Methods For Righting Wrongs

Conservative Christians Delight In The Punishment And Pain Of Others

http: // paxonbothhouses.

America's Passion For Punishment And Torture

Christians And "Christians" Choose Mercy, Love & Forgiveness, Or Retribution & Punishment

Bad Things Happen: Punishment, Mercy And The Demise Of The Republican Party

Best Pax-Barbaria Posts On Mercy, Forgiveness, Retribution, Punishment

"The Pharisees Are Always With Us. They Are The People Who..."

Mercy And Compassion Trump Judgment And Punishment: Another Attempt To Save A "Christian" "Conservative"  Friend From Losing Her Soul

Deism And "Founding Fathers" Links

St Paul Observed: "The Wisdom Of The World Is Folly Before God." Who, Exactly, Is Going To Hell For "Satanic Rebellion Against God?"

and the following companion piece:

Paid Leave For Menstrual Pain And The Immediate Impulse To Punish By Residents of The United States Of Barbaria

The Normalization Of Cruelty During Donald Trump's Administration: A Compendium

Obama’s 2006 Speech on Faith and Politics: Abraham Prepares To Kill And Immolate His Son Because God Told Him To Slit His Throat And Burn His Body

Neo-Puritanism And The Quest For Perfection As Frequent Precursor Of Fascism 

The Collapse Of Christianity Generally - And American Christianity Specifically - Is Attributable To Christians, Particularly Trump-Cult Christians

Cowboy Capitalism 
As America's Secular Religion

The History Of Corporations: The Founding Fathers, Ronald Reagan And Elizabeth Warren Converge On Stakeholder Capitalism - "Get Back To Where You Once Belonged, America!"

Capitalism Is Coming To The Crunch: Will People "Just Say No," Or Will Capitalism Say "We're Going To F*ck Over The Biosphere In The Name Of Profits Over People."  (A Great "Media Matters" Podcast From NPR)

Here's how normalized - and supposedly divinely sanctioned - cruelty plays out in these "United" States.

The Normalization Of Cruelty During Donald Trump's Administration: A Compendium

Mother Slaughers Her Lovely 5 Year Old Son, AJ, In A Most Cruel Way.
I do not doubt that AJ's mother was (as she says) treated harshly by punitive parents, and that she was "just" "passing on the abuse," doing what she had always been told was right -- when she murdered her son. As a society, we have made a grave mistake by letting the Old Testamental bullshit of "spare the rod, spoil the child" pass for normalcy. 

The God Of The Bible Commands All Men To Stone Rebellious Children To Death. (In The Quran There Is Nothing As Cruel As God's Deuteronomic Demand That Your Own Children Be Killed For The Triviality Of Adolescent Rebelliousness)

Christians And "Christians" Choose Mercy, Love & Forgiveness, Or Retribution & Punishment

Even God Can't Save You From Hatred, Resentment And Carrying A Grudge

Biblical Literalism And Bibliolatry Are Open Invitations To Self-Righteousness, Wrath And Hatred

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