Thursday, October 26, 2023

As Of October 28th, 2023, Gazans Just Experienced The Population-Adjusted Catastrophe of 595 Twin Tower Topplings, Or Nearly One A Day Spread Out Over A Period Of Nearly 2 Years. And Netanyahu's Government Is Just Beginning Reprisals

Adjusting for population so that the population of two million Gazans is proportionately equal to 335,000,000 Americans, we find that 8000 dead Gazans (as of October 28th, 2023) is the equivalent of 1,340,000 dead Americans. (No typo.) 

1,340,000 dead Gazans means the population-adjusted slaughter of everyone living in Dallas, Texas - and then some.

For additional perspective, consider that 2251 native-born Americans died when The Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001. This is to say that 595 times as many Gazans (when population-adjusted) have died in Hamas-Israeli hostilities (as of October 28th, 2032) as the total number of native-born Americans who died in the Twin Towers.

It begs remembrance that the death toll on 9/11 was enough carnage to unleash The National Lunacy, an encompassing madness from which the United States has yet to recover. 

I encourage you to contemplate what it would be like for The Twin Towers to topple on American soil, day after day -- each and every day -- for nearly 2 years. 

Against this backdrop, please keep in mind that Netanyahu’s government is just starting to turn up the heat. 

Also remember that Netanyahu (much his fellow felon, Donald Trump) is fully aware that the only way for him stay out of prison is to keep the Gaza War going so that the nation will rally around its leader (as nation's do in wartime) so that he will remain Prime Minister as long as the war continues.


UPDATE: The Gazan death toll is now (11/6/2023) reported to be over 10,000. meaning that the population adjusted number of dead Gazans is the population adjusted equivalent of 744 (seven hundred and forty four) Twin Tower collapses, more than one a day for over two years.

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