Saturday, February 11, 2023

Another Attempt To De-Program A Fundamentalist Friend Who Is Manifestly Delusional As Demonstrated By Her Unshakeable Conviction That She Knows The "Real Jesus" And The "Will Of God." KK Is Also A Trump Cultist And Believes QAnon Is A Sort Of Fifth Gospel


Thanks for your email. 

I read it carefully.

No one knows if they're free of deception.

That said, a pretty good indicator of being deceived is thinking that one is absolutely right.

It can be honestly said that everyone who is deluded/delusional is certain they are ABSOLUTELY right. (I'm sure Rachel 
has seen enough delusional people to know that this is true. Just ask her.)

You are skating on very thin ice, Karen, and the thinner it gets, the more you insist it's twenty feet thick.

1 John 4:18, "There Is No Fear In Love." But Fear Is Fundamental To Every "Conservative" "Christian" Church

If the image immediately about does not show, you may access it at:

You, Karen, are ALL about fear and punishment.

Here, learn something. (It has become clear to me that you cannot learn anything that might jeopardize your rock-solid -- aka thin ice -- certainty
that you know it all, most particularly, you know The Real Jesus. But don't think you are exempted from learning because Paul says, "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight." What is foolishness in God's sight is Donald Trump's bilge and QAnon's relentless assault
on truth. "John Kennedy Jr. is coming back to make common cause with Donald Trump. Good Lord, Karen! You cannot blithely deny
that John-John did NOT come back as you predicted he would, and then continue to believe the sludge promoted by these people.)

Anyhow, here is more potentially salvific information for you to ignore.

"The Burden Of The Gospels" by Wendell Berry

"Emo Philips Tells A Story About Heretic Scum. Trump Picks Up Where Emo Leaves Off"

To Proclaim That God Is On Your "Side" Is A Unique Blend Of Hubris And Self-Apotheosis  (What Do Jesus' Prostitute Ancestors Have To Do With This?)

The United States At The Crossroads: History Professor Heather Cox Richardson Probes Democracy And The Powerful Appeal Of Putting A Strong Man In Charge

An Overview Of Trump's Compulsive Lying.
Even His Sister - A Retired Federal Judge - Calls Trump "Cruel," A "Liar," A "Cheat" And An "Untrustworthy Phony"

Secularization, Rugged Individualism And The Loss Of Community... What Does "Bowling Alone" Have To Do With It?

Obama’s 2006 Speech on Faith and Politics: Abraham Prepares To Kill And Immolate His Son Because God Told Him To Slit His Throat And Burn His Body

Boston College History Professor Heather Cox Richardson's "Letter From An American" Reflecting On The Second Anniversary Of Trump's Carefully Planned Insurrection At The Capitol Building, Resulting In The Death Of 5 Law Enforcement Agents Within The Next Three Months

The Collapse Of Christianity Generally - And American Christianity Specifically - Is Attributable To Christians, Particularly Trump-Cult Christians

"Know Nothing Nativism: Prototypal American Bigotry"

Compendium Of Best "News From Barbaria" Posts About Fascism

The United States At The Crossroads: History Professor Heather Cox Richardson Probes Democracy And The Powerful Appeal Of Putting A Strong Man In Charge

As for Narnia... No. It is not "not the whore riding the beast who ends up "queen" of the Earth at the end of this age." 

It is the children who inherit the kingdom -- children who never attempted to punish anyone -- but the jaded adults whose
world view is all about punishing "the infidels."

On Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 9:32 AM KK wrote:

If you are rooting for the CCP and the kind of "government" that punishes "good" while rewarding "evil" then you might say
Joe hit a home run.  He's not playing on the side of American patriots or the real Jesus Christ.  He's playing a game for sure
but it's Good vs. Evil and what matters is Who wins in the End.  
The Truth will prevail and it's not about which politician is the biggest liar or who is in charge of this present world system.
The King of kings and Lord of lords has been chosen by the Father of Creation not the father of lies.
It may appear that the SAME enemy of our Creator who'd deceived the whole world won when he crucified our Living Lord
Who came to deliver us from the power of sin, death and the curse brought down on the earth by the father of lies.
In fact it's JESUS Who won that battle and the final battle for this planet by choosing to die to Himself and totally obey the command
of our Father as the "Last Adam" 
I'm sorry you don't seem to have gotten the message of Narnia at all.
It's not the whore riding the beast who ends up "queen" of the Earth at the end of this age.
It is and always will be Jesus Christ the Messiah of Israel and Lord of all the Earth Who is raised up by the Same Creator
Who has promised all who simply believe and receive TRUTH as we are raised up with HIm on the Last Day.
All who know His Voice will follow and we won't be deceived or follow after any other as we press on to highest ground.
No demon or man can touch any who are safely covered under the Shadow of the Wings of the Almighty.
Those of us who know Jesus for real are looking up rejoicing that our Redemption is near and soon all evil will be swallowed up
by the Glorious Light of His return as the Son of Righteousness rises with healing in His Wings over all who humble ourselves
to simply believe and receive HIM in Spirit and in Truth. 
We bow our knee to no other man or god.
Our reward is with the Lord of LIFE and all Creation.
It's only in knowing Truth we are set free from the power of the enemy of our souls.
That is "Lucifer" himself who has nothing at all to do with Jesus or any of us who belong to the SON of the Living God.

On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 12:14 PM Alan Archibald <> wrote:
In the main, "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Christians Just Like The Apostle Judas Was
(Republican hecklers shamed the whole Republican Party in ways most Americans will not forget. Keep it up children.)

14 minutes of highlights from Joe Biden's "State of the Union Address", February, 2023

Joe's Entire "State Of The Union Address":

Pupper Diesel
Biden's speech renewed my faith in him as President. It was amazing to see him energetic, laughing, and being straight to the facts.
carla kay
This speech has won my support. I was hoping for a younger head of state. But now....maybe it is Joe.

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