Saturday, January 7, 2023

Boston College History Professor Heather Cox Richardson's "Letter From An American" Reflecting On The Second Anniversary Of Trump's Carefully Planned Insurrection At The Capitol Building, Resulting In The Death Of 5 Law Enforcement Agents Within The Next Three Months

Alan: The cover letter I wrote to "Christian" "conservative" friend Karen is pasted at the bottom of this post.

History Professor Heather Cox Richardson's "Letter From An American" Reflecting On The Second Anniversary Of Trump's Carefully Planned Insurrection At The Capitol Building, Resulting In The Death Of 5 Law Enforcement Agents Within The Next Three Months

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January 6, 2023

Professor Richardson specializes in the history of the Republican Party

Two years ago today, rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol to stop the counting of electoral ballots that would put a Democrat in the White House. There was no doubt Joe Biden had won: his majority in the popular vote was more than 7 million and he won the electoral college by 306 votes to 232, the same margin that the incumbent Republican had called a “landslide” four years earlier when it favored him. But supporters of that incumbent, Donald Trump, believed that Democrats could not possibly have won fairly and that if they had, it simply meant their voters were illegitimate.

Trump's Handpicked Kansas Politician, Kris Kobach, Is Emblematic Of The Bullsh*t Nonsense That Has Become The Bogus Essence Of The Republican Party

Alan: White Christian Conservatives will believe any damn thing.
No matter the cost, their fake belief system MUST be maintained. 
And monstrous mendacity is a bargain when it comes to selling one's soul to Satan, who - as St. Paul points out - comes "disguised as an angel of Light."
And so, the documents of Trump's own administration are considered "fake news" whenever these "All Praise Be To Lord Jesus Liars" find it convenient - or necessary for their make-believe belief system's survival.

(Professor Cox Richardson continues...) Trump supporters' worldview had its roots in opposition to the New Deal of the 1930s when Democrats, led by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, created a new kind of government in the United States, one in which the government worked to level the playing field between workers and employers and to provide a basic social safety net. Their new government included—imperfectly, but included—Black and Brown Americans and women. And it paid for the new programs with higher taxes on the wealthy. 

When the new system shored up the economy, preserved democracy, and enabled the U.S. to help destroy European fascism, most Americans—Republicans as well as Democrats—supported the new system. Over time, they expanded it, and they also began to use the government to protect civil rights. The shared belief in this active government became known as the “liberal consensus” and was so popular that most Americans never imagined it might be dismantled. Social Security, for example, the Voting Rights Act, and the Environmental Protection Agency were all simply part of the air we breathed.   

But from the start, those who hated the New Deal argued that it was essentially socialism because it took money from wealthy people and redistributed it through government programs to poorer Americans, especially Black people, people of color, and women. They warned white men that they were losing control of the country as they were being outvoted by lazy minorities and demanding women. 

Gradually, those people who wanted to go back to the world of the 1920s took over the Republican Party. They purged it of those Republicans who believed in the liberal consensus, calling them “RINOs,” or Republicans in name only, even though it was Republicans who had put in place many of the crucial pieces of the liberal consensus, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act. 

As the old racist wing of the Democratic Party, those who hated civil rights laws, swung to the Republicans, the Democrats increasingly became the party of minorities and women, and they defended the laws that had made the government more responsive to the needs of all Americans. As they did so, Republicans, determined to destroy the liberal consensus, turned the generic word “liberal” into something close to “communist,” which actually refers to someone who believes the government should take over the means of production.

They worked to convince voters that Democrats were leftists using the government to steal from hardworking white men, and warned that letting them have a say in the government would destroy the country. When voters still elected Democrats, Republicans started to manipulate the electoral system, restricting the vote and gerrymandering districts. After 1993, when Democrats made it easier for people to vote by enabling them to register at their local Department of Motor Vehicles and other government offices, Republicans began to insist—without any evidence—that Democrats won only because they cheated. 

Alan: Here is the result...

Trump Cult's January 6th Insurrection And Lincoln's Prophecy Concerning The Seditious Treachery Of The "Mobocratic Spirit": A Compendium

Compendium Of Best "News From Barbaria" Posts About Trump's January 6th Insurrection

Boston College Historian Heather Cox Richardson's Daily "Letter From An American" October 31, 2021, Distills Meaning From The Most Detailed Account Yet Of Trump's January 6th Insurrection

CNN's Erin Burnett: Superb Video Documentary Of Trump's Month-Long Lead Up To The January 6th Insurrection - And Its Immediate Aftermath (Eleven Minutes Combined Run Time)

"American Insurrection," A New Documentary By PBS-Frontline (Streams Freely Online)

Historian Jon Meecham On Insurrection Week (With A Stephen Colbert "Chaser")

"Stephen Colbert's Monologue About Deadly Insurrection Day When Violent Thugs Occupied The Capitol Building"

Capitol Police Officers' Stunning Testimony Before The House Select Committee's Investigation Of The January 6th Insurrection Whivh Was Fueled By Donald Trump. (All 3 hours 32 minutes)

A Woman's Simple Statement At The Capitol Insurrection - "I Think Anything Is Possible" - Is The Cornerstone Of Trump Cult's Self-Righteous Sedition

"The Seditious Uprising On Capitol Hill, And What The 14th Amendment Requires"

"A Reporter's Footage From Inside The Capitol Siege," The New Yorker, January 17, 2021

The attack on the U.S. Capitol was the logical outcome of this rhetoric. The rioters believed they were saving the country from what Trump called “emboldened radical-left Democrats” who had stolen the election. They believed they were patriots defending the country and the Constitution from Democrats, whose policies, Trump told them, “chipped away our jobs, weakened our military, threw open our borders, and put America last.” Biden would be an “illegitimate president,” “voted on by a bunch of stupid people.” “[Y]ou'll never take back our country with weakness,” Trump told them. “You have to show strength and you have to be strong…. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.” 

The rioters did not act alone. They were aided and encouraged by radicalized Republican leaders who had bought into the idea that the liberal consensus must be destroyed. Late on the night of January 6, 2021, after the riot, 147 Republican members of Congress voted to contest the slates of electors, reinforcing the idea that the election was fraudulent, although they knew as well as anyone that election officials, judges, and even Trump’s own campaign and White House staff had dismissed those claims. 

After the insurrection, Republican leaders—including House minority leader Kevin McCarthy of California—initially condemned those who participated in it, but quickly came around to protect those who had simply taken their own ideology to its logical extreme.

And now, two years later, voter suppression and gerrymandering have enabled their voters to give those same people control of the House of Representatives, where their quest to dismantle the liberal consensus has been on display. Twenty of the most extreme Republicans refused to back McCarthy for House speaker until he gave them enough power essentially to make up a third bloc in the House. McCarthy could easily have reached out to the Democrats rather than cave to the extremist right, but he refused to compromise the quest to get rid of the very legislation the Democrats—and most Americans—want. 

Today saw the number of House roll call votes for speaker rack up to an astonishing 14, as McCarthy gave the extremists more and more power. By midnight, after the 14th failed vote had led Mike Rogers of North Carolina to lunge at extremist ringleader Matt Gaetz of Florida, it was clear McCarthy’s bargaining would win him the seat he so badly wanted in a 15th ballot early the next day. Scott Perry (R-PA), who was a key figure in the attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election, told CNN’s Manu Raju that among the many promises McCarthy made to get them on board was that he would not agree to raise the national debt limit without significant concessions. 

Pat Buchanan, The Republican Presidential Candidate And Living American Who Has Served Longest As Senior White House Official, Says Republicans Are In It For "Power Only" And "To Hell With Principles"

The extremists wanted this control because they seem to believe that if the U.S. stops funding the government, the programs they hate will die. To kill off the government built by the liberal consensus, they are threatening to do as Trump has advocated: take the government into default. 

That is, a few extremists are willing to take our government hostage to get their way, just as extremists did on January 6, 2021. 

On that day the rioters attacked law enforcement officers, hunted down elected officials, and smeared feces in the building that symbolizes self-government in order to overturn an election and overthrow our right to choose our leaders, the principle that sits at the heart of democracy, and they did it believing that they were the ones defending America. “We have overwhelming pride in this great country,” Trump told them. “Together, we are determined to defend and preserve government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

But they were not the ones defending democracy that day. Those defending democracy were the law enforcement officers who held back the mob even at the cost of their health and even their lives, people like Daniel Hodges, Michael Fanone, Harry Dunn, Caroline Edwards, Aquilino Gonell, Eugene Goodman, Howard Liebengood, Jeffrey Smith, Billy Evans, and Brian D. Sicknick.

Those defending democracy were the election workers who protected our system even at the cost of their jobs, their safety, and their peace of mind, people like Ruby Freeman, Shaye Moss, and Albert Schmidt. They were elected officials who refused to cave to pressure to throw the election, people like Jocelyn Benson and Rusty Bowers.

When Biden awarded these fifteen people the Presidential Citizens Medal today, he reminded the audience that on this day in 1941, FDR delivered the famous “Four Freedoms” speech. 

Franklin Delano Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms" Wikipedia:

Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms" are exhibited at the American embassy in Budapest, Hungary, where Trump "look-alike," Viktor Mihály Orbán currently mongers fear.

Note Well: Every "conservative" "Christian" Trump supporter is a failed Christian by virtue of the following rubric composed by John the Evangelist.

Make no mistake. Christian Conservatives are determined - ferociously determined - to impose pain and punishment on other people BEFORE they will even consider loving kindness for ANYONE who might be "undeserving."

This insistence on the primacy of punishment is an egregious error, which "Christian" "conservatives" make (just like all their other errors) because these "make believe" believers are constitutionally unable to sign off on Thomas Merton's accurate observation that:

Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

Why "Conservative" "Christians" Are All Going To Hell (If There Is A Hell...Which I Don't Believe)

Trump And His "Conservative" "Christian" Cultists Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Anti-Christ Destructiveness

In that speech, FDR told the country that “The nation takes…much strength from the things which have been done to make its people conscious of their individual stake in the preservation of democratic life in America. Those things have toughened the fiber of our people, have renewed their faith and strengthened their devotion to the institutions we make ready to protect.”



Dear Karen,
The last thing you dare do is read Boston College History Professor, Heather Cox Richardson's "Letter From An American" every day for the next month. (Or any month.)
The overwhelming pressure of the truth Cox Richardson addresses would blow you out of the water.
And so, you will not read what she has to say because you sense the mortal threat to your tenuous political beliefs.
Instead of reading, you will bury your head in the sand and pontificate on Jesus and what Real Believers KNOW to be GOD's TRUTH.
Go ahead.
Take a little plunge, Karen.
Learn the fully contextualized history of how the Party of Lincoln -- and the Democratic Party of today -- switched there political platforms, pretty much swapped them out in their entirety.
I am not telling you fake news.
You can go the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. and read all the pertinent first-hand documents from Honest Abe's foundation of the Republican Party through the transformation wrought by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
What I am saying to you has nothing to do with Trump.
It is first-hand history documented from approximately 90 years ago, all the way back to the demise of the Whig Party and its replacement by The Party of Lincoln.
All you have to do is read the original sources, not the nonsense bilge-pumped by Malignant Messiah and QAnon.
It's "all" right here.
Just waiting for you to read and learn.
Boston College History Professor Heather Cox Richardson's "Letter From An American" For January 6, 2023, Reflecting On The Second Anniversary Of Trump's Carefully Planned Insurrection At The Capitol Building, Resulting In The Death Of 5 Law Enforcement Agents Within The Next Three Months
I'm not relenting, Karen.
I study history, and I study it diligently.
And as a result, I know many things -- lots of plain factual, provable things -- that you do not know as a result of your diligent avoidance of truth.
I know things that you refuse to know because "letting such truths in" would destroy your house of cards.
And your ego's dedication to the bolster of falsehood is far more important to you than Truth.

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