Saturday, January 7, 2023

Executive Branch Criminal Activities By Presidential Administration (Since Richard Nixon, Who Now Lags Convicted Felon Trump)


PolitiFact ranks the above tabulation as half true, although it must be pointed out that Trump administration indictments are still being issued -- literally -- with no end in sight.

PolitiFact confirms that 3 (three) criminal indictments inside Democratic presidencies of the last 50 years is, in fact, the precise number.

Only 3.

By way of comparison, Politifact confirms that there have only been half the nearly 300 indictments which the graphic tabulation above lays at the door of Republican presidential administrations. 

Even so, Republican administrations since 1970 have cumulatively engendered 49 times (forty nine times) as many criminal indictments as Democratic administrations.

This 49-fold increase is a percentage increase of 2350%.

This is a massive order of magnitude and reflects the profound corruption of Republican administrations

If a person invests $10,000.00 and that investment undergoes 2350% appreciation, the original $10,000.00 becomes $235,000.00.

If we round up a $40,000.00 after a 2350% appreciation, $40,000.00 becomes a million dollars.

Trump Administration Update, September 6, 2020

Trump's Mobster Model Of Government In Which Brazen Lies Are Routinely Represented As Truth

Extraordinary Interactive "Mapping Corruption" In The Trump Administration Exhibit

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