Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Trump Pardons Convicted Murderers Of Innocent Children In Iraq Blackwater Massacre

Trump Pardons Blackwater Contractors Jailed For Massacre Of Iraq Civilians, Including Two Children

Here is how we came to tolerate -- and even applaud -- such behavior.
"The Rich Plunder The Poor, Then Pile The Blame On The Dispossessed" | The Rich Plunder The Poor
 Then Pile The Blame
 On The Dispossessed | image tagged in plutocracy,divide and conquer,fat cats,filthy rich,ungodly rich,the one percent | made w/ Imgflip meme maker  
Trump Comments On Voter Fraud: People Can Only Be This Stupid When Their Identity Depends On Being Stupid

Alan: What is coming to a head in America is the realization -- long kept at bay by bone-deep denial -- that The Official Story is bullshit - at home and abroad. 

In fact, the genocidal theft of the United States land mass from Native People; the implementation of slavery; bloody Civil War to prolong slavery, corrupt Reconstruction, the Jim Crow Era; the Ku Klux Klan; segregation; separate-but-equal "apartheid"; and deadly racist policing to keep black-and-brown people in their place -- coupled with mass incarceration of dark-skinned people (including Uncle Sam's border cages) to maintain White Supremacy and/or White Privilege -- comprise the many facets of our twin Original Sins against Native Americans and black people.

"Good Christians Roast Black Man" | "Good Christians Roast Black Man" | image tagged in bigotry,racism,lynching,racial prejudice,hatred,white supremacy | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

As pressure builds to weaken America's many walls of denial, Trump and his equally deluded supporters "double down" on benightedness, calling for "Patriotic Education," a bald-faced, Orwellian attempt to pretend that systemic oppression against dark-skinned people is not prolongation of the persistent strategy to abuse, injure,  murder and exploit in order to sustain the Founding Fathers' well-structured socio-economic and political advantage whereby people who are not like them are kept in bondage, debt peonage or some other disadvantaged form of dominance-submission hierarchy so that, no matter how many dark-skinned people meet metrics of socio-economic advancement, a white knee is always on the neck of oppressed people to ensure that America's built-in, socio-economic disparities are still structured to be untenable, and that fundamental untenability maintains disparities whose intrinsic tension has always been - and continues to be - explosive. And every time the "provoked pot" boils over, the oppressors can again point their finger at the malfeasant upstarts, which in turn "justifies" new doses of oppression to subdue "the savages."

If white people were being beaten down by this same stick, their rebellious reaction would be at least as violent, destructive and destabilizing as the rebelliousness of people whose skin is dark.

Judging from the militia madness Trump Cult, the reaction would be more violent, more destructive and more destabilizing.

Trump Announces "Patriotic Education" Commission

"Patriotic Education" in support of platitudinous American values inspiring chauvinism, jingoism and xenophobia (both across borders and within the borders of the United States) represents brazen, Orwellian indoctrination whose purpose is to validate and inflame white people whose race-biased reflexes derive from nonsensical sound bites cherished since they were Middle School underperformers.

"QAnon Anon"

Pax on both houses: A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives ...

Here is what Americans need to know about honest, probing, richly-contextualized education. 

In the absence of an educational system that imparts fair and balanced knowledge, Trump Cult's militia-mentality will continue its forced march back to the (presumed) "Golden Age" of Manifest Destiny. And thus mangled by their procrustean bed of skewed partiality-and-bias, they validate the brazen theft of confiscatory, land-hungry pioneers; the self-righteous Manichean view of unimpeachable "white hat" cowboys subduing Indians; and now - in its most visible form - the reverent impulse that genuflects at the altar of law enforcement, no matter how outrageous the abuse, mayhem and murder perped by "the thin blue line." 

Unless this Trump-driven "patriotic" initiative to bolster "white privilege" and "white presumption" in the nation's schools is rejected as fundamentally false, we will find ourselves trying to turn back the clock - at least to The Wild West where, it is mistakenly assumed that everyone can have a "home on the range where the deer and the antelope play, and seldom is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day." 

Even if we admit extenuating circumstances and arguable justifications-rationalizations all along the lily white historical trajectory, the intractable fact is that public instruction will enshrine the white European passion for taking what it want -- aka "grabbing pussy" because you can -- while leaving the dregs for America's dark-skinned underbelly.

If we dive headlong into that shallow pool of race-based bias and gelded factuality, we will break our collective neck and end up paralyzed - socially, politically and culturally.

The Most Direct, Efficacious Way To Restore Integrity And Vigor To America's Sick Body Politic: 
Two Years Of American History - Taught Dialectically - Will Be A Pre-Requisite For High School Graduation
(Here's How It Works...)

Education, "Official Story" Deception, And Pressing Need For A New Way To Teach American History: Democracy's Survival In The Lurch

Historian: There's Only One Way To Move On From Trump - And Trumpism


"Salus Populi Suprema Lex": A Revealing Investigation Of How A Little Historical Understanding Prevents A Helluva Lot Of Lunacy
 "Salus Populi Suprema Lex"
("The Health Of The People Is The Highest Law")

"Salus Populi Suprema Lex," Yale Law Review

History As Bullshit - And What We Can Do About It: ""Human History Becomes More And More A Race Between Education And Catastrophe"

How history would be taught if we weren't fixated on bullshit...
"Do Wars Really Defend America's Freedom?" (Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)

"How To Make Lasting Political Progress"
(Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler, Teaches Us To Win It All Through Our Persistent Determination To Keep On Losing)

"Federalists And Anti-Federalists Explained" (History As It Should Be Taught: A Mother Lode Of Superb, Dialectical Discussion At FactMyth.com)
(The above post - which illustrates how to teach history dialectically better than any other source I know - concludes with a compendium of all the links listed below... and more.) 

Originalism: A Short Course In American History - Who We Are And Where We Came From

Teaching Civics And American History: Humankind's Race Between Education And Catastrophe

Pax on both houses: My Correspondence With A Lifelong Friend And ...

"The Paranoid Style In American Politics," The Definitive Essay By Richard Hofstadter

A Majority Of Republicans Hold Negative Views About Higher Education

When Uneducated Populists Marginalize Educated Elites, Democracy Itself Wanes

Reprise: Trump Is The Symptom Of A Broken Educational System. (Howard Zinn Is The Fix)

It Has Come To This: How Do Intelligent Citizens Deal With The Irredeemably Stupid, Ignorant And Self-Pithed People Who Have Taken Over? The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Is Now Reality

Trump Is "Just" A Spearhead And A Symptom: Basically, Stupid People Have Taken Over

Education Or Catastrophe (With Special Emphasis On The Teaching Of History)

Two Full Years Of American History Taught Dialectically Is The Swiftest, Surest Path To Restoration Of Social And Political Health In The American Body Politic

America Sure Is Having Some Bad Luck. It's Almost Like It Was Built On An Ancient Indian Burial Ground. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Native America: Why Don't Middle School And High School American History Texts Tell The Truth?

"Thanksgiving": One Person's Justification For Thieving Genocide Is Another Person's Rage At Being Ripped Off And Mass Murdered

LISTEN: Bill Moyers discusses what Trump will do next as Biden’s victory drives him barking mad

The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method

Journalists Should Be In "Emergency" Mode: Journalistic Method Needs To Be Redefined To Deal With Trump's Re-Definition Of Bullshit As Normalcy 

SUPERB INTERVIEW With Boston College History Professor, Heather Cox Richardson: Bill Moyers Discusses What Trump Will Do Next As Biden's Victory Drives Him "Barking Mad"

Lincoln's Observation On America's Suicide

Lincoln: Truth Is Everything

"The Decisive Distinction Between People Who Can Think And Those Who Can't"

"A Confession: I'm Starting To Write Off Stupid People As Incorrigible"

Image result for "pax on both houses", sagan

"Federalists And Anti-Federalists Explained" (History As It Should Be Taught: A Mother Lode Of Superb, Dialectical Discussion At FactMyth.com)

Hunter S. Thompson: Trusting Liberals Will Get Stomped To Shit If They Don't Realize That Most American Conservatives Will Do Any Goddamn Thing To Stomp Shit Out Of Them

My Post To Elodie's Facebook: On The Indispensable Need For Fluctuation Between Right-Wing And Left-Wing Parties Who Must Alternate Control Of Government In Order To Guarantee Democracy's Survival

Earlier Today, I Heard A Trump Supporter Say: "You Don't Know What To Believe." Once Trump Gets You To Throw Up Your Hands, You Won't Be Able To Determine What's True. Instead, You'll Be More Willing To Accept Lies As Truth. This Is Why Trump Lies So Much And Says "Who Knows? We'll See" So Often. Hannah Arendt Has The Details

How Trump Trashes The Underpinnings Of Truth-And-Faith-In-Shared-Values So That The Resulting Chaos Creates Cultists Conditioned To Believe Falsehood Over Truth: 20th Century Intellectual Titan, Hannah Arendt, Analyzes This Corrosive Mechanism

Compendium Of Best Hannah Arendt Posts

Carl Sagan Details The Big Bamboozle (With A Little Help From His Friends)

Why "Absolutists" Prefer To See "Relativists" Dead... Whereas "Relativists" Prefer That "Absolutists" Just Mind Their Own Business
Trump cultists see liberals dead liberals want to see trump cultists mind their own business left alone leave alone

In Their Heart Of Hearts, Trump Cultists Want Liberals Dead. On The Other Side Of The Aisle, Liberals Want Conservatives To Just Leave Them Alone (And To Leave Religion Out Of Policy- Making)

Racism, The Division Of The United States Into Two Separate Polities, And The Sudden Collapse Of The Soviet Union

Red States Blue States

Updating My Proposal Concerning Possible Division Of The "United" States Into Two Separate Nations

Red States Blue States

"Texas GOP Chair Proposes Red State Secession. (Please do.)"

What Would Happen If, "Miraculously," Trump's Electoral Victory Were Validated By Swing States Who Suddenly Admitted That Their Vote Tallies Had Been Manipulated... And The Supreme Court Agreed?

Let Rudy Giuliani Make Your Day (... Starting With Two Uplifting News Items)

Image result for "fleece the people" Lincoln
Yes, the Lincoln quote fact-checks.
The Party Of Lincoln

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