Thursday, September 5, 2024

If You Do Nothing Else Today, Read The Following Opinions By Four U.S. Generals Hand-Picked By Trump To Be Part Of His Inner Circle


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If you do nothing else today, read all the opinions of all the generals, and then forward this post to everyone in your email directory.
Paid for by Dr. Rick Allen, Author

GIVE THESE OBSERVATIONS by LONG-RESPECTED HIGH-RANKING OFFICERS SOME VERY SERIOUS THOUGHT BEFORE YOU VOTE (these comments are all true and in the public domain…easily verified).
First, this reminder: Trump himself said when he ran for office in 2016 that he was "going to surround myself with only the best and most serious people."
FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Marine GENERAL James Mattis, hired by Trump as Secretary of Defense: " [Trump] has no moral compass; a misguided form of nationalism; beyond stupid to felony stupid" and that's when I resigned.
FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Army GENERAL Mark Milley, served as Trump's Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: "We don't take an oath to an individual, we take an oath to the Constitution. [Trump] is a wannabe dictator."
FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Marine GENERAL John Kelly, hired by Trump to be his personal Chief of Staff: "[Trump] is a deeply dishonest person who has no idea what America stands for. The most flawed person I've ever met."
FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Army GENERAL H.R. McMaster, hired by Trump as his National Security Advisor: "[Trump's] failure to condemn white supremacy “gives space to these groups that foment hatred and intolerance.”
FROM Dan Coats, hired by Trump as his 💥Director of National Intelligence💥: "He doesn't know the difference between the truth and a lie."
FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Navy Admiral William McCraven, Commander, US Special Operations, Seal Commander who took out Osama bin Laden and coordinated the capture of Sadaam Hussein: Trump's comments "may be the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime."
FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ARMY GENERAL Barry McCaffrey. He received three Purple Heart medals for injuries sustained during his service in the Vietnam War, two Silver Stars, and two Distinguished Service Crosses—the second-highest United States Army award for valor. He was inducted into United States Army Ranger Hall of Fame at the United States Army Infantry Center : [Trump] "is a serious threat to USA national security."
💥CIA Director💥 Gina Haspel, Trump's CIA choice: Haspel said Trump's post-election behavior was 'insanity' and he was 'acting out like a 6-year-old with a tantrum."
💥Called military service members “suckers” and prisoners of war “losers,” confirmed by his own staff;
💥Involved in over 4,000 lawsuits before ever entering politics;
💥 three findings of actual fraud in his business dealings (a fraudulent charity, a fraudulent college, bank fraud; fined millions of dollars for each offense);
💥 found responsible for sexual misconduct and then defaming the woman (fined millions of dollars);
💥 allegations of sexual assault by 18 different women;
💥caught on tape saying he “grabs women by the pussy” and can get away with it because he’s a celebrity
💥AND NOW, a jury of 12 chosen by BOTH the defense and the prosecution, after hearing testimony from 19 witnesses and viewing notes and emails, has found Trump GUILTY on 34 FELONY counts of "hush money" to save his election in 2016.
Again, these statements are verifiable facts in the public domain.
If these proven leaders, highly-qualified, highly-decorated, combat-proven warriors say these things about Trump or those who support him, does it make sense to be voting for him, or for those who support him?
We all want “An America with Dignity.” Trump is nowhere near the goal we all share.

Alan: I would not have phrased the above reprint the way it is written, but I feel it's right to credit the author for locating the generals'grievances and putting them in one accessible place.

"General James Mattis Describes Trump As A Near-Nazi Turncoat-Enemy Of The American People"

"Follow-Up To Jim Mattis' Reference To Trump As An Ignorant Dolt Who Doesn't Read"

Milley was one of Trump’s favorite generals. Now he’s a villain of the right.

Retired Generals Say Prospect of Trump Immunity Is Nation’s ‘Greatest Threat’: Would They Be Obliged By Their Solemn Oath To "Support, Preserve And Protect The Constitution" To Perpetrate A Coup?

Alan: We fought World War II to turn back fascism.

And now, white Christian nationalists who are absolutely convinced they know every "jot and tittle" of God's Plan, are not only prepared to trash American Democracy (such as it is) but are eager to do so.

Alan: I'm just musing here...
How 'bout the Harris camp float the idea that they will not honor the election if Trump wins the Electoral College but loses the popular vote?
An addendum to this might be that if Harris wins the popular vote but loses the Electoral College, that "they" would refuse to acknowledge minority popular vote victory and would "fight like hell" until Trump began his "dictatorship on Day One," at which time the nation's generals would perpetrate a coup in order to honor their oath to "serve, honor and protect the constitution of the United States."

Here is the exact wording of that oath since 1962:

"I, ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the president of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." [6]

Some people argue that there is an inherent conflict between the United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office, and the oath that generals take to the president of the United States.

To which I say that once the president has disregarded (and/or overturned) the constitution - even in part - he is no longer an authentic president. From that moment onward, not only can US generals overthrow the putative president, but, they have a sacred obligation to overthrow any such presidential impostor.

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(... AND! They believe they are absolutely enlightened.)

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(... AND! They believe they are absolutely enlightened.)

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(... AND! They believe they are absolutely enlightened.)

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(... AND! They believe they are absolutely enlightened.)

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