Sunday, September 1, 2024

Retired Generals Say Prospect of Trump Immunity Is Nation’s ‘Greatest Threat’: Would They Be Obliged By Their Solemn Oath To "Support, Preserve And Protect The Constitution" To Perpetrate A Coup?


Trump's J6 Insurrectionists Chanting "Hang Mike Pence. Hang Mike Pence. Hang Mike Pence."

Alan Archibald - See "Daily Beast" article at the bottom of this post.

 The Daily Beast 
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Briefly, I will mention my recent realization that every United States military general has taken an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States.
In light of their oath to "serve, protect and defend" the constituion from all hostile forces - foreign and domestic," (a concept of disinterested service that Trump doesn't understand and probably cannot conceive - it suddenly occurs to me that if Trump is elected -- and if, as promised, he imposes "dictatorship on Day One" -- I cannot imagine that United States Generals, sworn to uphold the Constitution, would not see themselves morally and politically obligated, by their oath before God, to topple Trump and operate a military junta until such time as Trump is dead and democratic norms can be safely reinstated.
Think about it.
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Retired Generals Say Prospect of Trump Immunity Is Nation’s ‘Greatest Threat’: Would They Be Obliged By Their Solemn Oath To "Support, Preserve And Protect The Constitution" To Perpetrate A Coup?

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