Friday, September 13, 2024

A Letter (Inspired By Thomas Merton) To My Lost Soul Conservative Christian, Trumpista Friend

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This is not good news for Trump Cultists.

Not even God can save us from choosing to be re-made in The Monster/Mobster's image.

Living one's life in a frozen pose of twisting Jesus' message into White Christian Nationalism is to mangle Jesus and his message.

To support Trump unquestioningly is to be suckered by a master con-man who, according to his ex-pal Howard Stern, hates his Base

Do the math.

Trump is a self-seeking hedonist, who boasts of "grabbing pussy" - a man who was recently found guilty of sexual abuse and was fined $83,000,000.00 dollars for his groping.

And "Christian" "conservative" Tumpistas can only compare him to King David who "despite his flaws also found God's favor." (King David was a piece of work. He killed 200 Philistines when Saul only asked him to kill 100 and then he severed the Philistines foreskins to pay Saul's "bride price." It is never mentioned that by killing all these men - at least half of them completely out of blood lust, David left 200 families without fathers. And back in the day, families typically had 6 to 10 children. At minimum, David's unnecessary slaughter at the behest of a bad man left 200 wives and 1200 children destitute.)

The comparison is bilge.

The fact that you want things to be your way, in no way makes them so. (I think you are "loath to learn" just so you can protect your assiduously cultivated opinions, which -- nearly all the time -- do not coincide with God's Truth.)

Here is what you need to know...

Giving Trump a mulligan is like giving Olympic doctor, Larry Nassar, a weekend pass to an all-girls gymnastic camp.

In the following link, you can learn how Nassar successfully abused young girls for so long because their parents didn't believe their truth-telling children. Trump is the same sandwich, slightly different shit.

I'll conclude by inviting you to read this insightful -- completely unexpected -- article published in Britain's "The Independent."

Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

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Imagine if Walz had said anything REMOTELY like this about Kamala Harris. Republicans would be swarming over it like flies on a dog turd.
When Kamala says that Trump is always belittling people rather than lifting them up, she is right about him - and increasingly right about JD Vance.
You make your bed and you lie in it.
Trump makes his bed and he lies in it. And he lies in it. And he lies in it. And he lies in it.

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Alan Archibald
Master Compendium Of Pax-Barbaria Posts On Trump's Compulsive Mendacity: All Lies, All The Time (Or Damn Close...)
Master Compendium Of Pax-Barbaria Posts On Trump's Compulsive Mendacity: All Lies, All The Time (Or Damn Close...)
Master Compendium Of Pax-Barbaria Posts On Trump's Compulsive Mendacity: All Lies, All The Time (Or Damn Close...)  

Master Compendium Of Pax-Barbaria Posts On Trump's Compulsive Mendacity: All Lies, All The Time (Or Damn Close...)

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