Friday, September 13, 2024

An Email Thread Culminating With Laura Loomer's Vocation As A Professional Liar


Trump's dementia interpreted by my retired Air Force colonel Spanish student


Alan Archibald

12:36 PM (2 hours ago)
to FrancesJimboPh.D.JanetKevinGeraldBillyNephewDCLindsayJohnBill

Here is an interesting observation by one of my Spanish students, a retired Air Force colonel.

Willard says that Trump is clearly declining into dementia, as evidenced by his frequent reference to things that happened in the past -- often talking about Biden as if he is still campaigning against Joe.

I had completely overlooked the evident fact that memories from the "distant" past are much clearer in the glitchy minds of demented people than what happened "this morning."

And so Trump "anchors" himself in the past, while his growing dementia leaves him flustered by the present.



2:24 PM (1 hour ago)
to me,

When he was running against Joe, he would always bring up Obama

How about M.T.Green railing against dt's new love who travels with him and feeds him conspiracy theories like dog eating Haitians ? Didn't think you could go much lower than Marjorie but if anyone can ,he can.
She's with him more than Melanie or Ivanka.
Maybe he'll dump Melanie and have a go at Laura. Wouldn't that be great.

Think it's Laura something.

Alan Archibald

3:33 PM (2 minutes ago)
to undisclosed

Dear F

Thanks for your email.

The very first time I heard of Loomer was by way of an article in which she asked whether 'she does what she does because she doesn't have a life.'

I've long held that a hugely disproportionate amount of "human drama" (almost entirely destructive drama) is caused by witless, testosterone-driven males and queen bee, wanna be females who never "got a life," and so they create personal lives of "high drama" out of unadulterated nonsense. 

And then the cancer spreads.


Quote Origin: "A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes"

(Quote Investigator is a great resource.)

On the surface, what can be more intriguing than devising a conspiracy theory in which "you" fashion any reality you want.

But in Reality, what can be more hollow than falsehood-as-a-vocation?

Trump is a completely hollow man, trying to fill his essential emptiness with solipsistic braggadocio.

When he dies, I can imagine His Malignancy suddenly disappearing like a pin-pricked bubble.

Master Compendium Of Pax-Barbaria Posts On Trump's Compulsive Mendacity: All Lies, All The Time (Or Damn Close...)


In his most recent book, Obama observed that America's core crisis is epistemological. 

I wrote the first edition of the following post 4 years before Obama wrote his book.


Here is Loomer's Wikipedia page:

Alan Archibald

Shared with Public
Laura Loomer is a loser, and she is exactly what she appears to be.
That Trump is traveling with her on his campaign plane is beyond embarrasing.
An airhead bonding experience?

Laura Loomer: Who is conspiracy theorist travelling with Trump?

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