Tuesday, August 27, 2024

WSJ: "Kamala Harris Offers A New Way Forward Of Platitudes"... and my commentary

Alan: Here is the Wall Street Journal article (sent to me by friend Willard) which initiated the subsequent correspondence: 

Kamala Harris Offers a ‘New Way Forward’ of Platitudes - WSJ

Check this out – Kamala Harris Offers a ‘New Way Forward’ of Platitudes - WSJ

to CynthiaByronMariaNancyme


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: Check this out – Kamala Harris Offers a ‘New Way Forward’ of Platitudes - WSJ

Dear Willard,

For better or worse, the die is cast.

But let’s not forget that the spearhead of the first progressive wave in America was Teddy Roosevelt and — my oh my!  — how Americans loved their teddy bear.

Just now, while showering and thinking about my email to you, I remembered the critical importance of the “European Enlightenment” to our Founding Fathers, and how “Liberal Democracy” (as historians call it) derives directly from that “Enlightenment.”

Maybe this is a “teachable moment” when Americans can be advised to read up on these two phenomena. 

Wikipedia is a good place to start, as are the simpler, more elegant and beautifully rendered online articles by Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Hasta pronto, compaΓ±ero!

Alan πŸŒˆπŸ™πŸ€

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 9:25 AM WB wrote:

Hola Alan!


The decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was made during Trump’s Administration.  But, the timing was left open and Joe decided on the date.

In the “fog of war” shit happens (old military/AF saying).  It’s regrettable but hardly unexpected given the state of government in Afghanistan.


And, I agree with you about Trump.  The kindest thing I can say about the idiot is that he’s ignorant and self serving. 


But, I worry that if/when Harris puts forth her distinct policies she will loose the independent/undecided votes because of her past progressive stances.

I can’t see how some people won’t judge her “opportunity” to be anything but progressive.


Ya veremos!!


Hasta pronto.




From: Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2024 8:39 AM
To: Willard 
Subject: Re: Check this out – Kamala Harris Offers a ‘New Way Forward’ of Platitudes - WSJ


Dear Willard,


Thanks for attaching the whole WSJ article.


Given the author’s premises, the article is well argued.


However, just this morning I read that Trump plans to link Harris to Uncle Sam’s sloppy-ugly exit from Afghanistan - an approach that recalls the WSJ article’s assertion that horrible things happened “on Harris’ watch.”


While this is technically true, the assertion is like saying that Trump’s treasonous comments at the Helsinki summit “happened on Pence’s watch.”


The suggestion is absurd.


Yes, there is overall continuity between the policies of Biden and the stated desires of Kamala.


But, in general, the advancement of the European Enlightenment from which liberalism derives is, I think, a good thing.


Kamala is a good, hardworking person committed to the admirable Democratic platform, not to mention her fervent commitment to Democracy itself.


Trump, on the other hand, is a bad actor (whose party didn’t even have a platform the year he won the presidency) and whose stated objective is to launch a dictatorship “on Day One.” (And speaking of policy, let’s not forget Trump’s assurance that he would devise inexpensive healthcare for everyone, and “it will be so easy.”)


If only to prevent the destruction of The American Experiment and the imposition of Trump’s cruelty and vengefulness on his political enemies, Kamala is, in my view, the no-brainer choice for president.


I see NO reason to elect Trump, and innumerable reasons not to. (Consider the inner circle views of Mad Dog, McMaster, Kelly and Millie - against the backdrop of Trump’s contempt for the military.)


And despite Kamala’s shortcoming’s, I endorse conservative pundit P.J. O’Rourke’s endorsesement of Hillary in 2015. (I don’t have time to fetch that reference right now, but it’s not hard to find. In any event, I will locate it later.)



Nos vemos en la tarde.


Paz contigo


Alan πŸŒˆπŸ™πŸ€


On Sat, Aug 24, 2024 at 6:35 PM Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Willard




Without a wsj subscription, I could only read the first few paragraphs.


I am not being flippant when I say that there is something to be said for fighting fire with fire.


Trump is a compulsive liar who knows he can lie faster than we can fact check.


What better way to keep pace with His Malignancy’s raging forest fire of falsehood than taking a page from his own playbook? If she doesn’t overdo it, I say “Go, girl!”


And so, although it would be theoretically desirable for Kamala to strictly adhere to the truth about Trump’s physicians on abortion And birth control, he is a convicted sex abuser, whoremonger, and philanderer, none of which bodes well for women.


As for platitudes, they do reveal the general direction of one’s moral compass.


Trump is an essentially cruel, vengeful man who has no moral compass, and is not interested in getting one.


Pax et amor


Alan πŸŒˆπŸ™πŸ€


On Sat, Aug 24, 2024 at 12:01 PM Willard wrote:

Kamala Harris Offers a ‘New Way Forward’ of Platitudes - WSJ

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