Friday, August 30, 2024

Roe v. Wade... And How We Got Stuck In Uncompromising, Gridlocked Politics


Here's my reaction to this cartoon friend Lynne just posted
It took me a long time to make any sense of this cartoon.

Then I thought, "Well, I have long wondered if Roe v. Wade may have gotten too far ahead of what Middle America was prepared to "sign off on."
And so "Christian" "conservatives" -- who had never participated in politics much -- got all riled up, and finally decided to come out of the woodwork.
And as soon as they were politically-activated (after two centuries thinking that politics was Satan-Cesar's domain, and they sure didn't want to sully themselves by getting into that MESS) they were received into the open arms of utterly un-compromising, self-righteous, poorly-educated, always-eager-to-lie-and-cheat so that God would emerge victorious -- into the open arms of people who then taught these former FDR & LBJ blue collar workers -- that you and I and everyone we socialize with, are ALL of us -- literally -- baby killers.
And once ANYONE left-of-center could be righteously viewed as a baby killer, the gates of Hell opened and we have been stuck in gridlocked-politics/culture-wars ever since.
Unexpected consequences are quite likely more common than expected consequences.

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