Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Melania Trump And Hunter Biden: An Exchange With A Trumpista Critic Post On My Meme Creation Site

My meme

The meme above is my meme-creation site critic's reply to my meme that opens this post.

Hunter Biden is such a nothing burger.

He's sort of like Biden's Hillary.

And speaking of Hillary, why didn't Trump indict her of the many crimes he claimed she had committed?

Not to have indicted her seems to me the worst form of political malpractice.

If Hillary is guilty of the real crimes Trump claimed, it is GROSSLY irresponsible of him not to have indicted her.

Imagine - letting a criminal of that magnitude walk the streets when she should be in prison.

I voted for Hillary, but if she is guilty of the crimes Trump alleges,he should have indicted her - and thrown the book at her to the full extent of the law.

You, on the other hand, want Trump to be elected so he can pardon himself, thus letting him walk away from the indictments currently requiring his "day in court".

There is a sleazy, fundamentally dishonest quality about Trump and his followers that makes honest people want to puke.

Try it.

You might like honesty.


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