Saturday, July 27, 2024

Facebook Just Censored Me For Including A Photo Of Melania Trump Which She Herself Sold For Publication


The above photo is not the photo that evoked Facebook's censorship.

I am publishing the censored photo below to prevent it from drawing Facebook's attention.

The text of my memes (above and below) read: 
"Melania Trump accepted payment for this photo shoot. Is it fair to say she sold her body?"

White Christian Conservatives (who are neither) will be more upset with me for publishing these photos than they'll be with Melania for selling her body while posing for them.

If Trump Wins And Your Kids Google "First Lady," Here's What They'll Get (This Post Was Composed in 2016)


"Trump Promises Press Conference To Explain Melania's Apparently Illegal Immigration Process: He Needs To Be Called On This"

Melania Trump, Illegal Immigrant: Worked Illegally In U.S. Without Visa, Then Gamed System With Help Of Her Crime Family Husband

Trump Promises Press Conference To Explain Melania's Apparently Illegal Immigration Process: He Needs To Be Called On This

Biden - And The Mainstream Media - Should Demand That Trump Sponsor The Press Conference About Melania's Immigration "Irregularities" - A Press Conference Trump Promised During the 2016 Campaign

Shared with Publi
The nude photo that Ana Navarro shared on The View is nothing compared to the soft porn shots that are all over the web.
Here is Navarro's full comment:
"Some Republicans are out-there on TV and social media making vile sexual remarks about Kamala Harris and wanting to make her dating history an issue. This country deserves a debate on real issues, affecting us all. But you want to make this an issue? Bring it on. I’ve never seen naked pics of @kamalaharris or her spouse. Kamala never partied with sexual predators. You wanna go low? I’m not leaving one thing unanswered this time. Not a one. I’ll happily go 20,000 leagues under the sea."
During Trump's 2016 fpresidential campaign, I wrote at length about Melania "selling her body" in softcore porn shoots, partly because the evidence is VERY strong that Melania overstayed her legal "tourist visa" stay in the United States so she could work in the softcore porn industry.
And so it was that an illegal immigrant -- "without working papers" -- "took jobs from American citizens."
But perhaps worst of all is that Melania went on to lie about her residence in the United States when applying for citizenship,, claiming that she had never broken any laws.
At one point the issue of Melania's illegal residence in the United States got enough traction that Trump addressed it, saying something to the effect:: "In the next few weeks we will hold a press conference about Melania and all these issues will be laid to rest.."
Care to guess what happened?
The "press conferencewas never held, and became yet another of the 35,000 lies and deceptions that His Malignancy oozed slime-like during the course of his campaign and administration.

Most relevant

Alan Archibald
Trump's illegal immigrant wife - the third of three. (He cheated on them all):
Melania Trump’s sketchy immigration history, explained
Melania Trump’s sketchy immigration history, explained
Melania Trump’s sketchy immigration history, explained
Alan Archibald
"Trump Promises Press Conference To Explain Melania's Apparently Illegal Immigration Process: He Needs To Be Called On This"
Trump Promised Press Conference To Explain Melania's Apparently Illegal Immigration Process: He Needs To Be Called On This
Trump Promised Press Conference To Explain Melania's Apparently Illegal Immigration Process: He Needs To Be Called On This
Trump Promised Press Conference To Explain Melania's Apparently Illegal Immigration Process: He Needs To Be Called On This
Melania Trump, Illegal Immigrant: Worked Illegally In U.S. Without Visa, Then Gamed System With Help Of Her Crime Family Husband
Melania Trump, Illegal Immigrant: Worked Illegally In U.S. Without Visa, Then Gamed System With Help Of Her Crime Family Husband
Melania Trump, Illegal Immigrant: Worked Illegally In U.S. Without Visa, Then Gamed System With Help Of Her Crime Family Husband
Alan Archibald
Donald Trump: The Making Of A Sexual Predator (Don't forget that Trump has been convicted of "sexual abuse" against E. Jean Carroll and the court has ordered him to pay $83,000,000.00 in damages.
Ladies and the Trump: The making of a sexual predator
Ladies and the Trump: The making of a sexual predator
Ladies and the Trump: The making of a sexual predator

The photo above (with the caption below) is the meme/post Facebook censored.

This is how I re-worked my meme to get past Facebook's filter.

With this information in mind, remember that Melania solicited this photo shoot and got paid to pose in soft-core porn postures.

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