Monday, June 10, 2024

I Want To Be "On The Record" Before The Verdict Is Reached... If Hunter Biden Is Found Guilty, I Will -- Without Batting An Eye -- Applaud The Jury's Decision


Dear Karen,

I want to be on the record before the Hunter Biden verdict is announced.

Of course, I do not know how the jury will decide, but if jurors find Hunter Biden guilty, I will applaud their decision.

Can you even imagine what citizenship means, Karen?

I see zero evidence that you are anything other than a truth-denying partisan who claims that a man -- with the most checkered history of any American I know -- tells no lie and does no wrong.

You can't even imagine his falsity or wrongness.

You cannot even conceive that this Bad Actor can be a felon.

You're wrong, Karen.

And you're wrong to the extent that you cannot see that Trump is a Bad Actor, and that you have a civic obligation to uphold the jury's decision.

We are known by the company we keep and Trump surrounds himself with people of reprehensible character.

Consider this...

It is standard operating procedure for convicted felons on probation to be prevented from associating with other convicted felons.

Trump's man...


Here is a blast from the past...

Remember when I predicted you would not respond to the following blog post.

Well, here's another chance for you to do the right thing by taking the opportunity to tell the truth for a change.

The first 100 words of my post read: 

"If you or I -- or anyone we know -- had perpetrated a scam to steal $40,000,000.00 dollars from thousands of hard-working Americans, we would not just go to prison.

We would die there.

No matter how Devious Donald's lawyers manipulate the legal system -- including his standard operating procedure of paying huge sums to "settle out of court" -- Trump is a felon. 

A thief.  

A classless rip-off artist. 

He should be behind bars - which is where you and I would be.

And if you don't think so, you should be ashamed of yourself, and your self-induced deception -- your turncoat treachery."


Do you deny that what I've written is true?

You, Karen, are going to be stunned at The Pearly Gates.

Not even Jesus can save you from trashing Truth.

And when you trash Truth, you're trashing Jesus who IS "The Way, The Truth, and The Life."

I don't hate Trump.

And I don't hate you.

I pity you both.

It didn't have to end this way.

All you needed to do was to embody the courage to be honest - even when your cheap-trick partisan "hero" is convicted by a jury of 12 everyday Americans -- all of them approved to be on the jury through the joint agreement of Trump's lawyers and Alvin Bragg's prosecution attorneys.


Trump's Mobster Model Of Government In Which Brazen Lies Are Routinely Represented As Truth

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"


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