Friday, May 24, 2024

The Corrosive Effects Of Conspiracism: The Quickest Way To Twist Truth, Manufacture Falsehood, And Fertilize Dimwitted Delusion So That The Right-Wing Always Benefits, While Full-Throttle Fascists Are Ever Eager To Feed On The Feces Of Train-Wreck-Dumpster-Fire- F*ckup


"The Conspiracy Chart": An Inverted Pyramid From "Detachment From Reality" To "Reality Groundedness"

Daniel Webster Prompts A Review Of Conspiracism And Its Destructive Role In American Politics

An Extraordinary, Groundbreaking Article: ‘You’re going to call me a Holocaust denier now, are you?’: Guardian Columnist George Monbiot comes face to face with his local conspiracy theorist

Billionaire Nick Hanauer's TED Talk: "Capitalism's Dirty Little Secret"

"The Rich Plunder The Poor, Then Pile The Blame On The Dispossessed"

The Original And Enduring Conspiracy: It's About Keeping The Filthy Rich, Filthy Rich

Dialogue With Fred Maske About "Conspiracy Theories That Have Changed The Course Of History"

"Is QAnon the Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theory of the 21st Century?" Charlie Warzel, The New York Times

"The Five Commandments Of Complacent, Self-Satisfied Truth-Trashing": A re-post of my reply to "Christian" "Conservative" friend KK whose ruggedly individualistic arrogance enables her to deny Factual Truth - and feel good about it

"Nicholas Kristof Reports From His Family Farm In Oregon About The Deadly Corrosive Effect Of Conspiracism, Specifically As It Relates To False Antifa Arson Reports"

QAnon Thinks Donald Trump Is God And Tom Hanks Is The Devil... And Oprah Is Part Of A Vast Hollywood Conspiracy That Kills - And Eats - Children. (I Am Not Kidding)

Don't Like The Truth?
Here Are The Five Commandments Of Complacent, Self-Satisfied Truth-Trashing

Master Compendium Of Pax-Barbaria Posts On Trump's Compulsive Mendacity: All Lies, All The Time (Or Damn Close...)

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