Friday, May 24, 2024

"The Five Commandments Of Complacent, Self-Satisfied Truth-Trashing": A re-post of my reply to "Christian" "Conservative" friend KK whose ruggedly individualistic arrogance enables her to deny Factual Truth - and feel good about it

Dear Karen,

It turns out that Rugged Individualism (a front runner for "America's Secular Religion) is no way to live your life if you want to be happy and healthy.

Secularization, Rugged Individualism And The Loss Of Community... What Does "Bowling Alone" Have To Do With It?

Here's something you need to know, but you won't even read it: Murder rates are much lower in blue states than in red states.

It is also true that murder rates are higher in big cities than elsewhere.

But even taking this datum into account, it is a rock solid fact that murder rates are much lower in blue states than in red states.

It is hard for conservatives to accept clearly defined facts, because they are driven by ideological passion, and are generally dimwitted enough to believe that their beliefs (particularly their religious convictions) "trump" factuality.

John Stuart Mill nailed it: “Although all conservatives are not stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.”

I realize Mill's observation sounds like an insult.

But Truth occupies "a realm apart", andthe statement of simple Truth is just that - an honest statement, not an insult.

The persistently real insult (which conservatives perpetrate on themselves”) arises from their ferocious determination to remain hermetically-sealed in their self-imposed ignorance (i.e. Ignore-ance).

Don’t like The Truth?

1.) Just ignore it.

2.) Craft a lie.

3.) Devise a conspiracy theory.

4.) Claim that any "inconvenient truth" is "fake news."

5.) Lock yourself in the noise machine confirmation bubble.

The upshot?

Renounce reason: become a bullshit cultist.

In contemporary America, the renunciation of Reason means worshipping at the altar of Malignant Messiah and parroting QAnonsense as if it were the Fifth Gospel. 

Karen, virtually all the Trumpian hogwash and QAnonsense that you parrot does not comprise the commitment of a "Truth-Hero" but the genuflection of a slavish cultist.

Consider this...

I am fully prepared to say that any president, vice-president or elected politician who is found with classified documents in his possession after they should have been returned to the archives of the federal agency whence they originated should be permanently banned from running for office.

But you, Karen, cannot even conceive making such a suggestion if it relates to ANY of your cult figures because you KNOW that "God is on your side and so He fully endorses any judgement you make."

This is not true Karen.

And not even Jesus can save you from your unrepentant pride.

You and your Christian conservative white fellows bolster one another by vociferating how TRUE your TRUTH is.

But no matter...

What you represent as truth -- whether it comes from Trump's mouth, or from the "annals" of QAnonsense -- is plain old bullsh*t.

I am not projecting, Karen.

You have made a seriously wrong turn, and I'm telling you what you need to know so that you are not STUNNED at "The Pearly Gates."


Here's how your "spiritual" ancestors went down this same road before you.

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